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VRMMORPG: Inferno Online

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Dragged into the depths of Gehenna along with what was left of mankind, Adam finds himself trapped in a once virtual world of inconceivable horrors, living an existence where survival is a privilege to few and a cruel gamble to many. Within this depraved new world of demons, manic torment, and endless suffering, Adam must face not only the diabolical enemies that naturally plague him but also his own failing sanity. As Adam struggles to thrive in this world, he discovers an unsettling anomaly. Every time he dies, he stumbles back to life, but not within his own body but in that of another unsuspecting sinner down in hell with him, almost like lady death was granting him a pardon, a reprieve from the undesirable permanence of death. With each return to life, the lines between his own identity and that of those he takes over begin to blur, his own name and image eventually being forgotten and left to the cruel hands of time as he is drawn deeper into the chaos of the circles of hell's design. Bearing the name of the first man, made in God's own image, favoured by him, Adam finds his existence to be brutal irony, as his life is nothing short of all but favourable. While everything around him is condemned to the permanence of the judging hands of death, Adam remains a living paradox, a varied constant that is cursed with the means to remain persistent in a hellscape that allows none to escape. As the Atrocities of his now lived existence, Adam must make a decision: Is immortality in hell truly a blessing or damnation? -- It's worth it, up til chapter 16 at the very least -- add 'playing with hexes' on discord if you want to be added to the server

Chapter 1 - The Flames Burn Bright: Prologue

"ADAM. OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" The Leading Officer yelled from beyond the bolstered metal door. banging on it with his hardened fist.

"I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO OVERRIDE YOUR SECURITY SYSTEM ADAM." The Officer screamed out again, feeling empathy for who he was here to arrest. If he had to override the security system to get in, it would be a few more added charges against Adams name.


"Answer me!" He Yelled, to no response.

The Officer shook his fist in annoyance and dropped himself to the floor as he rested his back against the cold metal door. His nose filled with the smell of burnt up plastic and ciggerettes. He knew how bad the slums were.

'This is no where to raise a kid' he thought to himself as he raised his wrist to speak into the comm system.

"This is gonna take longer than I expected." He said as he banged his head against the door feeling rvrn more annoyed.

"I just wanted to play the game..." A voice rang from the other side of the door softly.

"Doesnt justify murder son." The Officer replied softly.

"I specifically asked you to do ANYTHING but this. Society doesnt take lightly to Murderers, Adam." The officer said to the voice beyond the door.

"They forced my hand." Adam responded as he paced around in the utter darkness of the room beyond the door.

His steps didnt sound like they were hitting metal like most houses were made off, but they sounded moist. The pittering and pattering of his steps let the Officer know that the inside of the house was a mess.

"Open the door Adam." The officer said one last time as he lifted himself up off the ground before slamming his fist on the metal door.

"I just want to Play the game." Adam said as he seemingly straps himself down to something. the sound of unfastening velcro rang true to the officer.

A Loud Beeping sound resonated across the room and a bright blue light shone and illuminated the dark wet room.

It was a blood bath.

Covered from top to bottom in blood and entrails while three bodies laid on the floor completely gutted and faceless. You couldnt tell them apart even if you tried.

"Welcome to the White Inferno, May i know your name?" The system Adam was strapped onto spoke out as a pitch black helmet descended onto Adams head as he spread a grin acorss his face.

He was Elated.

The Officer on the other end of the door was loosing his mind, as a tear dropped from one of his eyes. he felt like he caused all of this, like he failed a young impressionabe child.

His massive frame drooped down and his bald head dropped down in shame as he stared at his shoes.

He raised his wrist and spoke into the comm.

"override the security system for accomodation 1629, martha" He said to his partner who was waiting in the car.

And mere seconds after the door flung open.

His massive frame struggled to get through the small door. but he trudged through the blood and ripped the black helmet off Adams head, revealing his filthy face and greasy blue hair. He Pulled Adam by his collar, forcefully ripping him off the straps holding him down and going as far as throwing his light limp body to a nearby wall.

Adam gasped for air as he tried to crawl away, his face covered in dried blood, his stench even making the experienced officer falter.

They both had not said a single word until...

Adam looked beyond the massive Officer walking towards him and out the window behind him.

He bore witness to two massive hands with 7 fingers each rip through the clounds and pierce the ground causing a massive quake of the surrounding area that even startled the officer.

'Another Mining venture?' The officer thought until he too turned around.

The two abnormal hands from the skies were plated completely in gold and jade stones and it had just ripped a big chunk of the earth off the floor, destroying multiple accomodation buildings as well.

"What the actual Fuck." The officer said in shock.

Adam looked on in amazement as he marveled.

"Its just like the game." He said as the two hands threw the massive chunk of earth towards the building he was in and in the blink of an eye...

Destruction and death ensued.

The Gold Hands clasped their Palms together as the hole in earth began to fill up with a black goo that bubbled like it was boiling. Two massive humanoid entities poked their head out of the absolutely collosal pit and in an instant blitzed towards the north, leaving absolutely nothing but blood, gore and metal scraps in their wake.

Then Similarly, Three Hands with 6 fingeres each emerged from the pit of black goo. they too were covered in the slimy black goo and they swirled together as they raised up into the sky before piercing the clouds in between the god hands and then spreading apart their fingers in turn ripping the sky open.

A bright white speck floated down out of the void made in the sky. It danced around as it fell to the ground, it would randomly look humanoid and then go back to looking like a could as it danced. a loud buzzing sound would emanate from it until it just barely stopped above the black murky water

overflowing in the pit.

Slowly the Two Gold hands approached the murky black hands and a firm handshake connected.

The third hand extended its palm for the little white speck and it breifly transformed into a humanoid shape as it climed onto it.

It began to dance around on its palm, as the loud buzzing that came from it got louder and louder.

The sounds of the blood curdling screams got progressively louder as the white humanoid danced more and more agressively.

The four collosal hands in the sky disengaged their handshake breifly and the two demonic black hands reached for the sun in the bright bue sky, wrapped both palms around it and yanked it out of the sky and in under a second the hands zipped back into the black goo of the pit.

The gold hands had black goo residue on it, it swung itself around trying to get the black goo off. the huge drops of goo smacked tall buildings off their foundations and from that goo, Massive black winged and faceless creatures would form.

Their grotesque shilouettes would mindlessly walk around, expectedly to cause even more chaos as the Gold hands receded to where they came from.

The humanoid white speck would continue to dance aggresively on the black goo hand. the buzzing that ensued from it along with the screams fot the dying people on earth almost sounded like palatable balerinna box music helping the speck dance even better.

This Ambigous world was about to be terraformed.

Multiple black spikes pierced through the earth destroying even more buildings as people desprately tried to get away.

The spikes quickly began to decay and rifts opened up on every single one of them.

A small humanoid emerged out of one of those massive rifts.

He looked very similar to your average human as he took a walk down the now destroyed street where the spike he emerged from had flattened.

He took a deep breath, almost like he was appreciating the smell of chaos and destruction.

A loud clap was heard and this humanoid turned around to see the white speck dancing on the demons hand was now right behind him.

He had been instantaneously teleported to the palm.

He sighed and jumped right off the palm immediately as the humanoid white speck continued to dance .

The one that jumped hit the murky water and his body can be seen visibly splatter into more black goo.

And in an instant a massive humanoid bigger than the hole in the earth broke through the goo. And emerged with what seemed to be two stone tablets.

It seemed to be an angel made of stone itself. Its entire body was covered in the black goo.

In a sudden flash the wings of this angel of stone spread and even more huge black glue drops were scattered all over the globe and from these drops emerged mini winged dremlins with no facial features that moved in what can only be described as delayed spasms.

Millions of them flooded the earth and they grabbed, pulled and dragged every human, living or dead, towards the angel statue in a loud chaos.

In Preparation the Statue opened its mouth and what ensued was thick black smoke as spikes piered through all around the angel of stone and the stone tablets seemingly unhinged like a door forming two huge gates being cradled by the angel like a baby.

A flying vehicle used by the massive news corporation of the new age hovered across the massive angel of stone, the gate it cradled and the acompanying white ballerina that danced on the black hand.

A reporter relayed what was happening to the people who were still alive.

"Its not looking good down here folks. This is the stuff of nightmares." The lady said but before she could continue her report the ballerina swung her hand towards the flying vehicle and the reporter was cleaved clean in half in front of the remaining humans watching the news. the flying vehicle had also been cleaved in half. As well as literally everything else behind the reporter vehicle.

It was a devastating show of power.

One of the gremlins went through the rubble and picked up the mangled corpse of Adam from underneath the destroyed accomodation. He was still consious enough to see what was going on even though he was missing his entire lower body.

He couldnt hear what was going on but could see it all, and it was all too familiar. In this minimalistic, futuristic hellscape, the fever dream of a highly imaginative fellow had come to life. A real hell.

'Its just like the game.' Adam tried to say, but it remained a thought. because in reality, Adam had his brain exposed and the claws of the gremlin hauling him were digging into his spine as what was left of his body screamed out in blood curdling terror. Blood ensuing from his eyes and the corners of his mouth ripping apart as he screamed even louder.

Billions of humans were also facing the same fate as the gremlins hauled them towards the gate. Their screams synchornising and making an even more palatable song for the monstous baerina speck as she oversaw the transport of humans into the gate without breaking her stride, gait or dance not even once.

The Angel of stone stood in place as the gremlins forced the humans through, the smoke from its mouth continued to spread out, making the skies even darker than normal without the sun in the sky.

Then it began to speak.


"Its just like the game."

"I just wanted to play the game."