While most enrolling students would need go through vigorous tests to determine whether they would be able to join, the trio skipped to the three parameter determining tests. The three tests were overall rather simple: firstly, physical ability was measured where the examinees would attack a pressure plate with it recording the force that one applied to it. Next, they would place their hand on a clear crystal that would measure the magical capacity they currently hold. Lastly, an examination on the magical attributes would be conducted. After this was completed, they would be given a card displaying the results.
The three of them finishing their tests met up in a courtyard outside.
"What results did you guys get?" Victor brings up the question each of them are thinking about.
"Mine's 370, 180 and E-".
Albert responds next "110, 290 and D-".
"230, 80 and E-", feeling somewhat dejected Leon responds.
"Haha, I didn't think that you could even have double digit magic power".
"Don't worry, you have a recommendation, and the academy is always looking for more men. You should definitely be admitted" Albert shoots a stare at Victor.
"Thanks guys".
After chatting a bit more, the three agree to meet up tomorrow for the admission results.
The next day Leon heads to the academy, grabbing a map at the entrance. 'The posting should be over here', finding the location he walks over to the list.
Reaching the location Leon is met with the bustle of people, well over a hundred people crowd the long wooden board. Finding a spot on the right board he starts scanning for his name.
"Hey Mr, can you read?" a meek voice breaks his concentration.
"I can" looking over to where the voice originates a small woman with long black hair looks up at Leon.
"Could you help me find my name?" she asks in a soft tone giving puppy dog eyes.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Lydia Swan".
As Leon begins searching for both names a familiar voice calls out
"See Leon you had nothing to worry about, your not even last place" Albert reassures Leon.
Looking at the board his words were indeed true, class E rank 11. The name below that Lydia Swan.
"There's your name Lydia". Leon points to the name below him, giving an apologetic smile.
"Lydia? Oh" Seeing his mistake he turns to the woman next to Leon, before he can mention anything tears well up in her eyes as she turns and runs off.
"Haha Albert making girls cry and lessons haven't even started" having seen the conversation unfold Victor teases Albert.
"I didn't mean-".
Before he finishes Victor cuts in "What room did you guys get? I'm in B109".
"We are both in B110" as Albert answers Leon looks up at the board and confirms it.
"Wow so were neighbours then. And all of us are in class E so cool".
"I'm higher ranked then you though" Albert smugly reminds him, his 2nd position higher than Victor's 7th.
"Who cares about that stuff anyway, I want to know why we got the small shitty dorm. Dorm A is massive, I hear they even have a spa, while we have to walk to the main academy".
"Its because Dorm A is for women and there is nearly five times as many of them, of course they need a larger building" upset that his ranking was taken for granted he pouts.
"Oh look here's trouble" Victor gazes over to the figure exiting the crowd.
Leon sees the person's face darkened, looking like equal parts anger and indignation.
"Yeah, seems like Hela got put in class B, probably the doing of the academy director, didn't want the two both in class A and all".
As they start to leave Albert sees a man walking over, women surrounding and sees a chance to get even with Victor.
"Hey Victor, look there's your greatest competitor, seems like he doesn't have the same problem with women as you do".
Victor and Leon both look over to meet where Albert directed.
"Who is he?" taking in the person he finds a well-dressed man wearing a stylish brown suit accentuating the two gems on his nape, one brown one pink. His features looks as if a sculptor took great effort to get his smooth features perfect.
"You don't know the next ruler of our kingdom, Arthur Rosewood?".
"He probably never even saw a town before this month, how could he know of this sissy. Anyway, why do you think he is here?"
"Probably his last time of freedom before he is weighed down by responsibilities".
As the trio leave together to go and gather their supplies Albert starts talking.
"Anyway, make sure you don't head out at night".
"Why?" Leon questions why Albert is so adamant that they shouldn't.
"Its dangerous, the woman are like beasts ready to pounce and" as Albert quietens his voice making the pair strain to hear him "I heard at night the academy lets some monsters out for a walk, my cousin said that when he was here a dozen students went missing".
Before Leon can respond he stops in his tracks.
"Who is she?" Victor seeing the reason asks Leon.
"Alice" unhappy that he would have to meet with her again he speaks the name with venom.
"Alice Lightheart? She is in class D".
"There forget about the bitch, lets go get some food".
Having a meal in the mess hall, they later split up to look around the academy.
Roughly an hour before dusk, Leon passes room 109 and reaches his room. Opening the door on the left he enters to find Albert on the right-hand bed. The room itself is rather well adorned, placing his things in the wardrobe Albert speaks.
"That bastard wouldn't shut up; I could hear him moaning on the other side of the wall.
"Hahaha" as if to validate, Victor starts making noise once more.
After Victor's hijinks the pair fall asleep, the events of the day whirring through Leon's mind.