Decorations of all sorts were dangling from the high ceilings of the Williams Mansion. The once warm, comforting abode, had in a second, been turned into an area of chaos-bound. The figure of Logan came into view, as I made my way into the living room.
He was occupied having a phone conversation with someone, while Dylan and David were sat on the couch watching a T.V program.
At my entrance, Logan snapped his head towards me, eyes taking in my figure.
"Happy birthday" I uttered to him with a wide smile lingering on my lips. I noticed a smile crawl up his lips at once, while he whispered something which I couldn't quite make out.
Turning around, I hurried into the kitchen.
Denna was in there making a dough, helping Miss Mary bake.
She smiled at me the moment I walked into the kitchen, eyes lighting up at once.
"Mary said we could lick the dough off the pan before she places it in the oven" she uttered with a grin.
"Hey! I didn't say that" Miss Mary exclaimed in response, eyes turning to Denna.
"Ooh....Did she really say that?" I cooed, moving over to have a tinge of goodness.
Grabbing a little amount of dough with my finger, I placed it in my mouth, licking the whole lot off, while my eyes widened at Denna.
"mmm" A weak moan escaped my lips.
"It's so....good" I added, while my tongue savoured its taste.
Miss Mary sure knew how to work her fingers, no doubt.
Everything that Woman made tasted like it had been blessed by heavens. She was just too good at it.
"For a girl who acts so innocent, your moan is quite a deal" A voice out of nowhere spoke, turning my body numb, feet stiff as I recognised the voice at once.
Turning around slowly, I found his figure stood right at the entrance of the kitchen, his gaze fixed on my direction.
He had on a Black hoodie, paired up with joggers of the same colour. A look of amusement crossed his face, as he stared on at me.
Had he been there watching me the whole time?
He began walking towards the refrigerator, face partly covered by the hoodie.
Grabbing a carton of milk, he walked away afterwards, leaving me to a series of questions by Denna
"what was that?" She enquired in a low voice the instant his figure was out the door.
I only shrugged at every of her words, nodding and averting my gaze away, not wanting to be pestered by her utterances.
Logan soon proceeded in, saving me just in time from another question thrown by Denna.
His eyes moved around the kitchen, as if searching for something, and finally, it fell on miss Mary.
"Is the cake ready?" He questioned, moving towards her at once.
"Not yet. I'm about to place it in the oven"
He soon turned to Denna and I.
"I would need someone to... You know help Tyler and I out"
"There would be quite a number of people at the party, and I wouldn't want them destroying stuff"
I looked at him, unsure of what he was trying to say.
"So....." He drawled.
"Could the both of you just stay for the night" He uttered.
Silence followed.
"Okay" Denna muttered in a low voice, eyes averting away from his figure.
His gaze soon turned to me, eyes pleading in the process.
"Nia?" He called
"Sure, I'll stay" I responded.
"Thank you" He called out to Denna and I, right before hurrying out of the kitchen.
I stared blankly at the crowd of people in the living room, my gaze shifting from one figure to another.
Just how many people had the twins invited? Did they have this much friends. I could only doubt that, seeing as to how a few of the people who had showed up, looked past their twenties. Or did they just crash in?
It sure would be a long night.
Rounds of thoughts came into my head as I made my way into the kitchen.
Miss Mary had gone home already, leaving just Denna and I back.
She had left the mansion an hour ago, right after making sure everything was in order, and the cake was just about ready.
A weak yawn escaped my lips, as I took a sit by the kitchen island, relaxing back, while holding out a novel held in my hands.
Already, I was tired.
"You can't sleep now" Denna's voice filled my ears, as she made her way into the kitchen.
A smile crawled up her lips at my sight.
"Remember, we have to make sure everything is fine, and the guests don't go into places they aren't supposed to go" She uttered.
"I'm tired" I responded.
"The party will be over soon" She assured me.
"Are you done with the rooms?" She called at once, moving around the kitchen.
"Just a few more left"
"Well hurry up, so you could have a rest"
I nodded at her words, picking up my duster, mop and bucket, and then stepping out of the kitchen.
Pushing my way through the crowd of people partying, I proceeded upstairs to erase whatever mess awaited me.
I walked into Mr and Mrs Williams room, and how glad I was to find it already tidied.
Proceeding over to Ashley's room, I tapped lightly on the door, waiting for her figure to show up.
No response followed.
I knocked yet again, and still no answer. Prying at the door, I realised it was locked.
At once, I moved over to the next room.
Pushing open the door to Tyler's room, I shut it the instant my eyes took in the sight before me .
Two people were in there making out.
It wasn't Tyler, but another guy, with a girl I hadn't seen before.
I couldn't make out the girl's profile. The duo were so engrossed in their moment, they didn't even notice me walk in, and then back out.
Finally moving on to Cameron's room, I only prayed he wasn't there.
Just please, could he be anywhere but his room at this hour.
Joy rushed to my heart the moment I found his room empty. His figure was nowhere in sight, perhaps downstairs partying.
His bed was in an utter mess, clothes thrown everywhere.
I took notice of the objects sprawled on the ground, and yet again, one could only wonder if he even slept in his room at all.
Picking the clothes up and tossing them into a basket, I tidied the room quickly, then left shortly afterwards.
The figure of Denna remained in the kitchen, scrubbing and wiping away.
A low sigh escaped my lips, as I sat right on the kitchen floor, placing my head on my thighs, and then playing with my fingers.
"C'mon Nia, don't be such a party pooper" Denna uttered, moving over to where I was.
I remained silent just staring on.
"There are people out there partying, having quite a time, while we're here cleaning" I stared in a low voice.
Denna let out a weak sigh, eyes peering at me.
"We'll be fine, Nia"
"This wouldn't last forever"
"Soon come, all of this would be gone" She spoke.
"How soon?" I yelped.
"Enlighten me Denna, cause I'm completely lost on what's to come tomorrow"
"Like, what exactly am I doing? What's the next stage of my life? Will this go on forever? And if it doesn't, what then follows"
"All these questions I have no answers to"
"I'm torn Denna" I sighed.
"Not for once did I find myself scrubbing floors....nor taking out the trash"
I took a long pause, an ache lingering in my heart.
"Life truly is playing a test on me"
"You deserve something that would get your mind off this mess" Denna suddenly spoke.
"The only thing I need is rest, and all worries gone" I responded.
"Don't you wanna have fun. Let's have fun" she said to me.
"If by 'fun' you mean cleaning the house, I'll pass" I replied.
"C'mon. We never might get this chance again" She said.
She dragged me to my feet, taking me out of the kitchen, not daring to stop for once amidst my protests.
We stood at the corner of the living room staring at everyone.
Red cups were thrown everywhere, empty boxes laid on the ground. There was even spilled wine on the couch.
Mrs Williams sure wouldn't like that.
Some people were at a corner playing a game of truth and dare.
A girl was dared to strip down while people cheered her on. The next minute, she had done what was requested of her, and the only thing left on her body was her underwear.
Low whistles erupted from the boys around, as their eyes roamed every part of her body, while the game continued.
I turned to Denna who seemed to be having much fun, and at once, I began moving away.
Where are you going to?" She called after me.
"I'll be right back" I responded.
Going into the kitchen, I moved to the counter where I last placed my novel, hoping to retrieve it from there, but the book was nowhere in sight.
My eyes roamed around, doing its examination, while I moved to and fro, looking to find the novel somewhere.
I yelled out in frustration, when all of my search resulted in nothing.
Where exactly have I been to? The novel ought to be here. I thought to myself, and only then did I remember.
I was out cleaning Cameron's room earlier. That was the last place I visited.
Hurrying out of the kitchen, I proceeded upstairs, making my way to just one point—Cameron's room.
Second after second, my feet drew closer to its destination, heart thumping, random thoughts taking a brief abode in my head.
What if I had lost the Novel somewhere else, or did someone take it?
Now, who would be interested in reading a novel, when a huge party was going on downstairs.
Certainly no one, excluding Nia.
Did I even return downstairs with the novel after cleaning?
I got all answers to my questions as I slowly pushed the door to the room open, a shriek escaping my lips, as I found a shirtless Cameron laid in bed, with the novel held in his hands.