It was a a very bright saturday on an island, the beach day the squad has been waiting for has finally arrived, "Hell Yeah!", they all yelled in excitement. Son, deo, alex and kazuki dashed of to the water instantly, the rest of the guys like tobi, kazui and baraka were just watching them with a wierd smile "Looks like they couldn't hold their excitement for long", tobi says this in confusion seeing as how the rest of the guys went into the water. Kazui with the same feeling responded "Yeah I know, right? I wasn't even expecting to see someone like kazuki look so excited before.", baraka then laughs and says "Well we all have been anticipating for this day to come, so it's normal if we all felt excited." Kinto then dashes of at an insane speed as he jumps into the water, "Finally!", he yells this in excitement as he dives into the water. Kinto after falling into the water then says "The day has finally come! When was the last time I even went to a beach?", son who happened to be swimming beside him in the water replied "I honestly can't remember. Although I remember my mom always taking me to a beach when I was younger.", deo then says "I guess the last time we've been in a beach was when we were just little kids." Alex in the water picks up a ball and tosses it at kinto, kinto spots this instantly and then slaps it back "You're not getting me today!". As the ball was heading towards alex, alex with a smirk responds "We'll see about that!", as he charges up an energy fist and tries to punch the ball again. Kazuki then comes in like a purple lightning bolt and grabs the ball with one hand nonchalantly, alex is abit surprised and gets annoyed "Hey what's the deal kazuki?! I was just about to blast that ball at kinto!", alex says this in annoyance, kazuki replies alex "I have a better idea, why don't we put ourselves in groups. We are 10 boys in total, that mean 5 on one side and 5 on the other side", son then asks "I think I get what you're trying to say, whoever gets hit by the ball is out.", kinto smirk deviously "So we are playing something similar to dodge ball but in water, and we can use our powers? Nice!" He calls out to baraka with a devious smikr"Hey baraka, come join us. Lets break some bones", baraka responds "Nah im good, i dont mix well with water". Deo had a funny look on his face and says to kinto "That smirk on your face. You sure you're not gonna do anything crazy?". Mori was just relaxing at the shore on a mat while wearing sunglasses "Ahhhh, this is so relaxing, I'm honestly thrilled we came here", he says to himself before kazuki calls for him. Kazuki says "Hey mori, wanna play? We're using our powers tho.", mori takes off the sun glasses and asks "You guys playing some kind of water volleyball? If that's the case then I'm in", alex then asks tobi and kazui who were just watching the view from the shore "Hey you guys, wanna join? We're grouping ourselves tho." Tobi and kazui look at each other for a few seconds before kazui say "Sure, why not", he turns to tobi and ask "You want to join? I'll leave the game if you don't want to play anymore.", tobi replies with a smile "Cool, let's play." Few moments later all the boys were divided into 2 groups with each group on opposite side's, on the left side there was kazuki, kinto, mori, kazui and tobi, on the other side there was alex, baraka, son, deo, baraka says to himself "In the end, i ended up in the water". Mori goes to the middle of both groups and says "I'll be acting as a referee and join in when someone from one team has been knocked out. I did this because we had 5 boys on the left and 4 on the right.", alex then says "No problem, let's get this started!", kinto with a smirk then says "I've been meaning to go toe to toe with you alex, couldn't have imagined it would be in a game", kazuki then says with a smirk "Same, our rivalry hasn't ended. If my team wins, then I'll be better than you when it comes to this game.", alex then replies "Really? Alright then I'll take both you and kinto at the same time!" Son then taps alex by the shoulder "Nah, kinto is mine!" Mori then declared the game to begin, he throws the ball up, the ball was falling down to the water In slow motion while the rest of the boys were getting ready to slam it. As soon as the ball hits the water, kinto activates his explosive mark and slaps the ball immediately with incredible strength, the ball flies like a beam of red light towards the opposite team, deo then yells "Son, its headed towards you!", son powers up a powerful amount of flames on his hand and smacks the ball back at the other team. Tobi then says "I've got it it!", as he proceeds to punch the ball back. The ball flew into the air, kazui jumps into the air and covers his hand with his green flames, he hits the ball which causes it to be flying towards the water "Kazuki, here! Its all yours!", he yelled. As the ball was heading towards Kazuki, kazuki gathers purple lightning on his fists as he uses it to smack the ball back to the opposing team. Alex activates his energy fist technique(Plus 50) and then yells in excitement "I've been waiting for your dumbass to do that!", alex punched the ball so hard that the ball blitzed right through kazuki and kinto at the same time. Kinto and kazuki were both in shock "What the!!!.", kinto exclaimed, kazuki turns around and yells"Tobi, quick! It's heading towards you!", tobi's eyes were closed for a while before he opens them with a devious smile, he replied "I know!", as he slaps the ball back with a magic circle on his hand. This causes the ball to fly at an insane speed that flies past alex, "Huh?! How did he....!", alex exclaimed. Son seeing the ball heading towards him powers up some flames on his fists, he says "Dont worry alex, this one's mine!". As soon as son makes contact with the ball, he immediately knew that he couldn't handle it, instead of trying to punch it away, he focused on pushing it back. The ball ends up overpowering him by slowly pushing him backwards, son then decides to throw the ball into the air, "Deo, you handle it!", son yelled. Deo comes flying to the air, turns his arms into a robotic arm "With pleasure!", he yells in excitement before he blasts the ball back down to the opposite team with a single slap.