Chereads / Number 5 - (Moved to a new Link) / Chapter 13 - ENCOUNTER WITH A NEO


In another part of the Island, a beautiful figure of a Neo was lying on the ground with facing down wards. From her shape and hair one could decipher that she's a girl.

Her jet black hair splayed out around her like a halo. Her eyes were shut close as if she was in a deep slumber as she breathed in and out deeply.

Not long after, another figure of a male Expendable is seen approaching her location with stealth footsteps.

He could see her long hairs splayed out around her face and couldn't decipher whether she is dead or not.

He hesitated for a moment, before deciding to turn her over to confirm if she's dead.

Even if she wasn't, he was sure he could overpower her, if she manages to wake up as he decided to turn her over to confirm a body status.

Slowly he took quite footsteps and finally got to her, his alertness on the high.

But the figure of the girl didn't move, it seems she was completely oblivious to her surrounding, her steady and deep breaths were a testament to the deep slumber she was in.

With his senses ready for anything, he slowly managed to turn her over which he succeeded.

He looked at her face, which was peaceful and angelic like an angel, a blush crept up on his face as this was actually the first time he was this close to a girl apart from combat trainings.

He immediately let down his guard after seeing her beautiful face as some perverse ideas started taking root in his mind.

He shook his head to clear off the stupid thoughts going through his mind and focus on the task at hand.

He stared at the white peace emblem on the left side of her jacket, which signified that she wasn't playing dead but actually asleep.

"It seems this is my lucky day." He smiled and thought aloud as he sought to make an easy kill.

He was about to make his move when all of a sudden the girl's eyes opened, which startled him.

Two legs immediately wrapped around his neck and dragged him forward, out of reflex he tried to punch her but the beautiful young girl who has now turned into a fierce tigress was able to easily maneuver his punch and restrict his two hands.

In split seconds, he had been put into a perfect triangle choke.

She continued applying pressure using both legs and the his own shoulder and soon enough his blood flow starts to get constricted, potentially resulting in him losing consciousness in mere seconds.

After making sure his unconscious, she unwrapped her legs and pushed him to the side.

She looked at his emblem to confirm if he was dead and she wasn't disappointed as she muttered "One down."

This beautiful Neo was no other person than Forty One, the once scarred girl who developed a healing power and was able to heal her scar revealing that she was actually a top notch beauty.

She knew that her healing power was no good in battle and she has to rely on her wits to survive here.

This was why, when she woke up and heard the quiet footsteps coming his way, she formulated the plan of lying in place to wait for the right opportunity to strike and she succeeded.

She checked her watch to confirm the number of survivors left, which revealed to be 180.

She didn't dally for long, as she quickly left to look for Eighty her sister, hoping she's still among the survivors.



Five was still searching for an opportunity to get more food or a source of water, when he came face to face with a male Neo.

He did say he was looking for food, but if given the chance to rob from a Neo or Expendable he'd gladly pick an Expendable cause except for a few he didn't know what power they had.

The male Neo he saw had a cocky and confident smile, seeing that he was dealing with an ordinary Expendable. He felt that this fight was already decided.

Five who saw his smile, was happy inside. Since if this guy is so overconfident and underestimated him, he won't use his full focus to fight him and he would be able to defeat him easily.

Five may have never fought a Neo before, but he knew a little thing about them due to his little talks with Forty Four during morning runs.

He knew that their powers only depends on their mental strength, if their mental strength is depleted they become weaker to the point of a normal human.

If he couldn't defeat him immediately, he will have to wear him out, which is going to be a little difficult once he saw fire suddenly dancing in his hand.

"I'm going to toast you." The Neo said with a wicked smile adorning his face.

Five immediately dived to the side as a fire ball was hurtled towards him, which left a charred burn on the tree behind him.

Before he could get a moment respite another fireball was sent his way, but with his quick reflexes and speed he was able to avoid it again.

Five hoped he could continue shooting fireballs at him, cause that will obviously make wearing him down more easy.

But the Neo wasn't stupid, seeing that Five excelled in speed and agility and can easily evade his fireballs.

He decided to utilize a more creative use of his fires. He shot a steady fire stream of fire at Five, who was still able to avoid it at the last minute and took cover behind a tree.

Five then knew that his best bet now was to close the distance between him and the Neo, to stop him from using his pyrokinesis ability.

He waited a little for the guy to shoot another stream of fire at him before closing the distance between them, reason been that this will reduce the Neos visibility of his movements.

He wasn't disappointed though, as a searing heat came from behind the tree he was hiding. He knew this was his chance.

He bent down to avoid the fire and rolled over to the Neos direction.

He quickly made a sweep kick at the his legs which connected as he fell down. He was about to continue attacking, but he rolled away and stood up.

Once he stood up, Five didn't give him a chance to recover and use his powers again, but quickly close the distance and threw a kick to his kneel, but he stepped back and retaliated with a punch which Five blocked easily.

Five threw a punch to his gut which connected making him bend over, he immediately capitalized it by kneeing him in the face, which caused him to stagger backward.

Five stepped forward and gave him a punch on the temple which caused him to become disoriented. He was about to knock him out, when a gunshot sound was heard and a bullet hit the Neo on the chest making him to fall over.

Five dodged to the side and took cover behind a tree, which was a good thing cause he luckily dodged another bullet by a milli second.

He looked at the Neo he was just fighting and saw the glaring red lighting of his previously white peace emblem and knew he was next.