Chereads / Number 5 - (Moved to a new Link) / Chapter 5 - THE OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN


"You are also one them"

Both Five and Forty four looked back to see what Sixty Nine was looking at behind Five specifically, but no one was there.

"Are you tripping ?" Forty four asked jokingly, while Five tried to pull him up.

"Stay away from me, his following you." Sixty shouted, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone, including the guards, strangely which was rare unless when someone displays an ability two guards came to their location. " All of you please stay back don't come close they are following you all, please don't come close." Sixty Nine continued shouting but this time he was also referring to the guards.

The two guards with their face hidden behind the mask they were wearing didn't bother with what he said but just dragged him away as he kicked and shouted hysterically.

It seems this was their new life now, with everyday something strange happening, but this time around this strange thing affected him as well cause clearly Sixty Nine looked scared when he saw him, and what does he mean by his following me and I am one of them

Seeking some time alone Five left Forty Four behind and went out of the Cafeteria, Forty Four understood that what happened just now was on his mind and didn't bother him but decided to give him some space.

Returning back to their room in the evening, he saw that Forty four was already asleep, he just went to the bathroom freshen up and wore the sleeping Pj's given to them and which was the only clothes they had without their numbers on it. He located his bed which was opposite Forty four's and lied down, he once again did what he always does before sleeping that is swearing at the bright lights embedded on the room's roof which never went off cause there was no light switch in the room to switch them off.

After swearing at the light's he turned himself around and started thinking about how he got here. He wondered if things would have been different if he didn't meet that lady that night.

He sighed and gave up on thinking on what could have been, but focus on the present and take one day at time.

After concluding on that he finally willed himself to sleep. No sooner had he dozed off when he felt someone shaking him. He turned around groggily and was met with a pair of brown eyes looking at him. The eyes belonged to a young cute face with an almost faded scar on the temple.

Five was very familiar with the eyes, face and the scar, it was no other than his own.

He wiped his eyes to be sure he wasn't dreaming, but his own self was still staring at him, but now it had a mischievous smile on it's face. He quickly backed off, but there wasn't really much space to begin so he soon hit his back on the wall. He felt confused on what was going on. There was someone who looked and dressed just like him standing close to his bed

With a stammer in his voice he asked"Who are you?"

"I am you." The other person replied, with the smile on his face growing. " You conjured me, I'm your alter ego in flesh."

"How is this possible? You even have my voice."

"That's because I'm you."

Maybe he was going crazy, he decided to have some confirmation from another person to see if he was seeing the same thing that he was seeing and know he wasn't just imagining the whole thing. He looked across Forty Four's bed, but he wasn't there.

"Forty Four." He called out thinking he was probably in the bathroom but there was no answer. But on second thought, he started realizing that everything seem strange. First he wasn't a deep sleeper and would immediately wake up when he hears any sound and Forty four would have definitely rush out from the bathroom when he heard his panic voice.

Finally what ticked him off was when his lookalike suddenly started stifling his laugh and rubbing his hair after he called for forty four. The person he was looking at right now may look like him, but had all the mannerisms of Forty four "Forty Four?", He called, but it was more like a question this time around.

"Mi Amigo." And that was a confirmation that the person standing in front of him now was actually Forty four and not his alter ego like he claimed.

"Holy shit, how are you doing this?" He asked in disbelief.

"I don't know man, it seems I can shapeshift into anybody." Immediately he said that, a wave of exhaustion washed over him and he fell down. Once he hit the floor he turned back to his real self.

Five immediately jumped over the bed to make sure he was ok.

"I'm fine, it happens when I hold the person's shape for a little too long". Forty four assured him.

"Since when did you develop this ability."

"Since the day One thirty was taken."

"Why didn't you show it since, you may have been taken as well. I'm sure those who awoke an ability are regarded high and taken somewhere better." Five asked.

"Cause I was waiting for you, you are my friend. No matter what happens I want us to face it together." Forty Four answered with a serious voice.

After hearing what Forty four said a warmth feeling started growing in Five's heart. For the first time he felt being wanted and considered as someone important and this came from someone he met a month ago. He didn't know when he hugged Forty four. Taken unaware by the hug, he slowly returned it .

With a quiet voice"My name's Jordan,. friend". Five said breaking the one rule they were asked to keep, which was never to answer their real names but only their numbers.

"My name's Chike,. friend." Forty four replied.