The carriage land on a green field running for some meters before stopping.
"welcome back young master" Margaret was the first to greet as David got out of the carriage, Carla rushed forth to hug her son as she hugged him tight almost choking him.
"how are you, you are not hurt right, did you eat properly" she gave a series of questions while observing him "you have really grown ....alot" tears threatened to burst out which soon rushed as she continued to wipe them away.
David was speechless seeing his mother greatly miss him as he hugged her again "I'm fine mum, Aisha took good care of me and Damian was also there to stay with me".
Carla smiled as caressed his cheeks "I'm glad you made some goods friends".
"mhm but he's more than a friend" David smiled proudly.
suddenly Damian came out of the carriage in his cub form as he walked towards David sitting beside him and observing the people around.
"is this the Damian you spoke of" Carla said as she patted it's soft black fur while David nodded "I have never seen a beast like this and cute" she turned her attention back to David as she hugged him once again.
"good day my lady" Aisha stood beside Isaac as she greeted while bowing her head slightly.
"good day my lady" Isaac too greeted with his head bowed as a slight smile could be seen on his face.
"thank you for taking care of David Aisha" Carla expressed her gratitude while feeling sincerely guilty of sending a five year old away .
"it's my duty my lady, even if I wasn't assigned to protect him I would have found one way or another to do so" Aisha was serious as she stared at David who was looking at her.
"mhm I trust aunt Aisha" David smiled warmly revealing his childish charm.
"awww look at my cute little nephew he's all grown up" lily walked as she pulled David's cheek pulling in for a hug, Martha followed behind her as she patted his head.
"you did good no you did more than expected" Martha smiled warmly as she brushed through his hair while David nodded enjoying the head pat,
"I'm glad you are alright and I'm sorry I had to send you into that forest" James voice could be heard as he walked towards them feeling proud but also extremely guilty as traces of worry could be seen on his face.
"no uncle james, I am to thank you for believing in me and for making me stronger cause I realised I need to be strong to protect my family and those close to me" David said staring seriously at James showing he meant every word he said
James eyes felt watery as he moved closer not knowing whether to hug him or shake him.
David hugged him leaving him in a shock as he quickly recovered hugging him back "I'm still your great grand nephew uncle nothing as changed".
"such beautiful moment" lily commented from the side as she wiped off a none existent tear.
"that's a peculiar beast you got there" James finally noticed it trying to change the topic.
"yeah i haven't seen this specie of the black titan bear" lily picked Damian up as she caressed him in her arms.
"oh i found me in the forest or rather he found me" David squinted his eyes at Damian who busy enjoying the attention and caress.
"hm so he's stil a cub" James narrowed his eyes at the now over relaxed bear "I have never seen one this close and playful with other beings".
"oh he's much much bigger than that" David walked towards the mansion feeling tired.
"let's go all go inside" James said as he picked up David and going straight to the diner.
"tell me Aisha how much as David grown, as he gotten much stronger" Carla asked while the other ladies listened.
Aisha smiled as she stared at the back of James and David "he's much talented and a very unique prodigy as the young master already wills two elements both lightning and air and lord ye said his combat prowess is one of a kind".
Aisha breathed in as she remembered when David and Damian were both outside about to fight while she watched from a window.
"t-two elements b-but that's"
"Impossible for an eight year old" lily finished Martha's words as she stared at the entrance james and David had passed through.
Carla could only smile but still regretted not able to take care of her son and worried he might have to live up to everyone's expectations.
"mhm thank you Aisha, you may go rest till you are ready to continue your duty" Carla walked towards the mansion as she got lost in her thoughts.
lily understood how Carla must be feeling as she herself knew of the other greedy Waynes and power factions in other worlds "she must be in deep thought" lily muttered while petting Damian who was now asleep.
"but she's not alone" marthar walked next to lily giving a confident aura.
"mhm you are right" lily and Martha rushed towards Carla as they gisted on and on.
"what do you plan on doing now" Isaac asked as he moved closer to Aisha looking into her eyes as her cheek turned red.
"uh-uhm I'm going to continue my duty in watching over the young master" Aisha turned away as she walked hurriedly behind the three ladies.
"she is more pretty than ever, my heart can't hold it anymore" Isaac watched as Aisha walked into the mansion leaving only him and the griffin who pulled the carriage alone "looks like it just me and you Griffy,.... I should probably change your name"
"ahh! I have missed this" David voice rang out as he bite on a steak pulling the meat and chewing it as he gulped down some water.
"started eating without us aye" lily said as she picked a nearby chair to sit on while Carla st beside him and Martha beside lily.
"I'm sorry great aunty lily I was just hungry" David took a full spoon of rice.
Damian growled as he jumped off lily's arms and walked towards David 'dont eat everything give me some'.
"oh sorry" David took a bulls leg placing it down on a plate beside Damian.
"isn't that too much" Carla chuckled a bit at the meat bigger than the bear cub untill Damian increased in size leaving everyone dumbfounded.
"oh this is his original size, he can reduce and increase his size" David mouth muffled as he spoke with his mouth full.
"oh my I thought titan black bears only increase in size when fully grown but this is something else, does he do anything else" lily asked as she studied Damian carefully.
"I think thats a titan black bear but a very unique kind" James walked out of a door as it turned into blue particles.
David swallowed up the food in his mouth as he signalled for Damian to show them his abilities "welcome back uncle james".
everyone looked closely at Damian as he stared back at them putting on a suspense as he closed his eyes emitting a faint dark aura around its body.
"this is it" lily said focusing fully on Damian while Martha clenched the table and Carl held tight her dress when suddenly Damian turned back into a bear cub and slept on the floor leaving everyone once again dumbfounded.
"i-is that all" Martha stared at the bear laying in the floor.
"no I guess he must be tired or doesn't want to show you" David said picking up Damian and putting him on his laps.
"well that was something" James laughed as he sat down not far from David.
"uncle James where did you go" David felt curious as he stared at the long box In James hands.
"oh I went to get your birthday present" James gifted the box to David while the young lad hurriedly opened it revealing a dark green staff with yellow line striped around it.
though it seemed metallic, it wasn't as it was made of wood "it's light and really balanced" David rolled it a few times before turning towards James with his head bowed low "thank you so much great uncle james I appreciate your gift".
"no no it's nothing moreover it has many more capabilities that's why I chose it, it's actually nothing" James smiled as he brought out another smaller box "take open it"
David opened up the box to find a small silver plain ring "thank you uncle, it's beautiful" David couldn't see anything great from it but he still tried to be grateful.
"oh don't be humble that's not an ordinary ring" James grinned wildly as he rested his back on the chair.
"it's isn't" David looked closely at the ring as he tried to study it more but saw nothing special.
"it's a storage ring, you can put in anything" Carla smiled she studied the ring properly "and it's a silver ring big enough to store in a small house".
James nodded feeling proud as David put on the ring on his finger as he stored in the staff.
"how did you know how to use it" James asked as he stared shockingly at david