Me, the Bookkeeper, the character, the protagonist(probably), the liar(more likely). Has a general cliche story start.
Born to an upper or medium upper class family, I got to know the cream of the life.I have nothing to complain for.
No hunger, bad schools, bullying, great health... Man thinking back I had more friends, than I realized and care for...
I got langauge exams, a bsc degree in economics, nearly made it to the HR department of a bigshot company.
As far as I remember we lived in a great flat, with my brother and all of my family, having a great time with my dog.
Until I was 20 it is. In just half a year became realization over realization.
I was sitting eating dinner, smiling about a tasteless but still ok joke, then 90°left right, no picture after. White/green room, screaming, running.
The kid got an illness... Who have thought, that 20 years ago I got ill and we thought it is a flu...
What disease it is? No person knows, does not matter, just heal it somehow, THAT is what matters.
I needed a cigarette, since I could not find my parents, turns out they went home, I do not blame them, there is still my brother 1 off 1 on if you wish. Laughing back I read that i coughed, had a fever, but it got okaydokay.
Okay my you know what...
-Note1: Smoking is not good for lung diseases sleeping down there
-Note2: Stop preaching in the river if you do not know even what is it about, it is more likely, that you get a cold or drown, than to be clean from all your sins
-Note3: You can make up for every sin you made, if you have an attitude