"Hm?" Testarossa paused her movements as she looked up, frowning.
She, along with Rhein and Mizari are in the throne room of Testarossa's castle, resting. With Testarossa massaging Satan's shoulders and Mizeri preparing a tea.
Rhein was, well being Rhein. She dumped all the work to Mizari and she just sat at the side, looking all bored and lifeless.
"Jaune and Violet huh?" Testarossa muttered, before she turned towards the other two primordials, "Rhein, Mizari, go deal with them. Lord Satan is resting."
He wasn't, really. Satan was just tinkering around with his Unique Skill: Rule, trying to come up with a way to make it evolve.
Rule was his strongest skill, unfortunately it was restricted by its status as a Unique Skill.
"Hmph, ordering us around." Rhein grumbled, but still followed her orders as she went out to faced the two Primordials that have decided to invade their territory.
"I shall return quickly, Lord Satan." Mizari gracefully bowed at Satan as she followed after Rhein.
Testarossa just smiled as she wrapped her arms around Satan from behind, whispering to his ears, "It seems like you will have two more servants after this, my lord."
Satan opened his eyes, "I wasn't planning on it, actually. I wanted to stabilize my current territories first, conquer all demons of your lineage before moving on to other Primordials."
Not all demons followed the Primordials as their superior, in fact there more than a ten million demons in just Testarossa's lineage alone.
Of course, most of them are lesser demons and only a few greater demons, but the numbers are still astonishing. Considering Testarossa only have around ten thousand direct subordinates.
"Why do you need so much demons, Lord Satan?" Asked Testarossa, feeling confused, "a group of trash, is still a trash. I can understand if you only go for Primordials, but I don't see any value in keeping weaker than us."
"True," Satan nodded, "But I don't want to send a group of elephants to trample a colony of ants. I like to watch ants duke it out with other ants."
Even in his past life, Satan doesn't send his generals to do something trivial, all of them were mostly taken care by his lower ranking subordinates.
Satan would only send his generals if his army encounter a strong individual that halts their advances.
"Oh? So you want them around just for amusement?"
Not …particularly. But let's go with that.
Satan just nodded as he closed his eyes and went back to fiddling around with his Rule skill.
"Oho? So you two really did evolved!" Jaune smiled as she observed Rhein and Mizari who appeared in front of them, "damn, you two are leaking so much magicules it's sickening!"
Her hand glowed, preparing to fire a Nuclear Magic.
She wanted to test just how powerful a Primordial that have evolved into a Demon Peer really is.
"I suggest you just surrender," said Mizari, her eyes locked on Jaune's hand, "if you submit to Lord Satan—"
"Nuclear Cannon!" Jaune did not even as much as let her finish her words and fired her favorite magic attack.
Mizari sighed, but fired her own Nuclear magic to cancel out Jaune's. She might have evolved, but for Primordials, combat skills matter more than strength or magicule amount.
Before she evolved, Jaune was stronger than her. And even now, Mizari still can't let her guard down.
"Sooo… wanna fight?" Rhein asked Violet, "I'm stronger than you even before my evolution, and now I think you're no match for me."
Violet shrugs, "Don't wanna. Jaune was the one who wanted to come here and I just tagged along."
Truthfully, she doesn't want to meet the dude that is strong enough to name Primordials. That's a recipe for trouble.
Oh no, she wasn't afraid of death. What she is afraid of is to die without even putting up a fight. It's a humiliation of the highest degree that she couldn't even bear to imagine it.
She'd rather choose to fade from existence than that.
"Then, how about you just surrender to Lord Satan?" Suggested Rhein, "honestly, sooner or later he would control Hell, along with the demons in it. Even if you refuse now you'll just delay the inevitable."
Violet stared at her in disgust as she observed her outfit, "Yeah and be a maid? No thanks. I can't believe you have fallen so low that you're willing to be a lowly servant, Bleu."
Rhein's cheek twitched in anger, "…call me Rhein. That is the name my Great King Satan has given me."
Violet snorted, "What are you gonna do about it, Bleu?"
Rhein opened her eyes wide as she grinned at Violet, "I. Will. Make. You. Fade!"
Oops. Violet laughed as Rhein fired a large scale ice magic, sending hundred of Big Ben-sized ice spears.
She wasn't expecting Bleu to get to so pissed off just by not addressing her by her name that was given to her.
Ah shit, they have grown far too strong just by being named! Violet clicked her tongue as she dodged the continuous attacks fired by Bleu.
Before, she could at least fight Bleu and Vert to a tie if she go all out, but now she was completely suppressed by Bleu without even being given a chance to counterattack.
"Tsk," Violet clicked her tongue as she decided to go all out, using the "Cursed Poison", a magic she developed to fight against her fellow Primordials.
Rhein and Violet paused for a moment and turned to look at the other two Primordials who were duking it out.
Jaune was grinning like madwoman as she rained down Nuclear Magic that is capable of wiping out entire towns like she's flicking her finger.
And Mizari was countering everything with her own blast of Nuclear Magic, canceling each other out.
Rhein shouted, "Mizari! Don't make too much noise! Lord Satan is resting!"
"How caring," Violet rolled her eyes, "Is being named forces you to be loyal to the being who named you?"
Rhein shrugs, "Maybe, maybe not. As for me, I have already decided to be loyal to Lord Satan before I was named."
That wasn't a lie.
When Satan easily beat the shit out of them without even as much as showing signs of struggle, Rhein has already decided to serve him.
Him giving her a name just strengthened it.
"Besides, do you really think I'd accept being named by someone I find unworthy?" Rhein smiled.
Naming someone is a very dangerous thing. Not only there is a high chance that the energy expended in the process of naming will never fully recover, it might even damage the soul of the namer and the one being named.
Naming forms a powerful soul bond with the namer, possibly even inheriting some of their abilities, and in the case of monsters and certain regressed demi-humans, they can even evolve.
Because of this, if the one being named was unwilling, it will disrupt the creation of soul bond and damage the soul of both.
It was why despite the obvious benefits of 'naming', very few actually tried it. And most of them are either high-level majin or just plain stupid beings.
"How interesting." Violet muttered, finding it a bit unbelievable that an arrogant Primordials such as Rhein acknowledged someone to be worthy of naming her.
"Indeed, he is a 'miracle' who appeared in this world." Rhein said with a psychotic smile that made Violet uncomfortable.
"You think too highly of him." Violet sighed, wondering if she would ever be this 'insane' should she serve another.
No, that's impossible. She shook her head. No way in hell she would ever be that crazy.
"Hm?" Violet and Rhein blinked as a large explosion occurred just in the area in front of them.
Looking at it, they found Jaune lying on a crater caused by the explosion, bloody, with a whole on her chest, but that grin on her face tells that she was still ready to go for another round.
And just as expected, Jaune stood up, wiping the blood on her lips as she once again prepared to fire another Nuclear Magic, ignoring the hole on her chest.
"Isn't it enough, Jaune?" Mizari sighed as she landed in front of the Yellow Primordial, "I'm sure you had your fun right?"
"Hahaha! Are you kidding me?! We're just getting started!"
Mizeri narrowed her eyes, "If you keep this up, I will really kill you."
Jaune paused.
Though Demons can reincarnate after their death, it has a side effect. They will be completely subservient to the one who killed them.
That's how Jaune got her subordinates, and she was sure that's how other Primordial got theirs as well.
She clicked her tongue. Even if she wasn't afraid of death, she doesn't want to be reincarnated as a subservient to another Primordials she consider to be an equal.
If she was ever to serve someone, it would of course be someone who is so much stronger than her she couldn't even think of attacking them.
But of course, she haven't found anyone like that yet. She haven't lost a fight before(she runs away if she feels like she's about to lose).
"Ah darn," Jaune relented and decided to concentrate on healing herself, "Well, I'm not really here to fight you. I just want to meet the man who named you."
"I just tagged along," said Violet as Mizari glanced at her, "but now after hearing it from Rhein, I've gotten curious about that man."
"I see." Mizari nodded, "then, would you like to see Lord Satan now?"
"Sure," Jaune shrugs.
"I would like to come as well," said Violet.
Mizari nodded, tilting her body to the side as she motioned them to move forward, "Then, let us lead you to our lord."
Rhein sighed and did the same, "Do not make any threatening moves though. I swear I will erase you."
"I know, I know." Jaune laughed as she walked forward, now fully healed from injuries.
Violet followed behind her.
Now, she wondered what was the man who named her fellow Primordials is like?