Disclaimer. I do not own the right to Halo and the following factions of games and animes that is use for this story nor do I own any existing characters within each of the show and games, except for that of my own OC'S.
Authors notes:
I know some of you readers are wondering who the men in green are that I first mentioned in the previous chapter which was chapter 5. If you want to know who and where I got the idea from it would do you anime lovers a huge favor if some of y'all would go on and watch (GATE season 1 to season 2) trust me that show is good.
It is about an anime that shows what happens when medieval time meets up with the modern time of the 21st century.
I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched it, if you want to know go and watch it. For those who have watched the anime, you guys obviously know who Itami is.
But some of you may not know the second guy I mentioned. His name is Horangi, he is an operator from the Modern Warfare 2 game that I decided would be a good idea to add to this story.
Don't worry you MW2 lovers. I got a few ideas that I thought would be great for this story. I chose to add three series into a bit of a mix. From the bottom of this message, you'll see them. Good luck and enjoy the story.
Fandom added to Halo vahrian.
1. Halo
2. Mw2
3. Gate
4: Soon to come
17:00 Febuary 2 Military Calendar Time.
Normal Civilian Time 5:00 p.m.
Hands slightly clasping around the steering wheel as she slowly drove the leopard. The sergeant held her eyes forth for the path ahead, larath would once again move her eye from the direction ahead of the vehicle and to the speed thermometer as it narrowly changed from that of zero one and up to fifteen, and as she continued forth she manages to slowly press onto their way forth while putting a little bit more gas into the leopard.
The sergeant didn't know why but somehow she could sense something odd about this forest, it was like she could hear whispers resounding throughout the forest. Ever since she and her squad had wandered into this forsaken forest she could in some way feel a sense of defensive aegis of an aura shrouding her every being. This very feeling urges for her to be ready for anything, she doesn't know why she is feeling this way but she knows best to allow this instinct of hers to oversee her path for any sudden ambush, that is if it is an attack or not, but she knew best to rely on her strong keen of sensing any attack if it ever comes to it.
From her right in the passenger seat was private first class, Franklin. The man had his finger on the trigger with the safety switch off all the while he kept an eye out for any sudden movement. She may not show it but she sure appreciated the man's steadfast mannerisms, he was always there for her when she needed him.
Franklin straightened his back as he sat back in his seat. Turning his head to the side he caught sight of the staff sergeant looking at him and then back to the lane ahead.
"You good sergeant larath?" Asked Franklin.
"Yes, just a little off about this place," replied Larath.
"Well, those two men did warn us about this forest, for all we know those two might be right, cause I too felt weirded out by this forest," Commented Franklin.
"You and me both man, you and me both," Added Rosa.
"Yeah, the sergeant might be right, this forest gives me the creeps," commented Mike.
"What, you scared big man," Sandra said teasing him.
"Scared, not at all, contentious towards an attack, yes. Besides, do you guys not remember going on a field trip in Trevelyan, it was supposed to be a fun thing, instead we had a creature the size of a small house chasing us throughout the forest for god knows how long," Replied a huffy mike as he expressed his uneasiness.
"Yeah, on that I agree comrade, this place does rub me off the wrong way," A man said speaking in a Russian accent.
Cobin was about to make a joke out of that when from his right Rosa had elbowed him in the side of his rib. "Ow! Ok, ok! I won't joke,"
Sandra slammed shut a magazine for her assault rifle and replied. "Relax Mike, nothing bad is gonna happen, I mean look around, at least we're fighting the covenant,"
Just after the marine finishes speaking a sudden loud thud tolled throughout the middle of the forest.
Kosnav the Russian marine glanced at Sandra and replied. "Spoke too soon Sandra,"
Sighing to herself deeply Sandra couldn't help but agree with her teammate and followed after everyone as they all clicked the safety off of their weapons and readied themselves.
Just as the team was ready they felt the leopard speeding up.
She looked forth to the driver's seat as she held on tight to the edge of her seat Rosa yelled out to her team leader. "Ma'am, what's going on!"
"Look up!" Replied Larath.
After she had said that the sergeant swerved right while steering the leopard into a sharp corner. Almost everyone wasn't prepared for that as they nearly fell off of their seat and others were close to being dropped off from the back of the leopard.
Rosa and some of her teammates brought themselves back to their senses, as she did the marine looked remembering what the sergeant said. As she does the marine eyes widened. Just from the looks of it a large boulder was seen sailing past from out of nowhere and hit the tree next to the leopard almost touching the vehicle.
"What the hell was that!" Uttered Sandra.
"Where did it come from!" Shouted Mike out loud.
"Back there!" Pointed kosnav.
They glanced back and what the team saw shocked them.
In the back about a hundred yards away from the leopard was a being taller then that of a covenant hunter. While the mgalekgolo, otherwise known by the unsc as the hunter is twelfth feet tall walking tank, this being stood at fourteen foot tall wearing animal fur's of different kinds stitched together. It's weapon made out of that of a eleven feet wooden club hanging by it's waist. It wears torn up leather brown pants which was probably made from that of animal hides. The being that is resembles a giant human that stood at its average height arching forward, it was certain if it stands normal as that of an average human being it could reach sixteen feet tall.
"Quick sergeant, hit the turbo!" Franklin yelled as he stood up from his seat and started unloading bullets as people rode horses chasing after the vehicle.
"Already am!" Replied larath.
Arrows shot forth and hit the metal side of the leopard as some bounced off of it not even denting the vehicle while all it does is leaving scratch marks.
"Here, eat this ya bastards!" Shouted Rosa taking out two to four bandits with quick and precise aim.
Sandra peeked her head to the side and saw that some sort of creature that resembled that of a Komodo dragon was galloping with such speed as that of a human.
Pulling out her BR55 the marine began shooting at the creature while the rider was weaving his head to the side from the bullets. He then smacked the side of his mount and the lizard-like creature opened its mouth and outshot a green saliva that was coming for the marine, but before it could touch her cabin pulled her back and shot the creature in its head.
The rider tried pulling onto the reins of his mount but the moment that he does Mike jumped in to assist his fellow marines, he managed to take out one of the eyes of the creature which resulted in its head dispositioning as it curved down and went rolling forth with the rider being crushed by the weight of his own mount.
"Nice shot marine!" Shouted Franklin as he stepped up from his seat and aided his squad.
Caitlyn who was one of the marines slowly crept to the turret, as her hand came near the handles of the chain gun she gripped it hard and pulled herself up to not not cause herself to fall off from how fast the leopard was going.
The giant that had thrown the boulder began running after them although it was a lot slower than his small allies it was still somehow catching up. It brought his right arm up to cover himself from the rain of bullets flying his way. It looks to his side and grabs his steel shield, yet as he does the shield does nothing while it can only hold off the for the time being as the (twelfth point seven times ninety-nine millimeters high-velocity explosive bullets) of the etilka chain gun ripped right through it and tore a hole in his forearm.
Sandra glanced at her fellow teammate. "I think you pissed it off!"
"Good!" That was all Caitlyn said as she started shooting at the giant torn-up arm.
Franklin saw something else. Five bandits rode horses but did not run past their allies. Yet that's when he realized that all five of them lit the tip of their arrows with fire. It was strange to him, it wouldn't be possible for anyone to light a fire due to the speed they were going. Even if someone tried lighting a fire at thirty miles an hour the wind would've just killed any fires that flickered midair. Yet these five riders managed to make it possible.
"Caitlyn! Take out those archers!" Yelled Franklyn.
"Copy!" Responded Caitlyn.
The Marine grunted as she turned the chain gun to face the archers and took out a couple of other riders. But before she could get to the archers they had already released their fingers from the string of their bows. The marines cursed themselves as more of the other bandits riding horses equipped with bows joined their comrades and fired their arrows at their target.
"Take that you metal beast!" Yelled one of the bandits.
"Everybody! Take cover!" Cobin shouts as he grabs both Mike and Kasrov by the scruff of the shirt and pulls them down along with him.
Sandra and Rosa did the same as they moved behind a small wooden crate big enough to fit two days' worth of their rations.
Franklyn meanwhile fired at two other bandits, he turned to fire at the others till he heard a click in his DMR assault rifle. Trying desperately to reload to another mag Franklyn failed to see the single arrow coming his way. The marine eyes widened seeing the arrow coming close to his eyes and knew it would be too late for him to dodge it at two feet, thinking he was going to die he waited for his impending end, however, he failed to see Sergeant Larath right arm reaching for it just in time and caught the arrow in the palm of her hand.
"The hell you just standing there for marine, keep those bastards off the leopard!" Yelled larath.
Forgetting how in the world the sergeant had managed to catch an arrow in midair the marine got right back to work and took out those who came near the leopard.
No matter what the sergeant does she could not speed up in the middle of the forest for she knows if she had done it they could've ended up either on a cliff or a big hole. Yet she did not let the doubt-ness get to her.
From the corner of her eyes, she saw in the rearview mirror a giant just like that of the other one, yet this one was a bit smaller than the previous one. The giant grabs a whole one of his allies and throws him at the vehicle.
The bandits didn't scream out of shock or fear cause of what his large comrade did but because he asked him to do it. He shouts out in a yell of excitement with his sword brought out and up to his head, all the while coming down to the vehicle. As he does he sees one of the people in dark green armored uniforms bring her firearms up aiming for him and pull the trigger.
"Got him!" Shouted rosa.
"Sergeant! You gotta get us out of here!"
Just after Franklyn had said that an explosion erupted four feet away from the side of the vehicle. The explosion had caught most of the marines off guard, and with this, the bandits used the chance to speed up while the other giant threw one of the bandits at the leopard.
The sergeant shakes herself back to reality and speeds up. From the left side of the vehicle, she saw in the rearview mirror a sort of green fiery arrow coming flying their way. She did not know why the difference of the flaming arrow was but wasn't willing to stick around and find out.
"Everyone hold on tight!" shouted the sergeant.
The marines did as they were told and larath quickly swerved to a sharp right as the leopard hit a coming bandit sending him flying out to the other side as all that was heard was the hard sound of a body coming into contact with a tree.
As the leopard continued forward the sergeant glanced at the marine to her right. "Sergeant! How many more of them are there??"
Franklyn peeked his head out over the top hood of the vehicle and counted around a few bandits who were still in pursuit of them.
"Uhm, I'd say about a few of them,"
"I need numbers godamn it! Not some guesses," Yelled larath.
"Fifty to ninety of them, maybe more than that," Responded Franklin.
Larath hurriedly looked for any solutions to this situation they were in, that is just a couple yards ahead of them she saw a deep hill that led just about a mile up from where she was looking.
"Alright marines, here's the plan,"
"We're all ears ma'am!" The squad said answering to her.
Halakon the one man who led the attack raced ahead with his groups of bandits as he held an arrow and raised it to adjust his aim.
To his left, he nodded for a man dressed in forest green attire, on the head of this man was the skull of a creature with horns protruding out like that of a deer. The man nodded in confirmation of his leader's words and reached out with both arms, on his hands were green flames, from it, flames of green erupted, and within moments of revelry in himself, the man howls out onto the sky and shot forth both arms as the green flames shoots for the metal beasts that the people in green were riding on.
The leader howls out in victory when he sees the effect that his mage had caught the vehicle with.
For the moment they were commemorating themselves but just before they could move forth once more the leader watched as twelfth of his riders were taken down in a matter of moments.
Glancing up at a hill he saw the horseless metal-like carriage swerving in a circle as it turned its front to face the oncoming numbers of riders coming for them. Not knowing why the men in green stopped the leader got his answers when a woman holding what seemed to be a weapon similarly close to that of a dwarven weapon. In mere seconds saw more of his riders taken out before they could even reach ten feet of the enemies.
"Mage! Summon a wall of dirt or something, bring something that'll keep those sky people from taking out any more of my men!" Yelled the leader.
"On it boss," The mage looked at the ground and focused on it hoping for the spell to work, although it took him some time he finally managed to make it work, rocks from the ground began levitating inches from the ground as it was beginning to float up three feet in the air.
From there on he waved his arms up and more rocks began following after the larger ones, as the rocks connected the mage increased his power to focus on forming a wall big enough to cover most of the riders.
The leader came near his mage and tapped him on the shoulder. "Job well done magic user, once we get back home I will personally award you with anything you ask of, but for now we must focus on taking this sky people down,"
"But sire, don't we want to keep some of them alive for questioning?" The mage said asking.
"We will mage, we just need to take the others out," Responded the leader.
"As you wish sire, with your permission, I would like to study whoever it is you decide to keep alive," Says the mage.
"Of course, mage, now call for the other two mages under your command to be ready to summon up one of those golems of yours,"
"With pleasure my sir,"
Doing exactly as the man said the mage waved his hands up for two of his mage companions to come on over.
"Yes korsan," Says a man.
This particular man wore the same attire as that of his colleagues although the three of them who were the only magic users wore one thing in common, it was a red moon crescent pendant stuck to the left side of their shoulder. One person may have seen it and would've mistaken it as a tattoo.
"What is it you command korsan?", Asked the woman mage.
"Help me in summoning a golem," Says lead mage.
"What! But sir korsan, with that kind of mana being used, we'll be drained of our magics,"
"I know that, but that doesn't mean that these people will let us go, or do you both prefer to let their leader execute us," Says the mage.
Both mages bowed their heads in agreement not because of their dissent against the old mage but because of the circumstances the three of them were in.
The reason why was that the leader that led these bandits of men and women held in his hand a rune, the particular rune had leverage over any of the magic users that hadn't waken up their mana before a certain age no matter how young or old the individual is.
The old man understood that these two younglings in front of him were just teens and had been the best caretaker for the two of them, he could've saved the others but could not since they were sold off to whatever place they were taken to.
The old man stepped down from his horse as he motioned for the two young mages. "Come, I will show you two how to summon a golem,"
"Yes sir!" The two young mages answered.
"Remembered what I taught you two before," The old man said.
"Yes sir!"
"Good, follow my lead. First, you must close your eyes, focus deep within yourself, and search for that weird feeling creeping into your stomach... Tell me when you two find that feeling,"
For the time being the two younglings were having trouble focusing until they felt a hand resting on both of their shoulders. This calms them down from worrying too much out of fear, as the old man said they followed his guidance, and thanks to his aid they both felt that weird feeling, it was just like having a good dream that never comes back after trying to find it in their second sleep.
"Did you two find it," The old man spoke.
The two of them while with their eyes shut responded to his words. "Yes, we do! Now what?"
"Now you just focus on it, control it to your will, and it will do as you say, once you do, drive that power onto your palms, when you do point both hands down to the ground and think of the statue that you two see every time you pass by the master's house,"
The old man knew that would wake something else from within the two younglings. He couldn't blame them for that same man was the one who had claimed both the two young mages and him since they were kids. The man who calls himself master once he took the three of them from their homes asserted his dominance over the magic users by having a crystal the size of a single strand implemented into the back of their neck.
He understood their hatred for the man but had advised them to keep their cool when around the man.
"Are you two ready?" Ask the old man.
"Yes!" The two mages answered.
"Do it!"
"Yes sir!"
The bandits who decided to step around the wall were being gunned down by the sergeant and her team. They did their best to keep them off but some of the bandits who had taken up cover behind large rocks and trees, some of them had even stayed clear of the bullets that were killing many of their buddies.
Those who decided that it was time to attack left their cover and rushed the Marines only to get cleared off by the chain gun.
"Sandra hold your fire!" Said Larath.
The Marine looked at her squad leader with a questionable look. "Permission to ask why ma'am?"
"Because I want you to focus your fire on that!" Ordered the sergeant.
Sandra turned to look at where her commanding officer was pointing at. The marine didn't speak once and quickly acted out of pure instinct and began firing at a large figure.
"Is that a walking statue!" shouts Mike.
"Sure hope we brought one of those mechs with us," Muttered kasrov.
"I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that, and for that don't blame you comrade!" Shouted Cobin as he emptied a mag and punched another one into his assault rifle.
The golem that was just rising from the ground used its large arm to shield itself from the oncoming fire all the while it resumed its path up the hill. From behind it the leader of the bandits and the three mages responsible for the giant walking rock were carefully staying away from the bullets.
"Got damn! That thing is tough, give me a second to reload!" Sandra said.
As she reached down to grab a box of ammo for the etilka chaingun the marine yelled out in pain when an arrow struck her in the forearm.
Franklin seeing this turned to face the one responsible for that and clicked on the trigger of his rifle and the archer who tried moving from the spot dropped down from the tree after the marines had taken him out.
Kasrov who was the medic of the team rushed to the aid of his teammate and brought her behind one of the crates. "Keep your head down comrade! Unless you want to lose it!"
Larath went for one of the weapon crates, she popped it open, and inside it was a sight she never thought she'd see again.
"Is that a spartan laser!" Shouted Mike throughout the firing of the rifles and arrows coming their way.
"Yes, Rosa, get your ass on that turret and focus fire on those bandits, leave the giant rock to me!" Ordered larath.
"On it!"
Rosa did as her sergeant said and ran for the ammo box, she grabbed it with both hands and was surprised by how heavy it was. The damn thing weighed almost a hundred pounds, but no matter what the marine made it as she slit the box into the locking area where she then loaded the etilka and started killing off those who were foolish enough to run out of their hiding spot. She then turned the turret to face one of the bandits that were coming flying in the air.
"Take out those damn giant rosa!" frankly shouted.
"Got it!"
The Marine yelled out in a roaring cry as she pulled on the trigger. The giant was more focused on throwing his fellow bandits and bellowed out in a cry as his neck was struck by the heavy machine gun bullets. It grabbed onto his neck with both hands and dropped down on his two knees.
It was there that one of the marines used the chance and took a couple of shots at his stomach and the chest area where his heart would be at.
"Grenade!" Shouted Caitlyn as she pulled out the ring clip that kept the grenade from going off and threw it at the groups of bandits that were moving up while using their large shields.
It was a pretty smart idea till one of them picked up a metal ball of dark green only to have the thing explode in his face.
"Thank god that idiot picked it up!" Uttered Caitlyn.
"Didn't take you for a religious type," commented Cobin.
"That walking rock is looking to be slowing down," Yelled Sandra as she was using her good arm to hold her M6 series handgun up and take out one of the bandits.
"Sandra, are you sure you are good?", Kasrov said with concern.
"Yes man, im good, just keep them from getting any closer, and I'll agree to your offer!" Yelled the marine.
"What offer!" Mike said as he turned their way.
Larath who wasn't afraid of the oncoming fire of arrows slid to the side avoiding an arrow. She brought the M6-Grindel spartan up and set the back part of it on her right shoulder. With her finger on the trigger she pressed on it and the charging tone of the weapon sounded out, it noticeably got louder with its pitch sound the longer the sergeant was holding onto the trigger. About two to three seconds later the red line of light that was trained on the golem increased its size and a moment later the golem let out a bellowing sound when it was struck in the center of its chest by a strong light of red.
The giant walking golem attempted to move forward once more. It wasn't as vulnerable as its fleshed counterpart called the giants for it didn't need air or water to live, only that it needed the mana from the three mages to continue on from what it was ordered to do. Yet as it does it feels like three strong explosives striking it in its left knee.
This caused the golem to fall on its left side after its left leg was taken out by another shot from the three-barreled rocket launcher that Private Kasrov was holding in his arms.
The Golem tried to stand up again and the sergeant saw that its other arm was being used to shield four individuals.
"Franklyn focus fire on those four!" She ordered.
"Yes ma'am!" The marine responded.
"I think the attackers are dwindling ma'am," Spoke cobin.
"Wait! There are kids among them!" Mike said speaking out.
The sergeant sees that the bandits are now numbered down to twenty people, that is of course includes the two kids who were among the bandits. A couple more not-so-smart bandits tried retreating into the dark part of the forest but were of course gunned down by the marines. Now their numbers were counted down to seven more people.
Only the remaining survivors were the ones hiding under the cover of the rocks that protected them while the four other people hid behind the golem.
"Ceased fire!" Yelled larath.
The Marines did as their squad leader said as she lowered the spartan laser to the leopard's trunk.
The sergeant stepped forth and with a voice commanding the attention of the surviving bandits she spoke out to them.
"Hello there! My name is sergeant larath, may I know of this leader's name?"
"You dare demand my response woman, I'll have you know, we do not know you nor do we care, we are here ordered by our commander to seize any of you sky people, if you do not heed our words, then we will keep only one of you alive,"
"Oh really, then come and get some, that is if you wish to join your dead friends," replied Larath loud enough so that the leader of the bandits could hear her.
"Ha! These people, I do not care about their filthy blood being spilled, I have many more troops that my master will lend me if I asked,"
The man may not know it but he failed to see the old mage behind him whose face expressed slight anger as well as that of the two young mages who gripped the side of their robes.
"Then I don't see you succeeding in making your boss happy for you, not after we've wiped out almost all of your bandits," said Larath.
The leader's face scowls, then turns to the old man. "Mage summon up another golem and have it attack those mongrels, now!",
"But sir, we won't be able to, our mana is at a low disadvantage right now, and even if we do exert a large amount of mana into summoning a second golem it'll drain me of my life," The old man said to the leader.
The man glowers at the old mage and faces the two young mages. "Then have the two of them bring up another one, they are young, and that means they can wield enough magic hidden inside them,"
"With all due respect sir, if we use up most of their magical mana, they'll be turned to dust, their body is not ready, and it'll take time for them to train the body for a large amount of mana to wield within themselves," said the old man hoping to reason with the man.
The bandit leader pulled out a rune of some sort and held it within range of the three mages. "I didn't bring the three of you out here to fail me, I brought you three here to use you as I see fit for this task, if you do not follow my orders, then I will force you three to use as many magical mana sealed within your weak little body! Is that understood!"
The old mage and the two young mages all let out an agonizing cry from having the vast amount of mana from within their very body being forced out of their very being. The old man got down on one knee and used one hand to keep himself steady all the while reaching for the bandit leader in a plea to release the three of them from the unbearable pain.
"I beg of you, sir, let us go from this pain, and I will use the last remaining mana from within me to summon a golem, please, just release the children from this pain!" Plead the old man.
The bandit leader smiled devilishly down at the old man and gripped the rune. "That is what thought old man, I do not care if you die, as long as you use your magic to summon a golem then perhaps I will grant you the mercy you've been begging for,"
After he had finished saying that the bandit leader stepped aside and as the old mage thanked him for at least granting him this final task he stood up with barely enough strength to take another few steps.
He was about to take a third when the two young mages ran and held him back.
"No don't do this vaniyar, you know once you use the last remaining mana within you you'll be nothing but a dusked old skeleton!" Said the young boy.
"You'll die, please don't do this!" Plead the girl who tried pulling the old man's right arm back.
The bandit leader faced the rune to the three mages and said a word that caused the three of them to grunt in pain. "I suggest you two younglings step back and let Grandpa do his work,"
Expecting the two of them to back off the man smiled at them thinking that they were going to do as asked just like he had always had them done. But once the boy turned around he gave the bandit leader a face full of anger and with the fire of green flared up in both of his hands, the young mage shot both arms out at the man which sent him flying and hit the nearby tree.
"You do not order us around any longer!" Said the boy with anger resounding in his voice.
One of the bandits who were close by came and hit the boy by the back of his head. The old man who saw that tried moving forward to reach for the knocked-out young man but couldn't do anything as he fell on both knees, this resulted in the wall of rocks that he had summoned up earlier slowly crumbling down.
"What are you going to do now young lady, you going to fight the seven of us all on your own," Spoke one of the men and women who were surrounding the three of them.
The old mage who was down on his knees tried reaching for the young girl as he spoke. "Alexnegree, don't do this, you'll hurt yourself,"
The old man who was unaware of one of the bandits came from behind him and with his sword he was going to swing it down on the old mage's neck but the young girl saw that and with rage seen in her eyes, she gripped her right hand into a first and thrusted at the bandit.
The bandit who saw that tried stepping back but got sent back a few good yards with a flame of red burning right through his stomach.
The remaining bandits who stood around stepped forth but halted when their leader let out an order as he stood back up after the young boy had sent him flying.
"Leave the young lass to me," said the man.
Alexnegree pulled the young boy back and dropped him next to the old man. She watched as the bandit leader grinned at her all the while he held the rune in his right hand.
"So what are you going to do now young girl, you know what this rune can do, so before you even think of shooting out your little fire, I'll just use this glowy little rock to force you into following my order,"
"I am tired of your words you bastard, whether you have that rock to force us into doing your bidding I will remain standing not to watch my brethren suffer any longer!" Replied the alexnegree.
The young girl's eyes glowed as red as that of a normal fiery red as she willed the magic into her hands. However, she could feel the same sensation when the man had used the rune to force them into submission yet she remained standing and with her last effort she shot both arms forth at the bandit leader's hand that held the rune.
The bandit leader knew that the young girl was aiming for the rune so he waited for the girl to shoot out her fire magic and before it could touch him he sidestepped to the left and used the rune to force her down onto her knees.
"Please do not hurt her," Begged the old man.
"Oh do not worry old man, you won't see it happening, as long as you do as you promised me, so summoned up that golem or else,"
Alexnegree who was in the worsened state now slammed her right foot on the ground and forced herself to stand up and faced the bandit leader and before the man could even see it she used her right hand to mustered enough magical powers and fires of the same color of red which flickered into green but then turned back to red and with it she thrusted at the man right arm burning it into smithereens.
The bandit leader let out a yell of pain, surprised by this he turned to face Alexnegree and hit her by the side of her face.
"It was a good thing you didn't take this other arm out with the rune in it, but for now I think im gonna have to break the old man's promise and make him watch me as I kill you!" Spoke the man.
"No! Don't!" With his last remaining strength, the old mage tried standing up but was struck from behind by one of the bandits.
"Stay down old man!"
"Thank you," The man said to his fellow bandit as he turned his attention to Alexnegree.
Alexnegree right eye was bleeding, as she tried looking with her bloodied eye she saw the bandit leader walking towards her, she saw what was coming and with her effort, she tried summoning another fire but the man kicked her by the side of her stomach that sent her rolling six feet from where she is.
"You mages, you are lucky enough to have been born in our king's kingdom, for if he had known of your treachery he would've surely had your head on a pike, every one of you three, but no worries, I will kill only you and after im done I will have someone to replace you as my third mage under my command," Stated the bandit leader.
"No please, have mercy!" Shouted the old mage.
For what seems like the worst thing that could've happened to him the old man tried mustering for any magic within him to save Alexnegree. Yet as he tried searching for the mana within him he couldn't find anything for he knew he had used most of his magic powers to summon up that wall, heck it was he who had actually summoned that golem, the two children were actually just waking the mana hidden within them, he had helped them find the magic in them not the not summoned golem. He had understood that the bandit leader was keeping a close eye on them for he knew well who was responsible for the golem being brought into the world.
The reason why the kids couldn't keep themselves going was that the bandit leader had barely fed the three of them, for even with wizards and magic users alike they also needed food substances to give them the energy to continue forth.
"Let this be known to you old man if that boy does not follow my orders next time, I will have him killed in front of you, but for this young lass, she had earned her time!", Declared the bandit leader.
The man wrapped both hands around the hilt of his hammer and with it, he brought up into the air and smiled down at Alexnegree.
Alexnegree breathed hard with blood dripping down her face. She tried standing up but refrained from doing so for she knew of the quick ending that'd come for her. So she stayed still with her body exhausted from less food being given to her and that of the others.
Looked up at the man's face and smiled hoping that he'd remember the one who left a scorched mark on his arm.
She closed her eyes awaiting her impending end, and seconds turned from moments of dread in which she somehow wondered why the leader took so long to kill her. But for the young mage, she got her answer when a loud bang resounded throughout the area.
From the ground alexnegree felt something hit the dirt, she opened her left eye and saw the bandit leader's hammer lying there. She was obscured by why the man had stopped and not by the sudden loud bang that had just occurred.
Alexnegree heard a commotion going on between the bandits as they were blabbing on about something else, that is when she chose to look up and saw the bandit leader's head was no longer there.
Bewildered by this she saw that the man's shaking hand had the rune gripping to it still. Yet she didn't try going for it for she turned to see the bandits being dropped down by an unknown force.
She watches as some of the last surviving bandits scamper off into the middle of nowhere, some fall out of fear some attempt to hide but they're taken out by one of the green-armored people.
Alexnegree crawled backward for fear of what this unknown person would do to her, but the woman put both hands up in an indication that she meant no harm the young mage wasn't a fooling for it for she knew of the many ways that the slavers used against kids her age.
"Back away from me! Stay away!" She said shouting.
The woman who was trying to get close to her halted in her steps and remained where she was.
"Rosa maybe you are scaring the little one with your manly face," joked Cobin.
"Maybe this isn't the right time to make a joke man," Mike spoke as he came next to his teammate.
Cobin's face fell in sorrow for what he said. "Right, sorry, I just wanted to bring a smile out of this shithole of what we saw this people did to these kids,"
Larath who was behind her fellow marines rested her hand on cobin shoulder and smiled as she tapped him there. "It's alright private, you are just trying to bring the best out of the worst situations, why don't you go and help kasrov with the other two,"
Cobin saluted her and responded. "Yes ma'am,"
Alexnegree saw the tall woman coming towards her she shouldered what looked to be a long-nosed metal of some kind to her back. The woman was taller than all of her companions and seemed to be trying to show that she meant no harm.
Alexnegree saw the woman turn her head to the side and saw where she was looking at. The young lass widened her eyes in fear of what the woman had just picked up.
"Is this what you are so scared of young girl?" Larath spoke with a calm sound in her voice.
"Yes!" Replied Alexnegree in slight fear of what the woman was going to do with the rune.
"OK good, now that I understand why you fear us, here," With her first act of reason the sergeant threw the rune at the young girl and she caught out of instinct.
surprised by this act of empathy alexnegree looked at larath with a questioning look.
"Wh-why did you do that?" She said to the sergeant.
Smiling at the young girl larath stood back up to her full height towering over everyone else around her. "To show you that mean no harm, nor do any of this young man and woman in green armor,"
Seeing that the big woman was giving her a hand alexnegree was hesitant to take it until she saw the genuine look on the sergeant's face and she knew that the woman truly wasn't here to hurt her nor had she shown any sign of hostility towards her.
Finally, the young Alexnegree accepted the offer and reached for larath's hand and she was then pulled up onto her feet.
"Tha-thank you," Muttered the young mage.
"You are very welcome, now young lass, may I know your name?" Larath said asking politely.
"My name is alexnegree," Answered the girl.
"I see, you wouldn't mind if I call you Alex, you know for short, I think having a long name would be kind of troublesome for some of these guys," Larath said referring to her squad.
The young girl skimmed through the area of Marines, some of them were trekking around the place and pointed one of their strange weapons at the crawling bandits and sound a loud one exited the barrel and she saw the struggling bandits slumped down after a single shot.
As she skimmed throughout the place she saw one of the two marines helping the old man sit up and setting him against a log. While the woman who tried to keep her calm at first was helping young Hassan.
She didn't know why but alexnegree immediately gripped her hand around larath's hand and pulled the sergeant along as she rushed to the only two people she considered family.
"Old man, Hassan, you guys, you are alright!" Shouts the young girl as she is let go by larath and goes to hug the old mage and a barely awake Hassan.
"It is great to see you are doing fine young lass," said the happy old man as he pulled the two kids into a bear hug.
"I thought you guys were going to die," said a sniffling Alexnegree.
"For as far as it goes, we should be more worried about you young girl, you're the one with a bleeding eye," Uttered the old man as he held young Alex's face still to take a good look at her.
"Excuse me, young lass," A deep voice belonging to that of kasrov spoke earning the trio's attention.
"Oh right, I forgot, alexnegree this is Private Kasrov, he is a healer of these people in green, I would've helped remove the blood from your eyes but I'm afraid I had used mostly all of my mana to bring forth that wall and the golem,"
"Wait! So it was you who summoned the golem, and not us?" Hassan said fully awakened from his drowsiness of a headache.
"Yes you two, I was the one who did it, I only ever helped you both unlock your mana from within you, but you Hassan you are lucky that the man who knocked you out saved your skin or else you would've burned you very body when your fire turned green," Spoke the old man.
"Excuse me young ma'am, alexnegree is it?" kasrov said as he came near her.
"Yes, but you can call me Alex for short," Replied the girl.
"Ok young Alex, if you don't mind, may take at your injury, I can help remove the blood from your face, if that is ok with you," said Kasrov.
"I'd ok alexnegree, the man is only trying to help, please let him do his magic of healing," Said the old man.
"Yes old man, it's ok you can help me," Said Alex as she stepped forth and allowed the combat medic to help her.
Meanwhile, as the marines were helping the injured and tired mages they were oblivious to a few eyes that glowed as green as that of the woodland forest.
These people were in a rush to find and stop those who dared to tremble in the forest until they came upon a track belonging to the leopard. They knew that it belonged to a wheel similar to that of a wooden carriage that humans use, and so they followed its track which then led them to a battle that they weren't sure if they could involve themselves in. Not because they refused to help either of the groups but because the bandits had numbers that far reached past their companies.
Yet when once they witnessed the men and woman in green unleashing their strange powerful weapons upon the bandits they knew then and there that they were only trying to defend themselves from the very people they deemed as scoundrels and unworthy of entering their forests.
It was from there that they saw two of the young halflings displaying fire magic that they knew very well and the leader of the groups had to stop one of his members from rushing in before she could expose their very presence to these unknowns eyes, he understood why for he was prepared to use his arrow on the bandit leader's head, however, that's when he noticed the woman who appears to be the leader amongst her team holding a weapon that resembles a dwarven weapon, he understood of how dangerous the dwarves are with their barrels of guns and chose to stay hidden from his choice he was right when he and his companies of elven sentries saw as the large woman aimed and the second they breathe they witnessed a horrific scene as the bandit leaders head disappeared from his very body his remains splattered on their forest goddess ground.
He was at first angered by this but ceased his hatred for the woman when she and her squad landed their aid to the old mage and the two halflings.
With this, he was reconsidering whether he and his eleven brethren and sisters should reveal themselves but ceased from doing so for he knew that their high priestess had advised them not to show themselves when they saw the sky people.
"Gisrie, brother what are your orders, should we see who these sky people are, or we could ambush them right now while we have the chance," Spoke one of the elves.
"No, we will not attack, tell the others to fall back, we will return to our mother's home and report to the high priestess of what we've seen," said Gisrie.
The eleven men who spoke wanted to disobey his elder brother's words and jumped down to attack these people yet stopped himself and nodded his head towards Gisrie's way.
"As you wish brother,"
"All of you return back to our mother's home,"
The elven rangers heeded their elder brother's orders did as they were told and left for their homes. Before gisrie could leave he took one last look at the tall woman, he was awestruck, not by her action but by how she showed kindness towards the two halflings, he didn't know why but somehow a weird feeling from within his heart began to radiate something else, he pushed that very feeling away and spoke as he left following after his fellow eleven rangers.
"There's no way a human would fall for a mere elf like me,"
Strolling on through the halls of the cathedral Queen Lager came to a halt when two couples stopped and bowed to her. Yeah for a queen lager was used to people always acknowledging her whenever they saw her, of course, she understood why for she was a queen herself.
Afterward, lager waved goodbye to the two couples and proceeded towards her destination all the while making sure no one saw her. And as she does she looks both ways and continues left to another path where barely anyone goes to.
She then arrived at her destination where to her front was a brown wooden and steel door. Opening it lager made sure to not cause an even louder sound to not alert any prying ears.
"Well, it's about time you've arrived sister!" A voice spoke up.
Queen Lager almost jumped out of shock. At first, she was reaching for her hidden sword but took a moment to realize that the one who spoke was none other than her brother Safran.
"Must you always scare me like that Safran!" Said a lambaste lager.
Safran uncrossed his arms and put them up in mock surrender. "Apologies sister, it's just that you are always making yourself look easy to scare... Anyway, has anyone seen you walking here?"
Lager dusted off some of the dirt from her dress and then responded understanding where her brother was leading. "No, I've made sure no one saw me, besides hardly anyone come this way,"
"Good, cause Mother wanted to make sure we get here on time," safran replied.
"The empress herself must be in a hurry then," remarked Lager.
Safran just smiled at his sister's quip and gestured for her to follow him. "Knowing how she is sometimes, mother is only serious when needed to... Come, the others are waiting,"
"I'm guessing im the last one?" Lager says asking her brother.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, you just so happen to arrive on time,"
This voice caused Lager to be surprised. The person standing seven feet away from her was wearing a green and brown leather hoodie, it was covering every part of his upper body, except for his head.
"Gideon! I didn't expect to see you here," said a happy lager as she went and hugged her old friend.
"It is good to see you too young lass, tell me how was your daughter's first battle of the contest, I've heard she won?" the old man said as he departed from the hug.
"She did great for her first time, although it was also thanks to ser five," responded Lager.
"Ser, five? I thought the prince was supposed to be her partner?" Asked gideon.
"Well, I do not know why that boy changed his mind. But for as long as I know that kid, he probably thought of betraying my daughter. However, it is a good thing Ser Five agreed to assist her,"
"That doesn't mean he did not have a choice, for my dear old sister here urged for the poor spartan to help nalarian," Safran quipped.
"Heh. Then I could already feel sorry for the poor man... Come you two, we've arrived," Gideon said as he held the door open for the two royals.
Secret Room
Once the prince and queen entered the room the two of them were then greeted by a pair of familiar faces, however, some other ones they didn't know had introduced themselves to Lager and safran.
"Your Highness, I must say it is an honor to meet you... My name is Masala of House Dayne, this here to my right is Lady Xayne of House Hallam," Masala said gesturing with his hand to the woman standing next to him.
Lager smiled as she had her hand out and shook both lord's hands in greeting. "Hello lord masala, hello Lady Xayne. It is an honor to meet both of you,"
Lady xayne with a smile bares on her face bowed her head slightly and spoke in response. "The honor is mine, Queen Lager... Please let us join the other eager-awaiting group shall we,"
"Of course," Queen Lager said as she strolled forth and a good in between her brother and Lady Xayne.
A man whom Lager recognized stepped in the middle as he held out his hand and began chanting some form of language and not moments later a sudden pressure of wind occurs.
"Apologise my lords and ladies, this will take a while," said th wizard.
In the middle of the back room, everybody watched on as a portal adjacent to that of a mirror-like one. Instead of the same view as that of the room, the inside of the portal displayed a different one.
Within the portal, it showed a clearer and vastly more beautiful view of the green and lush landscape with a captivating lake of water in the back.
What went on for a short amount of time the lords and ladies were eagerly awaiting the one person they were all remaining patiently to see. Nonetheless, they finally got their answer when two figures first exited the portal.
Almost everyone was shocked to see the two figures, except for Lager and those who knew of the famous sentinels. These sentinels were bared in highly refined armor, though not many had seen them in battles they were only tasked with protecting the ones they served under unless that said person sent him or her to a task. On the side of their forearm was a blue crystal perfectly fitted within their armor without any sort of problem. And on the center of their armored belt was the same crystal of blue tightly fastened in the armor as a belt-like armor.
The two sentinel guards when they exited the portal took three steps forth and then turned to face each other ten feet apart from one another. After that, a third person walked through the portal. This certain someone was one person that everyone in the room was fully aware of the instance she showed herself all the while standing in between her two sentinel guards.
"Ladies and gentlemen, forgive me for I know I was nearly late for our meeting. I hope I haven't kept you all waiting for too long," The woman spoke.
"It is good to see you, Mother. And no, there's no need for you to apologize. You've only arrived on time," Lager said speaking to her mom who was none other than the empress.
The empress smiled lightly as she shot her daughter a loving look of fondness. "Thank you daughter, and safran, you look like a mess, did you at least wash yourself," the mother said as she could smell the slight aroma from how close she was to him.
"Of course mother. What kind of King would I be when im going around smelling like shit water," Remarked safran not knowing that his sister smirked at his statement in agreement.
The empress smiled at her eldest son for she agreed with his way of a jester, after all, he was like the jokester one amongst the siblings.
"As long as you keep yourself clean for the day, then I won't have a problem with you young man," the empress said earning a subtle nod from him. "And for once, I am happy that you two are at least acting like proficient siblings,"Â
The two siblings couldn't help but agree with their mother's statement, after all, they came to terms with each other a long time in the past few decades.
"Thank you, Mother. Though, I must say, both I and Lager are keen on hearing about what you have gotten for us all?" Safran said speaking up for his sister and every other person in the room.
"Yes, mother. Safran here is right, we've gotten a raven delivering a message to us just after the contest of battle... Of course, we did read it, but I know that everything that you wanted to tell us wasn't on that piece of parchment," Lager says with her hands crossed as a questionable look expressed on her face.
Looking left and right between her two kids, the empress couldn't help but be any more pleased with how far the two of them came from being unserious in a slightly certain case to a more severe situation, better yet cooperating concurrently with one another.
"I'm pleased to see the two of you working along with each other... And yes, you are right lager. Not everything I wanted to say was on that scroll of parchment that I'd sent with the raven. The reason why is that there are others out there who are willing to overstep a line, just to find out anything important regarding me and the earthren kingdom," The empress said earning a look of understanding from everyone else.
Sighing to herself in frustration for she knew what her mother meant just by the way she spoke. "So I suppose there are spies out there stealing information affiliated with you and the Ten Kingdoms?"
"Yes, which is why I've preferred I called for those loyal to the ten kingdoms," Answered the empress.
"And where is our second eldest sister? If she's loyal to you, she'd be here with us all in this very room?" Questioned safran.
"Don't doubt your sister Gracia safran. I've sent her on a task, one that is very less important than the matter at hand," the empress says earning a look of inquiries from her kids and everyone in the room.
Queen jassan who was quietly standing in the room spoke up at the mention of the well-known princess Gracia. "With all due respect empress, if Princess Gracia is amongst your most loyal on the list, then may we all at least know where she is heading?"
"Princess Gracia is on her way to the north to meet up with an old friend... I'm sure you all know who that is," Responded the empress.
"Lord Richard Stark. I've never thought I hear about the old wolf again!" Commented King krasd.
"Yes, so am I. I could've gone to the north myself, but seeing as how Princess Gracia is the future ruler of my kingdom, I thought it'd be best for her to roam the lands and get to know those in vahrian as a future queen... However, that wasn't the only reason why I sent her to the north," The empress said earning a look of inquiries from everyone else.
"And what mother may that be?" Lager questioned.
"Glad you asked daughter," The empress said as she straightened herself for what she saying next would surely strike a pang of discomfort in the heart of those who knew of the bastard son. "You've all heard of the half-blood, my youngest offspring,"
"Of course empress, we have. We were there during the end of the Second Great War," Queen jassan spoke as she and her husband was aware of the exiled son.
Both Queen Lager and her brother safran hearts slanted into a sense of pain for they didn't think that the mention of their youngest sibling would ever be brought up again.
"What is it that is so important that you bring that up, Mother?" Lager said speaking up.
"Before his burial, I've visited his destined wife... I know I shouldn't have done that, knowing how much she's abhorred of my presence. But I lamented myself for months after his death, so I went to his funeral for I couldn't forgive myself if I hadn't at least been there for his burial," The empress told her daughter as she was about to continue in her sentence but was cut off by a certain person.
"And as much as I can uphold myself in front of you empress, tell me what it is that you were really there. I know that you weren't there only for my father's burial," Morgana said speaking up as she couldn't stand the sight of the so-called mother who was standing seven feet away from her.
"Morgana, please," Lager said as she rested her hands on her niece.
She knew how much the famous dark witch cared about her brother for he and along with his wife had raised Morgana like she was their daughter's blood or not. Morgana cared deeply for her father and always admired his strong and goodwill heart.
While Morgana was out fighting in another battle she believed that her father would triumph in the battle of his own, believing that he'd win that final fight Morgana didn't know that it would be the last time she would ever see him as she was heading off to defend her home along with the others.
But once she had gotten word of his passing she rushed back as fast as she could to find the empress holding his dead corps along with her mother who was comforting the mourning empress all the while as the two of them held him tog
"Morgana. I know I have no right to speak of him, but please understand this. Graythren was and is still my son. Having to banish him at that time was the only choice I had at the time,"
"The only choice!" Morgana said slamming both her hands on the table shaking and almost knocking the trivets and drinks off of it. "He was still your blood and the fact that you banished him just because he was born as a half-blood and not that of a full royal one tells me just how pathetic of a human being you really are,"
The two sentinel guards responded out of instinct and were about to attack Morgana but were halted by a hand motion from the empress. Lager tried to comfort the hurt Morgana but was brushed off as she stormed off before her hand reached the doorknob Morgana stopped in her steps turned and looked the empress straight in her face.
"You know, he spoke highly of you. Of how much he still cared for you and the others. Heh, the so-called mother, after everything that you've done and put him through... And it's funny, that he once told my mother that you never, not once called him son. And yet here you are, with the nerve to call him that after his death. I do not wish for your death empress, for my father wouldn't even choose that, no he'd made sure that you learn just how much of a mistake it is that you made that day... Good luck,"
After that occurrence of hatred that Morgana had told the empress everyone watched as she left the chamber. Though she wasn't the only one for Lager ran after her.
Safran and Jassan Krasd were about to follow after the Queen but all three of them ceased in their steps when the empress stopped them.
"Please the three of you, stop. Let Lager take care of it... And safran, I have something I need to tell you,"
"What is it, mother?" Asked safran.
Alnus Hill
Special Region
A woman was walking fast hoping to arrive at the one chamber, one where she and the Japanese general named Hazama would have an important meeting between her and the other vital members.
However, this time she didn't know what it was that the general had called her and the others up for. The good thing though was that she was about to see what's it about.
As she reached the door, Kate Laswell twisted the knob and was slightly surprised to see those chosen by the general to be in the room.
"Katt, your late," the British voice of a French woman said speaking.
"None the matter Ms. Paula, the good thing is that Ms. Laswell is here... Would you please close the door, madam," Hazama said to Laswell.
"Of course general," Laswell answered as she did what was asked.
After everyone was done with their previous tasks in the past few hours each one of them didn't have many assignments to embark upon, so here they were in a room undertaking one of the considerable amounts of non-important tasks they didn't deem important enough.
gathering around a table the officers, or in other words military personnels stood in their place of choice. The general then went and pulled out a remote and behind him was a sixty-five-inch tv. Laswell who was standing next to the general uncrossed her arm and spoke.
"I'm sure that all of you have already been informed about the particular occurrence that the team of Itami and Vasley encountered, am I right?" Laswell said getting multiple nods of agreement.
Paula the British woman raised her hands at that and was given a cue to speak. "Umm, is this about the unidentified aircraft that aided Itami and Horagi's squad, I've heard that it was responsible for staving off the dragon that's been terrorizing the native lands,"
"Hopefully it's dead. I've gotten word from one of the members of Horagi's crew saying that it was injured badly by the unknown aircraft," One of the officers said.
General Hazama heard that and couldn't help but be truthful with the officer primarily to everyone else in the room as well. "Sadly, as much as I want that damn lizard to die, it is still alive... Itami and his squad had not only had a problem with the so-called dragon, but they also had to deal with one of the local town folk and villagers,"
"Why worry about some natives of this land, why not let their own soldiers protect them, or king that is?" A U.S. Sergeant said speaking up in contempt toward the natives.
"Because captain, most of their army was wiped by some of the raiders in this land, while a majority of them were killed off after they had attempted to attack Alnus Hill," A lieutenant colonel said earning a glare from the captain.
"And general, what of this unidentified craft? If it is not part of the JSDF or the UN. Then it's likely we might not be the only outside forces within this fantasy world," Kate Laswell said to him.
Sighing to himself Hazama didn't have an adequate answer to laswell as he responded. "You may be right about that Kate... I think the best way for us to find out about the whereabouts of the aircraft, is to search for the base where it is stationed at. Still, as rational as that may be, it wouldn't be a good idea. For I don't know how the pilot and its people may react towards us,"
Seeing where the general's point of assertion was Paula spoke up. "And from where you are going with this sir, you think that there are others like us who are out there?"
The US Captain Greg added his thoughts on the topic at the mention of what his colleague was talking about. "Sir. If there really are others like us out there, then what do you suppose we do, in case they so choose to change their minds and attack Alnus Hill?"
"I highly doubt that captain. Seeing as how First Lieutenant Itami and his team were saved by the mysterious aircraft, we wouldn't be hearing from them. And yet instead they were saved, and if the pilot and his people had been hostile we would've already known of them as enemies. Which is something I am glad didn't come to pass," General Hazama said earning a confirmation of an agreement from those in the room.
"And I don't suppose you have a hint of finding anything that connects to this pilot sir?" Paula told him.
"I'm glad you asked Me, Ms. Paula," Hazama responded with a clear look of wit. "As a matter of fact. I think that Chief Laswell would not mind telling her part in the presentation... Kate, if you would,"
"Thank you general,"
Everyone watched as Kate took a stand in front of the screen TV and clicked a button on the remote that Hazama gave her. "While it's true that we may not be the only ones in this world, I believe that there are others out there, ones that are affiliated with the unidentified aircraft,"
"Then has our satellite at least found any clue on the whereabouts of the aircraft's base?" Asked the US captain.
"I'm afraid not Captain Greg. Even with our technology, as advanced as it is, the base of the aircraft, or wherever it is stationed is hidden from our sights at an exceptional level... Besides, we haven't even set up our satellite in orbit yet." Kate said as she could see the looks of apprehension on her colleague's faces.
"Ms. Laswell. If what you are saying is true, then how else do we find out about the aircraft that had saved the third recon team and Horagi's squad?" Another one of the people questioned.
"We might not be able to find out about the location of the unidentified aircraft, or where its last site was in. However, I do have a catch on where we can get a headstart on finding the aircraft," Kate said with a significant increase in earnest in her voice.
"And what Ms Kate may that be?" Captain Greg inquired.
Kate with a look of genuine smile clicked a button and behind her on the TV an image belonging to a certain Spartan came on for everyone to lay their eyes upon.
"I had an agent, by the name of Max, who was tasked with infiltrating one of the big cities in this world to find out anything that we may be able to use against the forces of this world. Yet during his mission, he found these being," Kate noted as she pressed a button to zoom in to get a clearer look at the picture of the spartan.
"What in the hell is that?" Uttered Paula as she squinted trying to get a better look.
"I do not know what this unknown being is. Hell, I even asked Max to find out anything on the matter and haven't gotten anything valuable. However, he did get something from one of the natives that was correlated with the robot-looking being,"
"Any idea what it is, how it's beneficial for us?" Greg asked arms folded all the while observing the image.
"I'm getting to that captain... From what I've also gotten from Max, he said that this being was a spartan and that he goes by the name of Five. Max tried to get as much information as he could on the subject but couldn't, for that's mostly he could get on the spartan,"
This time it was General Hazama's turn as he noticed Kate gesturing for him. "I also have something to say about this matter. As you all can see this so-called spartan can be seen carrying firearms relatively identical to that of our own 21st century guns. However, if you can get a closer look, you can see that the guns he has on his back seem to be far ahead then that the ones that the soldiers of the UN carry,"
"So what are you saying general, you suggesting we go after the big robot?" Captain Greg said speaking up.
"No captain, for as good as our men and woman are. I wouldn't want our soldiers to end up fighting an unknown force... I'm not saying we shouldn't go after the spartan. What im saying is that if a futuristic robot can be seen walking amongst the natives of this land then we might have made the mistake of going after one of the members, one that I believe is connected to the unidentified aircraft," General hazama stated clearly for everyone in the room.
Kate nodded in thanks as she thanked the general for letting her speak next. "Which is why the best way for us to find out about the aircraft's headquarters is to go after the spartan. I'm not saying we should capture him, for I know for certain it wouldn't be the best idea. But if we can somehow chat with this spartan I believe he'll have us get a meeting between its people and ours,"
Sighing deeply Greg wiped his face and spoke out of uncertainty. "I suppose there's no argument with that... Then have you at least let the third recon team and Horagi's squad know of this?"
"The general has tasked the third recon team with finding out about anything on this fantasy world, so he and his team won't be changing their mission... Horagi and his team on the other hand, I've informed them of the matter yesterday. We may not know how long it'll take but I know for certain that Horagi and his team will for sure let us know of their latest mission"Â Kate laswell said telling them straight.
"Well if that's all you guys got for us, then what else is there y'all have that we may need to know?" Paula the British woman said.
"Yes, that is all we got for today. You are all dismissed," the general spoke out.
Every one of them saluted the general as one by one each of them vacated the room as they exited. Though the last one Captain Greg was halted by the general.
"Mr. Greg. Wait please," Hazama said speaking out to him.
"Sure general... What is it?" Greg responded.
Paula who was also about to join the others who left was stopped by Kate as she asked her to close the door.
Paula and Greg glanced at each other and then turned their heads to face the other two in the room.
"I'm assuming there's something we don't know that you two aren't telling us general?" Paula said with inquisitiveness as she could see that Greg was thinking the same thing as her.
"Yes, me and the general have discussed some matters that concern these unknown forces... Apparently, Our satellite caught sight of an unknown vehicle, we believe that it's heading somewhere up north," Kate said responding to her inquiry.
"And what exactly is it laswell that you two want us to do?" Greg asked with arms folded as he raised a brow in question.
"I and Kate here want the two of you and your squads to go on an expedition mission to help find these spartan and to hopefully talk with him, see if he is working with these other unknown forces," Late said responding to him.
"And what if somehow our attempt in peace talk with these spartan fails, laswell?" Greg asked doubtfully.
"I have a feeling it won't come down to that, max has had words with the father whom the spartan saved from one of the raider's attacks. From what I've heard from him, he commandeered the spartan as one who isn't the type to start a dispute between himself and others... So you two won't have to stress yourselves over it," Kate said answering them nonchalantly without much concern.
"Yeah, easy for you to say... But, I guess I can't doubt your statement yet. However, one thing though, why are you two sending two squads to find these spartan, isn't one enough for the mission?" Questioned Paula.
A smile crossed laswell's face as she just answered her. "Because my dear, I figured your squads needed the stretch. Besides, they've been here since we've taken over the gate. And with the addition of one of them itching to learn more about this world,"
Paula let out a sigh of wearyness. "I think I know who you are speaking of?"
"Yep, and since you two will be leaving in a few hours, I figured dinner would be good enough to reinvigorate before you guys are sent off," Laswell says as she gestured for the three in the room to follow her.
Five's P.O.V.
After the contests of battle had ended everyone in the audience had vacated the stadium arena, some of them were even more disappointed seeing as how their presumed fighters were either defeated in battle while some were glad that their selected fighters won.
Meanwhile, as for the princess nalarian, she was glad that vyr offered to assist her in becoming her partner. The reason why was the spartan had other important matters to deal with.
Which was why Carley, the O.N.I. The agent has requested for him to see her alone.
The spartan passed through a couple of halls, though the only slight problem was the doors for he had to duck every so often due to his size and height. He sometimes mentally chastises his AI companion for making witty remarks about him from here and there, yet he couldn't ever hide any thought from him even if he wanted to due to her connecting to his head, or better yet interlinked with his mind.
As the spartan neared a deserted hall he saw a door opening and out stepped Carley and the king safran himself.
"Ah, ser five. It's good to see you, please, you might want to hurry yourself. Ms. Carley here is thinking of killing a man of green," safran says as he goes back inside the room.
Five heeded the man's words and entered the room, as he closed the door he turned around to see a tied-up man who seemed to have been through a fight. The spartan didn't need to know who it was that did this to him considering that Carley was the one that brought him up on the previous encounter she had with the man.
"Who is he?" Five asked Carley already knowing the man was one of the twenty-first-century people.
"I think it'll be better if he answers for himself," Says Carley as she removes the tied rag from his mouth.
"Can I ask who you are?" Five said to the man.
The man was shocked to see what it was that was standing in front of him. He couldn't form a more detailed sentence at first due to his cotton mouth and lack of water. Yet Carley offered him some water as he then spoke.
"My name is collon graves, my question is who are you?" The man now known as collon said.
"You aren't the one asking questions here Mr collon, we are," carley said to him as she walked around him and stood next to the spartan. "So, please, answer us and we'll consider setting you free,"
Somehow five doubt that'll happened knowing how some of O.N.I. spies work. Though, he had a feeling that these collon guy isn't one to be stubbornly stupid in getting himself offed by carley.
"I'd listen to the lady if I were you," Five said to collon.
The man looked from the behemoth of the spartan and then to carley thinking how he should execute a plan of escape, yet he doubt he could even make it past the door. So he came down to the only way he'll know that will keep him alive and well.
"So, you going to answer us Mr. Graves, or are you going to keep turning your head left and right?" said carley.
"Fine, I'll tell you... The names collon graves. I was tasked by my chief of command to infiltrate any cities within this world to learn their strengths and weaknesses. And if you two hadn't noticed, my world, or our world was attacked by an army filled with creatures and humans that come from fantasy novels and other kinds of bullshit creatures I don't even know of!... Now if you two don't mind me asking, who are you people, I'm sure as hell that both of you aren't from Earth. Hell, I even wonder if you two are even aware of us at all," Collon Graves said with a sound of sternness.
Carley glances at the spartan for a moment for she knows he is thinking the same thing as her and then turns to face the man. "Oh trust me, Mr. Graves. The two of us are fully aware of who you are. We sure as hell know of Earth and where you come from. After all, from the way you are speaking with that accent, I'd say, you're an American,"
Safran who was standing beside the two spoke up for he too wanted in on the interrogation. "You ser Collon are lucky that lady Collon had found you first, for im certain that my sister would've killed you on sight if she saw you trying to pry into her book of records,"
"Book?" Five uttered as he looked at the king's way.
"Yes spartan, book. Though as much as I would've loved to tell you about it, im afraid I can't tell you the details of it, for my sister can tell you that herself. If she so chooses to," Safran said responding to him.
"Anyways, back to where we were at... Can you two answer my question this time? I can see that you both aren't from Earth, I also can tell that you two are certainly not from this world," Collon said turning everyone's attention to him.
"Should we tell him?" Carley said looking at the spartan for confirmation.
"Yeah go for it, not that would bother the unsc that much. But I suggest we shouldn't fill him up on secretive matters," Five said answering her.
Carley nodded in agreement to what the spartan had said. Of course, she wasn't one too stupid enough to spill the secretive matters to the American agent, she would only tell these Collon guy info that is deemed unimportant to the UNSC and ONI and that of UEG.
As Carley was about to speak she noticed the spartan forming a hush motion of silence with his finger. Nodding up and down Carley watched as the spartan walked to the entrance door without much noise.
Carley and safran looked at each other and the two of them immediately knew what to do. Safran pulled out two daggers and prepared for an attack and the oni agent held in her hands an MK50 pistol and aimed it at the door.
Five slowly reached for the doorknob and with his sidearm, he opened the door immediately to see nothing but an emptied hallway.
"I don't see anything. Spartan, what about you?" Carley whispered slightly lowering her voice enough for him to hear.
"No, but I know that someone was just at the door," Five replied.
Just as he finished speaking the spartan saw a fainted silhouette up the top of the ceiling and went to shoot the being but instead the invisible being dropped down to the ground and shot forth some sort of powerful wind that had almost caught five off guard.
Carley couldn't even have time to pull off a second press on the trigger when she was suddenly sent slamming against the wall near safran who tried catching her and failed.
The spy on the other hand couldn't do anything but roll back in a circle on the chair he was tied to. He let out a cry of pain. Not that he couldn't blame himself for the woman who had tied him in there in the first place.
"What the hell was that!" Collon yelled out loud as he tried to lean his head to the side to get a look at the door entrance but a second push from the wind caused him to be sent slamming against the floor.
"Koa!" shouted deha.
"On it!" Five answered.
The spartan immediately gained his footing and shot at the invisible figure instead it moved to the side and was about to utilize another one of its wind magic. But just as it was about to do it five-shot at it, the bullet missed its first two shots and the third one grazed right over the figure's finger. The Invisible figure let out a grunt as it halted in its attack.
This gave the spartan a moment of attack as ge continued shooting at it where its head was at. When the spartan stopped pressing on the trigger he rushed forth and tackled the second figure who was about to use its wind magic.
"Five, you got seven contacts surrounding you! Be careful," Deha said watching as the number of blinking red dots appeared on the spartan's heads-up display.
Five thanked his AI partner for the heads-up on the call as he ducked down from the swing of a sword and moved back as he kicked the cloaked figure sending him or her flying, all that five could hear was the door breaking.
Up top of him, the spartan saw a flicker of light, though it then turned into a gigantic flame shooting straight down on him enveloping his whole figure in the fire.
The other six beings who saw this ceased their movement and watched the sight of their target being on fire, thinking they had the behemoth killed the six of them forgot the other two that were in the room.
One of them turned to look behind them saw the door opening and widened its eyes. Out stepped Carley who managed to catch one of their comrade in the shoulder with a bang. One of their allies dashes forward to slice her down but is blocked by a fast safran who shocks the attacker.
"King safran!" The cloaked figure uttered in surprise but was then falling by a leg sweep from the man.
He was about to stand up and from the way he looked up the invisible man couldn't react quickly enough when safran sliced right through his forearm. The figure was about to use his other arm and safran didn't allow him that moment when he stabbed the man in the eye socket and then cut the remaining arm off.
Glancing down safran saw as the whole figure gradually revealed itself to be a man wearing a red and purple cloak. In his head, the king removed the mask and saw that the one he killed was a man who seemed to be in his late forties.
The Invisible figure that the spartan had sent flying to the door stood up from his spot and appeared to be struggling to stand up straight due to the immense pain he could feel in his abdomen all the while he held it with his other hand.
He saw the outcome and went to strike the woman from behind but instead felt as if someone was choking him out.
"Sorry bud, im afraid I can't let you do that," Collon says as he holds the now decloaked man in a rear naked choke.
Collon felt as his prey was struggling to free himself from the choke. He was glad that this one was already injured which meant the man wouldn't have enough time to conjure up some of his mumbo-jumbo magic.
With the last remaining breath, Collon eventually gets the man to be put to sleep without having to kill the man.
Meanwhile, the last remaining attackers were about to attack safran and Carley. The oni agent was reloading her pistol. Seeing this one of the cloaked figures rushed to strike her down just as safran readied to defend her.
No instead just as the flames dissipated an armored hand reached out and grabbed the cloaked figure where his hood would be and pulled him back, with it he swung the invisible figure in the air with his head facing the solid cemented floor and slammed him down splattering his whole head into pieces as all that came out of it was chunks of brain matter and bloods splashed all over the area everyone stood in.
With three of their companions down the last four figures knew they were at a disadvantage even with four of them going up against three targets which then turned into an even number when one of them walked forth and stood next to the Oni agent.
"Thanks for freeing me lady," Collon says to carly.
Now with even numbers the four others stood their contemplating their decision, after what seems like minutes the attackers were about to retreat but stopped when they could hear multiple footsteps coming their way.
"Shit, guards!" one of them muttered.
"What do we do?" a cloaked figure asked the lead man.
"We retreat,"
The spartan and the others rushed to stop the intruders, yet before could even reach four feet to their target they saw as each four of the cloaked figures disappeared in a cloud of smokes as smoke of green then burst around in circles resulting in everyone to again be sent flying back a few feet.
"What! The!" Carley uttered as she was sent crashing into the arms of safran who caught her in time.
Collon on the other hand tried holding onto the nearby edge of the wall next to him but failed to as his fingers wasn't hold on long enough, though as he fall back he did not expect the spartan to catch him.
"Are you alright," Five spoke to him.
"Ye-yes, thank you! For the save," says collon as he and the other two got back on their feet.
As everyone were recovering from the event that had just transpired of them fighting the intruders a multitude of guards arrived on the scene just as the smokes disappeared, one of them recognizing safran strolled forth and bowed his head in response and spoke.
"King safran, we are sorry for being late on time, I hope the intruders hasn't hurt!"
Safran forgetting that he was still holding onto carley let her go and replied to the guard. "It is quite alright guards, but as you can see, I am fine. Thanks to the spartan and his colleagues, though I would like for you to call for a healer. Lady carley would need one immediately,"
"Yes sir, you!" The guard said as he turned around and pointed to one of the guards. "Go and call for a healer,"
"On it sir!" Responded the guard as he left to do as he was asked.
Carley turned to look at safran and spoke. "I am fine safran, it's just a scratch,"
Five saw the ONI agent was holding onto her right shoulder and he could catch sight of a deep cut with a small glint of green glowing slightly slower. "The king right carley. Whatever it is that those intruders cut you with, it isn't going away any sooner,"
Carley was about to reject the spartan's advicece but felt safran putting his hand on her good shoulder staring down at her. "The spartan is right Ms. Carley... I know that you two and that one may not be very familiar with magic poison, but I am. And trust me when I say this, it is better to get a healer to get rid of this before anything worse could come to you,"
Sighing in defeat carley guessed that the two of them were right, if what the king was right then she knew she couldn't argue against that and chose to heed both of their advice.
"Alright, fine. I'll do as you asked,"
Afterwards when before everyone was about to depart safran and the three of them were halted by the guard once more.
"Sire, please before you go, there's something you need to know!"
Allured by what it is the man said safran stopped as well as the others and listened in on what the guard said.
"Speak, guard. What is it you wish to say?" Spoke safran looking at the guard questioningly.
"Your Highness, it's about your niece. Princess elly along with a girl named Kraeva was kidnapped by two cloaked men, they ambushed one of our men and took both of them,"
With what the guard had told him safran clenched his fist in a sudden anger thinking how these bastards could have taken his niece and this other girl. "What!... And where was Queen Lager, how is she doing, why hasn't she been with the princess herself!"
Quailed by the king's outburst the guard watched as he calmed himself down and answered afterwards. "The queen tried to get to the princess as fast as she could, unfortunately, she was stopped by a groups of intruders dressed in red and purple cloaks. One of our men who manages to reach the princess chamber tried defending her, however he was killed by the aggressors... We only arrived on time to see the bastards fleeing into portal,"
"Damn! Those scoundrels will pay!" Call for the others, and tell them that ill be arriving with my sister," safran says in demand.
Knowing that this is how the king safran would react to the news the guards nodded and left to accomplish their tasks.
As the guards left the scene safran and the others took off to meet up with queen lager. But before they do collon called out to them.
"Ummm, guys. I don't mean to bother you all, but what do we do with our guest?" he said gesturing to the unconscious man.
"I'll carry him. He might have some answers to why he and his pals attacked," Five responded as he strolled past collon and picked up the sleeping figure with ease and put him over on one shoulder.