Chereads / Number 5 - (Moved to a new Link) / Chapter 4 - PULL THE PLUG

Chapter 4 - PULL THE PLUG

After One thirty was taken away, five and forty four finally picked themselves off the floor. "What happened before between both of you, is obvious you knew each other and you are also familiar with that little girl and her sister ". Five asked forty four when they were both alone in the room assigned to them.

"His brother is a crime lord in New York where I grew up, the scar you see on Forty one's face was done by his brother." Forty four replied with a sad tone.

"I think you need to elaborate."

"Is not really my story to tell." With that Five let it be and threw everything to the back of his mind. He knew everyone here didn't come from the rosy part of life and they all had their stories and secrets, including him. Maybe is for the best that they were all here, to try out another branch of life and not what society had already shaped for them.

Soon normalcy returned and everyone went back to doing their own things, but no one saw One thirty again after the declaration of one of the guards of him being a Neo whatever that means.

It became clear to every one soon that what happened was probably the abilities they were told they may end up developing later on. What led to this conclusion was when some of them started showing bizarre behaviors and doing unnatural things after the few days that followed.

A boy suddenly wanted to pick up his pen that fell down but instead it elevated to him, another suddenly kept everyone around him in place such that they couldn't move a muscle.

A girl developed the ability to move faster than the eye can see, another girl was able to duplicate herself into two which freaked her out. A kid while swimming froze everyone in the pool. Some even developed abilities that immediately got them killed, such a case was that of a girl who suddenly started floating upward when she was leaving the classroom to meet up with a new friend she made in the cafeteria. She kept going up with no control on how to come down until all of a sudden she starts free falling from the high height she had reached and hit her head on one of the chairs in the classroom.

No matter what kind of ability developed two things were sure, first you get a tranquilizer dart sticking out of your body and next you are taken away never to be seen again.

The remaining children were conflicted whether to pray to also awoken an ability, but who knows it might kill them or even if it didn't where will they be taken to. If they end up not awaking any ability what will be their fate later on.

Five didn't really care about all this things, he has already concluded to go with the flow with whatever that's happening, what surprised him though was the carefree demeanor Forty four also had. With the few interactions that they have had he knew what kind of person he is and how he always ask a lot of questions when worried or nervous. Currently he was observing a boy in class who was staring at the beautiful female teacher on uniform in front of the class teaching.

He would have chalked it up as a student crushing on his beautiful teacher if not for the frightened expression on his face.

Five's eyes darted from the boy to the teacher over and over again, but he didn't see anything that will make the boy to look this scared, neither was the teacher particularly looking at the boy.

"Sixty nine are you ok?".It seems what was happening also caught the eyes of the teacher for she stopped what she was doing and called out his number or name. But the boy didn't reply but kept on looking at the teacher, but on a closer observation it seems he was actually looking at the teacher's surroundings at not her.

Having not receive an answer for her question, she decided to approach the scared boy herself, but as soon as she got to him, Sixty nine immediately stood up and backed away. Not stopping there he jumped across the chair closest to him and bolted out of the class, leaving everyone baffled at what just happened.

Knowing fully well that this wasn't exactly a normal school with the amount of guards around and the teachers on black camouflage uniform always, all the children as if previously had held a meeting unanimously decided not to rebel as kids normally do. This was a first where someone decides to leave class and in such a manner.

Hours passed and it was time for lunch and as usual everyone gathered in the cafeteria chattering and eating the well cooked sumptuous foods that were usually served in the cafeteria. Five and Forty four also came out to have their lunch, but before picking a tray to join the queue Forty four scanned the cafeteria to spot where sixty nine was.

It took sometime because of how huge the cafeteria was, but he finally found him in a peculiar location. He was huddled up alone with his head down on one side of the cafeteria where nobody is.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" Joining five on a table with other children, forty four pointed out sixty nine to him. Five just answered by shaking his head.

"Do you think his seeing things we are not seeing with the way he looks around mostly at the guards?". One of the kids at the table asked.

"Are you saying Ghosts?" Another kid asked.

"Ghost aren't real."another shut him down.

"Then what's his deal?" The first boy asked again.

"Let's find out, come on five". Forty four declared.

With a sigh Five stood up , as he thought once again he was been dragged into what doesn't affect him in anyway like the other day they got their ass handed to them. He was seriously beginning to revaluate this forced new friendship.

In moments notice, they got to where Sixty nine was huddled up on the floor, but now with a clearer view they found that he wasn't only bending down, but he had his hands covering his ear as if a loud music was being played.

Forty four called out to him many times, but either he was pretending not to hear him or perhaps he couldn't hear him at all.

Finally Five decided to tap him which startled him and he finally raised up his head. He looked at five then stared behind him.

" You are also one them!!".