Deo jumps in the air and smacks the ball back to the opposing team "Here, have this!", deo exclaimed in excitement. As the ball was heading for kazuki's team as a blue beam of light, kazuki powers up some purple flames on his arm before yelling "Alright then, have it your way!", he punches the ball back to alex team. As alex was getting ready to prepare a blade of death, he had a smirk on his face as he says "This is more I like it", baraka swims by him with an insane speed "Sorry alex, but this one's mine!", he hardens his arm in Stone and punches the ball so hard that it made a forceful breeze. Seeing the ball heading towards them at top speed, kazuki and kinto quickly jump in the way as they both activate their power ups. Kazuki activates his spirit mark (The triangle with three dots) while kinto activates his explosive mark, the two off them both grab the ball. Kinto and kazuki were struggling to hold the ball and stop its momentum, the ball was still rolling incredibly fast while on their palms, kinto while struggling says "Wow, this is..... really hard too hold!", kazuki who was also struggling replied "Yeah, I feel you." Tobi then charges up a huge amount of energy with a small magic circle appearing on his forehead,"You guys should leave it too me!", he exclaims in excitement while kazuki and kinto let go off the ball. The ball was heading towards tobi, tobi had a smirk on his face as he just slams the ball at full power all the way to the opposite team. The power in which he used to slap the ball had everyone in alex team flabbergasted, alex says "Alright it's my turn again", shenragon then tells him "Nah, there's no way you're backfiring that ball! Not at your base strength", this leaves alex confused before the ball blitzed right past him. Alex was in shock and called out to son "Son! Its heading towards you!", son replied while creating a huge amount of flames on his fists "Dont worry I got it!". Son grabs the ball but immediately had problems trying to hold it back "What the....!! The hell...! Its like holding a meteor", the ball was so powerful that it started to push him back. Alex, baraka and deo swim as fast as they can to support son in order to deflect the ball back, son was already getting overpowered by the ball before the ball finally hits him on the face and send him skipping all over the water before he finally drowns. Mori then declared "Son is out! Ten points for team kazuki!", kinto and kazuki get excited as they both just give themselves a high five. Alex then yells "Hey son, are you okay?!", a few moments of silence pass and son comes back up from the water. He says "Yeah I'm good. Guess I'm out.", mori then explains to him "Now that you're out, you can be the referee.", son replied "Sure, I'm down for it." Mori then jumps into alex team before he gives out a devious smile and says "Now, it's my turn!", he starts to laugh devilishly, alex turns to kazuki's team with a demonic grin on his face and says "Yall are dead!", he also demonstrated it. Kazuki and kinto both had a look of worry on their faces, kinto says "Putting alex and mori on the same team is diabolical.", kazuki also says "I'm starting to regret this decision." Meanwhile the girls were on the shore, raquel, serena and luck were preparing some meat and burgers, runo and sukuna were just sun bathing. Sukuna out of relaxation says "Ahhhhh, isn't it fun to just get yourself carried away by the salty smell of the sea and the bright sun of the beach?", runo replied "Yeah, it's cool. I'm glad we found a deserted Island that we could relax on. The world is full of ecosystems that haven't been civilised, this island happened to be one of them. Let's make this our private beach since it seems so cool and fun to be in." Serena walks to both of them with drinks and asks "Hey you both, want one?", runo and sukuna take the drinks. Runo glances at the drink and asks "Hope this isn't alcohol.", serena and sukuna both exclaims in disgust "Eww, no!", the two teenage girls say in unison. Serena says "I'm not a fan of alcohol, the smell of it makes me want to vomit.", sukuna also says "Yeah same here, I don't really like it very much." Runo then says "I'm actually shocked that you of all people don't take alcohol, sukuna",she proceeds to asks "By the way, aren't you both cousins?" Serena says "Yeah we are. Both our dad's are part of the science facility and are responsible for the power that goes around the city.", sukuna also says "Yeah, the Lancer company is the top rank science facility in the city and the world. Both our dad's work there.", runo is confused for a while "Lancer.... Lancer? Isn't that deo's surname?" Serena then says "Yeah, deo's parents Leo Lancer and his wife reina Lancer, were both friends with our parents at the academy back in the day. Although they are dead now, my dad told me that their was a crisis back at the city were another enemy city sent their assassins to steal their technology. While fighting and protecting their technology from the infiltrators, they died." Runo seems to be abit saddened by hearing this "Seriously? Wow, I had no idea of that. Deo never really knew his parents huh. So that means sughi at the time was just 12 years old while he had to take care of deo who was just a baby at the time." The three girls are silent for a while before raquel steps in and says "This is no time to be sad, you know. We came here to enjoy ourselves, so don't spoil the mood. Plus deo seems to be happy, if you keep talking like this then he might just remember the death of his elder brother." Luck comes in and sits with them "You're right", she says. While all five girls were just enjoying the view of the beach, a huge wave of energy blasts through the water and causes a wild burst of wind all over the island, this was because mori, alex, kazuki and kinto were running wild as they were slapping the voley ball around with full power. Kazuki and kinto were finding it hard to keep up with them while they were also putting up a good game of hitting the ball back and also deflecting it.