Chereads / Gifted with Destruction / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13- A New World

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13- A New World


This was never meant to be easy. The mission, the goal, I've held onto for years was finally close to fruition and still I question if it is worth the constant effort, I make dealing with others. At first, it was the close-minded morons of the previous Inner Circle, then the partnership I've made with the racist, Benedict Ryan, the bank manager that I have begun flirting with, and finally the new members of the Inner Circle.

Polaris, daughter of Magneto, and a powerful mutant in her own right. While the pregnancy is increasing her strength and has given her a reason to fight, I fear the effects a family might have on her dedication and psyche.

Eclipse, a tag-along father of Polaris's child, with moderately powerful abilities and a deep desire to protect his family, doing anything he can to avoid abandoning them.

Sage, the excellent programmer and analyst we needed to break into comms and computer systems in our upcoming missions.

Fade is an interesting character. Happy to help others, yet desperately selfish, the invisibility he has makes him a dangerous spy, or assassin.

Finally, we have the Von Struckers, the biggest pains in my ass. The daughter, Lauren, was obsessed with her brother, learning from him and using his power and training as her standard. An incredibly powerful mutant herself, capable of molecular compression, she was meant to be an S-tier hire, but instead I'm dealing with angst and attitude.

The larger concern was her brother Andrew. Calm, Confident and Intelligent, the boy trained daily, mastering his abilities in any way he can think of, and has worked for the Guerra Cartel as a weapon of destruction several times the past weeks. While less aggressive than his sister, he is by far the most dangerous of the two, his destructive abilities and desires seeming to linger just behind his eyes. What's worse is that together, the two form Fenris. A near-unstoppable monster that can destroy whole buildings in seconds effortlessly. And the two had tasted blood, and were thus harder to control. When he said they could destroy the tower, he wasn't just describing his powers but threatening us. 'Protect my interests and family, or we will kill all of you,' he seemed to say at that moment.

If the new Inner Circle becomes a hindrance they will unfortunately have to be eliminated, too powerful to be allowed to linger and grow. 'Wouldn't be the first time would it.'

POV- Andy

The pregnancy planning had been going steadily for a while, and the sexy triplets had bought off the manager of a properly reinforced concrete munitions factory. The same that I had seen Lorna give birth to Dawn in, in my memories of course.

Her belly had swollen enormously, heavily contrasting with her lithe figure, and she now waddled as she walked. This didn't make her significantly less dangerous though, as the last time the baby kicked, she pulled an SUV weighing several tonnes, and another time, pulled the doors off of every room on our floor. Reinforced steel doors that could block bullets, ripped from stone. The pregnancy of Lorna's child, Magneto's granddaughter took precedence over everything else. Mandatory training had been shortened, the triplets were spending more time outside the tower, unfortunately without bringing me or Lauren, who was growing similarly claustrophobic, and even the dream that me and Lauren shared a few days ago.


Flashback POV- Andy

Waking from my sleep I find myself in the lounge area that attaches to the indoor pool. 'Weird, I was just asleep in my music room. Did someone move me?' I heard splashing from the pool room, walking in to find Lauren in her white swimwear, something she bought after noting the contrast it gave with her golden tan and yet matched our pale white hair.

"Hey, Lauren," I say, looking around the room looking for clues as to why I feel…off.

"ANDY!" she squealed, dropping down under the water. "What're you doing here?"

"I don't know, the last I remember I was in my music room, then woke up back there," I reply, gesturing over my shoulder towards the lounge room. 'Why's she so shocked that I'm here, it's a public space.' She looked at me briefly, taking a breath to calm down.

"Well I was in bed asleep," she said equally confused, "I thought I was dreaming." That triggered the memory of the first telepathic message the inherited memories possessed, on the carpark roof.

"Our telepathic bond is finally forming, I think. Now we should be able to communicate while we sleep," I said excitedly. To be honest, I was ecstatic. Telepathy, even limited as ours was, could prove highly beneficial for having secret conversations or training abilities while our bodies recuperate. Progressing with and developing the connection could even allow us to communicate similar to the Frost sisters, a skill I was deeply envious of. The two of us simply talked and relaxed in the dreamscape, shifting the setting from the pool to the training room, to our own rooms just to determine what we could achieve inside it, waking as her alarm went off, breaking the connection.


POV- Marcos

I hated to admit it, but the Inner Circle, run by Reeva, was definitely the better group to be part of if you were expecting a child. Cots, onesies, mutant-dedicated doctors, they have them all. And if they didn't, they would buy, steal or mind-control their way into getting them. Normally I would be as disgusted working with them as the cartel, but with our child on the way I couldn't find myself motivated to be angry with them, only glad for their help.

"Mrrmm Marcos," I heard from beside me. "Get them, the baby's coming." I sprinted out of the room shouting for someone to get the doctor, the triplets rushing past me and helping bring Lorna towards the elevator, the Fenris siblings grabbing clothes and blankets from our room under the orders of their mother, who had followed the triplets with Lorna. I was in a panic, but managed to follow along with the siblings to a car, though the eldest of them drove us, with me far too distracted to drive safely.

The next few hours were awful, watching Lorna in pain as her powers pulled everything metal towards her. There was a mental block, but the Frosts projected an image into both of our minds, a beautiful image. A new hope for mutants, the two of us on a balcony in Washington, a combined double-helix and red, white and blue symbolising a collaborative America. And better than anything, our daughter running up to us with a bright smile as she called for us. A new dawn for a new world, the message that hung across the entrance of the government building behind us stuck in our heads. Dawn. A brief desire to name our kid Dawn flickered before vanishing just as quickly. The image faded and Lorna was more determined than I'd ever seen her, and mere minutes later we held our precious daughter, Aurora. Months ago, we had agreed to name her Aurora, and looking at our angel, the most brilliant thing I've ever been responsible for, the name was right, perfect for the combination of Lorna and me.

POV- Andy

John and Sonya had sent messages to all of us asking for constant updates of the child, something Lauren was more than happy to participate in. I was far more awkward around the child, not because I dislike them in general, or her specifically, but I just couldn't help but worry I'd drop her, or damage Aurora in some way. It took most of a week to grow confident around her, and we, along with Cait, watched her during any training simulations or alone time the couple needed.

According to the simulations, my combustive capabilities were now capable of destroying a motorcycle, even without exploding the fuel tank. The maximum range of my abilities had been stretched to approximately 200 metres or 230 yards, an increase of almost 100 yards over the last few weeks, thus making me a threat even at range.

Reeva had begun training us for infiltration missions, and I had been made to break through foot-thick walls made of materials of increasing strength. Unlike in the inherited memories, I was not laden with guilt and separation-induced depression, and all of the walls were broken simultaneously by a single swipe of my arm. "Reeva, unless you plan on breaking through something with walls several tens of yards thick, I'll rip through it with ease."

"You will practise what is given to you, so that you can better perform the skill, regardless of your own opinion. If I say you will train this, you will. Is that clear?" She stood glaring down from the viewing platform and I couldn't help but get pissed. The sheer arrogance of this bitch trying to control people far stronger than herself just so that she feels strong. At first, the broken wall rubble was shaking, then the inch-thick bulletproof glass cracked, and then the entire room around Reeva began to shake violently, as if that room alone was experiencing an earthquake. Sage started begging through the comms to stop it to save the equipment and it ceases.

"We work for you, yes. But DON'T try to hold us back Reeva," I snarled, leaving the room and stalking off to the pool to relax. The pool, both here, and at the previous manor had been my area of relaxation, only Fade and Lauren occasionally joining me there. And so there I was, submerging myself in the middle of the pool, with a tunnel of air connecting my mouth and nose to the room above and its necessary oxygen while still providing me with the pleasure of being fully isolated and submerged. I heard someone entering the pool and at first I thought it would be Lauren, or perhaps Lorna with her unending big-sis energy she seemed to radiate, but instead there was Sophie seated on the edge, her feet dangling in and a silvery blue bikini on. "I'm not apologising to the banshee."

"I'm not expecting you t-…You know her power? Wait, of course you do." She slipped into the pool with me and strode closer, the pool rather shallow down this end. "One day, the temptation to break into your mind will be too great, and we will look through it regardless of the risk," she said. 'She's definitely tempted. Sophie is the shy one, and for her to be so straightforward demonstrates the appeal.'

"One day, I might let you." Her eyebrows raised at my words.

"You'd LET us in? Why?"

"Once I feel I can trust you with the greatest of my secrets of course, maybe we can have a trust-building game…just the two of us," I say, now well inside her personal space.

"Like what?" she said, reverting back to her more submissive, shy nature. 'God, if someone managed to date all three, they'd be dating a combative dom, a shy sub and a social switch…far more than tempting.'

"How about a trade? You tell me a juicy secret, and I might share one of my own."

"All of our secrets are related to the Inner Circle, or our situation beforehand," she said, "I wouldn't know where to start."

"Then I'll start," I start, moving so close our bodies are now pressed together as I whisper in her ear, not wanting the surveillance to hear me. "I know that Reeva had all three of you kill the previous Inner Circle members." 'Technically, I was telling her about one of her secrets, but the effect was immediate. Sophie's hands that had been on my chest ready to push me off but instead grabbed me tightly.

"HOW?!!" A smile was my reply as I was too busy enjoying the feeling of her body, slick from the pool pressing up against me.

"Tell me one of yours and I might tell you." She took a moment to catch her breath, but didn't hit me or have her eyes glow blue, which I thought was an excellent sign.

"My sisters and I aren't just triplets, but clones," she said, limiting the information she provides to be able to squeeze more information from me.


"Tell me how you know," she hissed in my ear, the aggression from such a passive girl was definitely turning me on.

With my lips right over her ear I reveal one of my secrets in the same way she did hers, "I saw the memories of a man."

She recoiled, shocked. "But you haven't left the tower unsupervised? And there were no witnesses. You have to be lying." I hold her tight, smiling down at the gorgeous blonde.

"As impossible as it seems, it's the truth, just like I told you before. And I REALLY don't appreciate being called a liar." A knock sounds from the door and I hear Lorna on the other side.

"Andy, can we talk about what happened at training? Never mind, it's unlocked. I'm coming in." By the time she turned the handle I decided to take revenge on Sophie for calling me dishonest, taking her chin in my hand and meeting her lips with my own. There was no vigorous tongue action, but the warmth of our lips and the fact she didn't recoil in alarm but instead sunk into the kiss was enough for me. "OH SHIT, fuck. Sorry," Lorna said turning away quickly. "I-uh, didn't think that was a…wait a second, Andy you are 16. Put her down." Her words were valid, because although I had lifted the passive girl up, her legs now around my hips and her back against the smooth edge, our tongues having begun to dance around each other's mouths… I was still a minor, making out with a girl in her early twenties. 'It's totally legal though, even if we were instead banging, but I guess the age thing was still frowned upon slightly.'

Sophie jolted out of an impassioned stupor, sliding off me and breaking off the kiss. "I…have to have a shower," she said ducking out of the room and down the hall. Turning my head from the sexy figure that had left the room to the lithe-again woman who was looking at me scandalised, face tinged red with either embarrassment or irritation.

"So, you threatened Reeva, then left and came down here to snog one of the triplets? Do you even know which one you kissed? Have you gone further with them? Oh God, what do I say to your mother?" Lorna's barrage of questions made me laugh as I leaned on the edge of the pool, arms and head on the slate tiles.

"The kiss wasn't planned Lorna, and I know each of them individually. That was Sophie by the way."

"So, you're with ALL of them?" she asked incredulously.

"I've literally only kissed Sophie, and I'm not WITH any of them. So no, you don't need to run off to my mother who would lecture me about crap we learnt about in school years ago." It took a moment for Lorna to understand what I meant before she laughed at the mental image of me being given the talk of bees and birds.

"Why'd you threaten Reeva?" she asked calming down.

"Barely a threat," I muttered. "I hate the feeling of being controlled, and to make things worse, she wants to waste my time and slow my growth. Can't you see Lorna? She's terrified. If what she wanted was for us to succeed, she would be ecstatic at my growth, pushing me and Lauren and you to continue growing stronger, but she isn't." Facing towards the floor to prevent the camera's catching my words, I then deliver the finisher. "She wants to rule, which is why she's afraid we will turn on her for the position. No other reason makes sense." Looking up Lorna is approaching me, kneeling at the edge holding my face in her hands as she leans over like she's going to kiss my forehead.

"Sage told me she killed the previous Inner Circle," I hear.

"I know." She leans back to look in my eyes, then kisses my head and rises.

"Don't do anything dangerous Andy." And so the conversation ended.


I'd gotten out a few minutes later, toweling dry and walked into my room to see Lauren glaring at me. "Again?"

"Again what? I've never intentionally created an eartqu-"

"I can feel the same things you do asshole, so don't 'What' me." I ignored my charming and super possessive sister, walking past her into the shower. "You were with the triplets weren't you? Was it Phoebe again?" I'd already stripped and stood in the shower, the glass door hiding absolutely nothing to my stalker of a sister, who less than shamedly stuck her head in the door of the bathroom.

"Sophie, and nothing seriously happened."

"Then something did happen? What happened to waiting to find someone?"

"I said I wanted someone mature, strong and similar minded, not that I wouldn't try going for someone older than me."

"You…bastard." 'She's fucking livid,' a sudden chill hit me as the water from the shower was diverted directly into the wall avoiding me.

"That's so petty." A flick destroys the shields but the water was suddenly pulled away again, though no barrier did it. She was using telekinesis in a similar manner to myself just to punish me for kissing an older woman. Giving up on the shower, I towel off again.

"I know how you're feeling Lauren, but we can't. It's not only illegal, but wrong. You know that." She sat silently on her bed glowering at me.

"So you jumped at the opportunity with a set of blondes instead?" 'At times like this the power increase of the absorbed ancestral DNA wasn't worth it, the effects it had on Lauren being more extreme than on myself, who already had memories of another life. Bingo.'

"You can't deny they're attractive sis, and there's no way I trust them the same as I do you. I would do anyth- almost anything for you. So, in exchange for your trust in me, I'll share a secret." Her gaze had softened as curiosity fought with her anger and jealousy, the two emotions she hid from everyone but me, being the perfect child. "When I awakened my mutation at the school, I didn't just gain powers, but memories. Like we did from Fenris. It's why I'm different. But NO ONE can find out, Lauren, I trust you, but if someone finds out they will go digging through my mind. I can't let them."

Sliding across to sit beside me on my bed, she took my hands, "I swear that no one will find out from me…but why didn't you say anything earlier. I thought it was the situation forcing you to act this way but-"

"No, being in my early twenties in the inherited memories gave me a perspective change, and without it, I can guarantee our present would be more depressing." She didn't ask anything more, simply pulling me back on the bed and lying next to me, her being fully dressed as she drifted off to sleep. 'I destroyed the camera and audio recorders in here as often as I find them, so there's little risk of that leaking. I'm probably going to cop it from Phoebe when she hears about me and Sophie…or not, maybe she'd be into it,' I hoped.