It was night time at the beach, aside from the plates and pots of food that the squad brought to the beach, they also had tents that they'd sleep at during the night. Alex and raquel were just sitting at the shore of the beach, the waves were blowing softly and the wind was very nice. Raquel asks alex "So, did you have fun today?", alex responded "Today didn't seem bad at all, I mean we got to play and enjoy ourselves. We also ate and had fun in the process, I'd say this is the most fun and memorable day I've ever had.", raquel then teases him with a wierd smile and asks "Ohhh? Better than the night we do it?", alex sighs and responds "Nah, not better than the nights we do it." Raquel leans towards alex and puts her head on his shoulder, she asks him "What age do you think we should formally get together, and how many kids do you want?", alex replied "Isn't it too early to think of those things? I rather wait till we reach 19 or 20 before we formally get married or something. And as for the kids, I rather just have 2.", raquel replied "Two huh? You lazy ass", alex just laughed and told her "I don't want to have to spend to much on kids, sounds like a hassle. Sheesh im starting to sound like kinto's lazy ass" Raquel then says "I wonder how life is going to continue for us?", alex replied "Its going to be a hassle, that's for sure. Plus we might face stronger opponents as time passes by, I just hope things don't get too risky." Meanwhile runo and deo were at the other side of the beach just star gazing, runo looking at the sky says "This view is nice, don't you think?", deo answered her by saying "Yeah, it looks cool. I'm kinda surprised that there are still stars out there shinig upon earth", runo turns to him in confusion "Huh, what are you talking about?", deo just smiles nervously as he remembers how alex and kazuki were destroying planets and erasing stars while battling with zodia, he says "Never mind. Just forget about it.". Deo goes on to say "I'm glad you and I get some alone time nowadays, it kind of makes me happy to be alive. You understand what I'm saying?", runo tells him "Yeah, I mean we did participate in a war, didn't we? Lets not even talk about the crazy things we've gone through as kids. Some how some way we are alive. I'm glad you didn't die. If you did, then who would I punch on the face and tease when I get the chance?", deo just smiles and responds "I know right? Who am I gonna tease around if you died, its going to be a really pain." They both go silent for a while before runo asks "Deo, is there anything you dislike about me?", deo asks "What do you mean? Dislike? Not really.", runo sighs and says "I'm capable of being a little jealous and hot headed, plus I can be harsh. Knowing all that, would you still want to spend the rest of your life with me?", deo keeps quiet for a few moments before he just smiles. He starts to laugh which leaves runo confused, deo tells her "You really are funny, what kind of question is that? Look we are all human, sure we do have our differences and habits that make us distinctively different, but its up to us to tolerate each other. Despite your short comings, I'm still willing to be with you.", this makes runo heart warmed as she just smiles "You really mean it? Thanks. Sooooo.... you want to do it?", deo just smiles weirdly and says "Sure, I thought you'd never ask. But doing it outside is wild, don't you think?", runo just knocked him on his head and says "No you idiot, we could just do it behind those rocks over there.", deo is just short of words despite still smiling "Sure let's go." Son was in his sleeping tent and playing some video games on his device, while playing, he wonders to himself "Have I really gotten stronger, or I'm just still too weak? I know I've increased my level to B-rank, but I still feel something is missing.", he pauses the game and sits up straight. He continues his monologue, he recalls his fight with his late elder brother and the promise they made as kids "While I was still a kid, I made a promise to saito that I'd get stronger, even while fighting me, he complemented me by telling me I've improved", son remembered when kojin told him to get stronger. He sighs and says "Dad told me to get stronger as well. I'm the only one in my family who's still alive, mehn this is super depressing, it's like dad just entrusted me with everything. I'm going to surpass him, I'll train harder to even reach A-rank. I'll continue to keep my promise with saito.", son walks outside his tent and takes a walk around the shore. While walking, he was hearing gentle moaning sounds, he pauses for a moment and was looking confused "What the... fuck? Am I hearing what I think I'm hearing?", the sounds were coming from a rocks. He walks to the rocks near the water and looks behind it just for him to see deo and runo getting intimate with each other as they were kissing and touching each other, son seeing this was flabbergasted "Behind... a rock?! Are you Kidding me?!", he says this to himself while being shocked. Tobi and sukuna were in a tent together,sukuna was hugging tobi while they were laying down, tobi asks "Are you really that comfortable around me?", sukuna replied "Yeah. I just like being around you, not to talk of your smell.", tobi tells her "If not for the fact that I enjoy this, I'd just tell you to go and repent." They both keep quiet for a few moments, tobi then asks "Hey sukuna, about my sister. How strong was she? You and serena did fight her, didn't you?", sukuna keeps quiet for a few seconds as she was recalling how Kirihai was able to overpower herself and serena in their fight "She was... crazy strong. Really, your sister was intense in battle. I'd say you're lucky to have a sister that strong." Tobi just smiled and says to himself "Is that so? Big sis, thank you... for always being a figure i can look up too."