Chapter 9 - FATE

After using that few short moment to appreciate the sun, Five finally opened his eyes to check his surroundings. He discovered that where he was in a big open ground far bigger than any stadium with lush grasses.

This big open grounds would have looked far more bigger if not for different tall buildings erected in different strategic positions, almost too many to count. They were all built in a rectangular form with a single large door on each of them, the only difference in the buildings were that some of them do not possess any roof.

Around each building different fully armed soldiers on camouflage were patrolling.

"Let's go"

Five immediately got hold of himself after hearing Forty Four's voice calling him. This brought him to notice that he had separated from the group who were still following the Soldier.

He quickly hastened up to catch up. They seemed to be heading into one of the buildings with a roof. The soldier finally reached the massive building, pushed the door open and entered inside, but he soon noticed that something was wrong.

None of the children followed him in. He walked out and glared at them and walked back inside. This time the children slowly entered with him.

The building had another door inside but this time smaller, which forces people to enter one at a time.

When Five finally passed through the smaller door, he saw the soldier saluting two men standing on a podium. After that the soldier walked to the side and stood there motionles.

The two men he just saluted where on different camouflage, a blue camouflage and a black camouflage.

The man on black camouflage has a strong and angular face. His eyes are a piercing blue and they seem to sparkle with intelligence and intensity. A small scar runs across his left eyebrow.

The other man on blue camouflage was much shorter than his counterpart, with a more rounded and softer face.

The room was painted White and was fully brightened by the different electric bulbs located all around it. On the walls of the room were almost man size framed pictures of various people on mostly blue military camouflage.

There were chairs arranged perfectly facing the podium.

" Take a seat". The man on black camouflage voice reverberated loud and clear in the large building, he seemed to be wearing some kind of mic. But even with the instruction to seat, none of them sat down. Obviously they have developed a little phobia for well arranged comfy empty chairs, since their last unpleasant encounter with it.

"I said take a seat." He calmly instructed again, but there was some kind of coldness in his voice this time around

Finally, though hesitantly everyone gradually took a seat, making sure though to seat at the edges and well alerted, which made the man to nod his head.

After making sure everyone was seated the man on blue camouflage raised up three of his right fingers. " Man struggles for three things in life, Money.... Fame.....and Power'. He dropped his hand and waited a while to make sure what he just said made a little impact in their young minds.

"Man also dies on the struggle to achieve these three things. In here you are assured of accomplishing this three things, if only you can survive your own struggles." The man on black camouflage inputted.

Then blue camouflage continued: "The only way to survive in this hellhole you now find yourself is to become stronger, strong that no one can ever look down on you, strong that no one can push you around or take advantage." He stopped and said in a really low but clear voice "Strong, ..that you control your own fate."



Two full minutes passed before the absolute silence that descended into the room was broken by the deep voice of the man in black

"Around you are frames of those that have broken away from what their fate or society had for them and have carved out their own destiny. What will you do with your own fate? "