Chereads / Gifted with Destruction / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14- Job and JOBS R-18

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14- Job and JOBS R-18


The next few days were a little nerve-shaking, as Aurora suffered a severe case of jaundice, which was identified as treatable with Marcos's effort. While I hadn't received any flak from Phoebe, I couldn't be sure Sophie told her, and I wasn't blessed with another opportunity with either of them since. Luckily, however, we had a rescue/abduction mission of a patient at a mutant mental treatment facility, though, I wasn't quite sure why we needed her in the first place. A mental chick with no control and very limited powers, not that she bothered to train them, does not seem like the best choice of partner. 'I guess Reeva doesn't want to risk Fenris ripping apart something valuable inside the vault, or bringing down the building around us.'



Today we were going to release a large group of potentially dangerous mutants into society, in an effort to rescue a new member the bitch Reeva wants, and provide a distraction from police. 'If Sage removes the alarms, and Lorna, Andi and I take out the staff, I'm not sure why we'd need a distraction though.' I would have asked Andi, but he had started making me think and provide my own conclusions, only telling me if I was getting hotter or colder to the truth.

In moments like these, I could see the change in him, feel it even. He was treating me like a little sister, which I guess mentally I am now, and he was treating the mission like a walk in the park. His casual attitude caused him to receive a lecture from Mom, but he ignored her words entirely, pouring coffee into two thermoses…both for him.

Driving up to the gated fence of the psychiatric hospital, Esme calls in to report. "Alright, we are in position. Sage."

A short wait was followed by Sage's soothing voice over the speakers, "I'm done, you are good to move in." Looking over, I saw the face-splitting grin on Andi's face, ecstatic to leave the tower. While I felt the same, it was not quite as severe as his. And I wasn't as willing to use murder as a method of escaping boredom.

Lorna the back while I lead, acting as the vanguard, providing us protection from gunfire from all sides, should it come to it. The doors we pushed open and I pull the two admin, yanking their heads against the wooden bench, leaving them unconscious with a sharp crack sound. Between this and suffocation, my abilities are the most beneficial for incapacitating non-lethally. A guard had been standing off to one side, but Marcos basically flash banged him, before Lorna smashed a security camera into his head. "The most dangerous will be kept in the underground levels," I hear Lorna say, and so we make our way through the building, taking out guards and staff alike.

Apparently, our approach hadn't gone unnoticed, as the lower floors were barricaded, 'maybe we missed one?' which seemed hilarious as Andy flicked his wrist and the entire locked door flew backwards, removing the obstacles that had been pushed against it. On the other side was a hallway of heavy, locked doors, shut tight with names and patient descriptions beside them. I turned to Lorna, who'd been looking pale the entire time we'd been here, "You were in a place like this?"

"A long time ago, yeah. Not really a place I ever want to go back to, or think about." Catching the implied, 'shut up,' I instead ask Sage through our comms about the staff.

"Sage, can you find the staff? The hallway's clear."

"One second…There are 4 hiding in the staffroom around the corner to the right, they appear armed. Another two made a run for it and should reach the triplets in 4 minutes." 'Okay, so he's they're definitely dead.' Making our way to the staff room, I can feel Andy's frustration, not just his anger and disgust at the treatment of others like us, but his boredom as well, setting off his mood. He opens the door with a blast, smashing the steel door against three of the four staff members, the fourth was momentarily startled and fired, the bullet reaching a meter from my brother before stopping. Hanging in the air, the bullet turns, then is flung back with ludicrous speed. I'd seen Andi use a coin to pierce through a car door, so there was no way he wasn't going to injure the stupid man. I constrict the three that had been smacked by the door, watching as a small explosion removes the hand of the shooter, not spraying everywhere, but simply vanishing, as if his hand was so thoroughly disbanded that it no longer existed. The man screamed for a second before fainting, but Marcos at least cauterised the stump, heating up a metal coaster as Lorna pressed it to what was left of his arm.

"Was that necessary?" she asked, though she didn't seem all that horrified either.

"No," Andi admitted. "But I wanted to, so…" Marcos flinched while Lorna groaned into her hand, meanwhile I simply observed. 'The old Andi would never have done this, at least not without provocation. I wasn't as disgusted by the violence as I might once have been. Though whether that was due to the absorbed DNA or simply continued exposure I couldn't be sure. I loved my brother regardless of his issues, and I knew that if it were me who was shot at, he would do a LOT worse.'

"Sage, how do we open the doors?" Lorna asked and was taken through a lengthy description of steps that took almost five full minutes to perform.

"Movies always make it look so easy, just a big red button or whatever," I remark as Lorna finally gets all the doors open.

"Well, that fire emergency button on the wall there might have done it too, but it would have also sent an alarm to the local fire department." Andi had been looking back there for a while but I hadn't been sure why.

We heard Sage through the comms, "Sorry, I could have just blocked the alarm from being sent before you used the button, which would have been quicker."

Andi muttered something about computational thinking and human problem-solving, before he left to go address the looneys as he called them, much to Mom's distaste. He fully ignored the mission to look for a Rebecca girl, close to his age. 'Physical age,' I correct mentally, watching as he approaches a hallway full of the most dangerous. Two lunged at him before their bodies are thrown against the floor hard enough to crack the tiles. "We are here to help you, so shut up and stand still." He surveyed each of them and their medical reports, slamming any who tried to run or attack into the ground. "You three, come here." A tall man, with an athletic build, stepped forward, along with a small child, maybe 11 years old, who was nervously looking around the room for an escape, and a woman around Lorna's age, with Asian features and a toned body, as if she exercised daily. 'Which is impossible if they were in here.' "Highly corrosive bodily fluids, short-range teleportation, and greatly enhanced physical traits, all with minimal psychological problems… This is of course an offer you can refuse, but I'd like to invite you to work for us, the Hellfire Club. You will be given accommodation, food as well as training-"

"The terrorist group?" the taller man said unsure, his body tensed.

"By definition, yes. As are the MU, who predominantly smuggle mutant families to safer areas in order to escape persecution, imprisonment and experimentation. Something I'm sure you can understand."

"My family is dead, and I can't get a job anyway, not as a mutant felon," the woman said. "Sure, I'll join the club. My name's Maria Summit, a physically enhanced mutant. Enough to stop regular bullets and lift the end of a car." Looking at her toned, slender body, wiry muscle just beneath the surface, I was suddenly motivated to exercise a little. I'm not fat by any stretch, and my curves are stunning, but I can understand the practical benefits of being physically powerful, even at the risk of losing a cup size or two.

"Will, I have to fight?" the small boy asked timidly.

"Do you want to?" I step forward, looking down at the sweet-looking boy with caramel brown hair long enough that the curls fell in his eyes.

"No, my Dad was killed by Purifiers, but Mom was taking me to some group, maybe the MU. But we had to run, and I couldn't find her as I ran from the robots, so I jumped. A day later I was found anyway, shot with something then brought here. I want to find my mom and go, like we planned."

Andi turned to the man, who seemed to stand like John did, like a soldier. "No, I've fought long enough." Amazingly, Andi didn't rip him to pieces or even injure him, instead pulled out his phone.

"John, hey buddy. There's a large group of mutants that were freed from some…less than ethical treatment at a psychiatric facility here, I'll text you the address. Some of them might be inclined to help you… Yes, I know you're busy smuggling people. I know it would bring attention. You'll want them anyway. The staff will be locked in one of the rooms on the ground floor, and the inmates in the lounge on basement floor one. Have fun." Everyone was staring at him like he was insane, ordering someone to come pick them up. "That's John, from the MU, he can get you out of the country, or a job if you're inclined to help others."

"Andi, Lauren let's go." Lorna really had nailed the mom yell, and Maria followed us. "Who's this?"

"Maria Summit, pleasure to meet you. That one offered me a job." Lorna looked at Andi and sighed, obviously finding Andi more tiring than the mission itself, which I could understand. The way we used to argue would leave us both panting and red-faced, but now we don't argue at all, the two of us connected in almost every way but the ones I want.

"Fine, but you're explaining to the triplets why you brought a stray." Maria flinched at the word stray, but followed nonetheless, resulting in a surprisingly short explanation with the Frosts.

"Rebecca Hoover, and Maria Summit."

"She isn't part of the mission, Andi."

"Reeva's going to be mad."

"Though when isn't she?"

"Her file reads as stable and she was willing to join, I gave them a choice. The stable ones at least.

"Is she useful?"

"Similar physically to John, but without the raging hero complex, or weird tracking thing I don't think."

"Fine, but we are having a talk later."

"Not with me, leave me out of it," one of the triplets said quickly. 'How does he recognise them so easily, they're fucking identical. Perfect, beautiful, blonde, tall triplets, one of which has kissed my brother. Fucking hell, I hate them.' One of them was looking at me with a smirk, meaning it was Phoebe, the only one who knew what went on between the empathic link a few weeks back. 'I'm obviously not keeping my dislike of them off my face.' She'd teased me about the link between my brother and I, leaving printouts of the rumours of our predecessors, links to various kinky erotica novels and so forth, not at all helping the situation. If I hated one of them in particular it was her, though Sophie was a close second.

POV- Andy

The triplets had taken Maria to Reeva, along with her psychiatric profile and record, accepting the Asian muscle mommy into the Hellfire club. 'I watched WAY too much tiktok in those memories. The amount of things that turned the past guy on was…various, and I'm suffering for it.'

As promised, I was called to the Frosts' room, Sophie looking nervous while Phoebe held an antagonising smirk. "I heard you kissed Sophie. Esme and I felt it, but she didn't tell us it was you; you tease. For two weeks she managed to hold out. To be honest when she told us, we were more surprised she kept it a secret than about the kiss."

"You're not weirded by the age gap?" I ask.

"We're killers and terrorists, plus you act more mature than half of the idiots around us…most of the time."

"So…no, the age gap doesn't worry us. Not that anything really happened anyway. How'd the sex toy I bought you work out?"

"That wasn't funny, and using it in our room is obviously impossible in the first place, which you knew."

"Yeah, I figured it'd be funny giving you something you couldn't use." 'That goddamn fucking smirk makes me want to punch her and kiss her, and Sophie's doe eyes make me want to hold her against me.'

"So why am I here, Phoebes? (Feebs) Humiliation? Information? A favour?" With each prompt, I step closer to the arrogant blonde, and at my last push, I'm well inside her personal space. "Or something personal you want to tell me, because if you don't have an issue with me kissing your sister, there's no reason for this talk."

"We had some luck with finding out about Benedict Ryan, but the humiliation was an added bonus."

I push her back into the couch, leaning over her, my voice somewhat husky as my face came closer to hers. "Good for you." With my hands gripping the back of her couch I kiss Phoebe, not sweet and tenderly as I had Sophie, but with the aggression I had for her. The same teasing banter she had made me want her more than almost anyone, but based on the reciprocation, it wasn't one-sided.

*R-18 ahead*

Sophie sat flushed on the other couch gasping and breathing heavily, which was actually helpful, as I knew she could feel everything Phoebes could. Phoebe had her hands around my neck, one hand gripping and pulling my hair closer into her, as our tongues danced like fire. Pulling back for air I notice the smirk is gone, replaced with a regular smile for a few brief moments, "Over my sister already?"

Sitting on the couch and pulling her onto my lap, I confide, "No, I just don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not. I like spending time with both of you." Her eyes widened before her smirk returned.

"You want to try a threesome, don't you?"

"Meh. Alone, together, I really don't care." Sophie still sat there on the couch opposite us, as we continued making out, Phoebes grinding on my lap as I kissed down her neck, small bites and kisses trailing from her jaw to her shoulder.

"Ffffuck," I hear from Sophie, and the gyrating gets more aggressive. Sliding my hands up from her waist and along her curves, I begin unbuttoning the shirt, for approximately 0.2 seconds before I tear it open, eliciting a cry from Phoebe. As I pulled the top off behind her, her baby blue bra hangs in front of me, encasing her milky white breasts mere inches from my face. Kissing along her collarbone and down her chest, I unhook the blue covering and throw it towards Sophie, who was sitting with red cheeks and a hand cupping her breast. 'These two weren't kidding about experiencing pleasure together. Haha. Poor Esme.'

Sliding my hands down to her perky ass, grabbing and playing with the juicy butt under her skirt, which had been pushed up around her hips from the movement, I work my kisses along her breasts, soft moans sounding in my ears. As my tongue flickers across the skin, teasing along the areola and nipples, switching sides to suck and nibble at her tits, Sophie and Phoebe both are frantic, and if I weren't wearing moderately fashionable Kevlar jeans, I would probably have came in my pants from the motions she was making. Already I was hard, her hips grinding along my length as we engaged in foreplay. It was when I bit one nipple, pulling softly on the other with one hand, that she screeched, her back arched and I felt the dampness on my crotch having seeped through the jeans.

Phoebe's pleasure set off Sophie, who drenched her hand and the couch under her, a string of curses having come from her mouth. 'I think Sophie has a thing for watching, what's it called, voyeurism or something.' "What a mess, how ever will you clean it up?" I say, but there was no disguising the lust in my voice, or the look I shot Sophie. Shooting to her feet the shy woman walked around the table, all the while I lifted Phoebes telekinetically, pulled off my jeans and spun her around to face her sister, my dick positioned under her so that it was equally visible to Sophie as her minge, which was undressed with a flick of my fingers.

'My powers are surprisingly useful in these situations too.' Cupping Phoebe's breasts with one hand, my other on her thighs as I kiss the back of her neck, Sophie kneels in front of us between our legs, tenderly grabbing my dick and planting a kiss at the tip before trailing her tongue along the underside. The bliss I felt having Phoebe against me and Sophie with her tongue now encircling my shaft as her head bobs on it, bouncing on the back of her throat was euphoric, and my lowered hand climbed to work on Phoebe's pussy slick with her fluids. Sliding between her lips with my fingers curled I rub at the rough patch just inside her. Feeling her buck on my fingers was definitely a good sign, and when my thumb found her love button she was pressing her hips against my hand so hard I had to stop groping her boobs to hold her onto me as her hands wove into her sister's hair, bouncing her on my dick.

"Oh shit Soph, I'm gonna cum soon." She didn't slow down at all, instead increasing speed until my hips thrust forward, burying myself so deeply into her nose was pressed against my stomach, her eyes watering as she swallowed load after load. Luckily, Phoebe was soon next, as Sophie was cleaning me off, Phoebe had begun groping her own chest as I fingered at a higher pace, working deeper with two fingers while rubbing and prodding the spot with another.

"Oh god, I'm so close. Don't stop, fuck me, Andi fuck, FFFUUUCK!" 'If I ever do this again with Phoebe, I need to consider earplugs or soundproofing…I hope this is soundproofed. Or I'm in soo much shit.' As Phoebe climbed off me and began eating out her sister, I was left with a choice, bang Phoebe as she eats Soph, or have an oral spit roast. 'I really should help Soph finish before thinking of myself again.

Beginning with a vigorous kiss as Soph moans in my mouth, my hands taking over hers as she mauls at her chest for a bit, I can feel myself harden again almost instantly. Giving a soft peck to her lips, I lift the both of them in the air, still in their position, a feat only possible to to my "ridiculous" amounts of training, placing them both on the wide sofa, the two girls lying on the couch, with Soph's head hanging from the end. 'I've always wanted to do this.' Phoebe realised what I was doing quickly, giggling directly into her sister's box, causing Soph to gasp before my dick filled her mouth again. With her throat now in line with her mouth, I could go so much further into her throat before the gag reflex came into play, allowing me to throat fuck the shy girl, making sure to pull back enough to give her chances to breathe. I knew it was working for her when Phoebe began rubbing herself, glancing up at me with a smile, and the sight was beautiful until I felt Sophie moan around my shaft and a great jet of water cover Phoebe's face, hair and body.

"You bitch."

A phone began to ring so I pulled myself from Sophie, recognising it as my own.

"Andi, I'm not entirely sure what you've been doing with the Frosts, but if you don't get back here in two minutes, I'm going to break your guitars."

"How's that fair?"

"You're the one having sex."

"Not technically, and I think I've found something I like doing as much as I like music."

"Please stop Andi, I'm feeling everything." A wicked idea runs through me and I stiffen again, almost painfully so this time, switching the call to speakerphone. "Do we have a deal, no smashed guitars for AHHUUURGH." While she's been talking I had walked over behind the now-drenched Phoebe, and inserted myself into her with one smooth slide, her incredibly wet lips accepting me with a warm hug as I entered, both of the triplets in front of me arching slightly at the sensation. "ARE YOU FAAUUGH!" Lauren manages as I draw myself back out, pushing in again with hard, slow thrusts that has both Lauren and Phoebe whimpering.

"Getting off your sister and two sisters at the same time. Kinky," Phoebe gasps between thrusts, causing Lauren to pant out a response.

"You-'ve g-got ah both ugh of them, fuck, there now? Ah and on shit, speakerphone?"

"Well Phoebes already knew," I groan out, "and Soph didn't seem too worried about her own sister." Talking to Lauren while pumping inside a feisty blonde was ridiculously hot, and though Phoebe had her third before I came, it wasn't longer than a few minutes.

"Outside. Andi, finish OUTSIDE!" Sophie pants from underneath Phoebe, her arms still hugging her sister to her crotch. I only just managed to pull out, but the shot was powerful, shooting my hot, sticky mess in streaks along her back.


"Sorry, Soph. It seems my completely dependant sister is calling for me." Sophie smiled and waved me off while I listened to Lauren defending herself against the dependent comment, unaware I'd reverted the call back to standard. And giving them both a kiss, I ran back to my room, covered in a sheen of sweat and other women's juices. 'Lauren was soo fucking jealous, but I seriously hope the guitars are okay. Maybe if they're broken, I can go back for some bittersweet sex to mourn them. Makes sense to me.'