Chereads / Gifted with Destruction / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15- Issues. Lots of Issues R-17*

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15- Issues. Lots of Issues R-17*

POV- Lauren

'That fucking bastard.' We'd enjoyed the day, as much as we could. Allowed to leave for the first time in a while, relieving some stress on violent, sadistic racists while helping rescue a young girl as part of Reeva's mission. Unfortunately, neither Andi nor I were allowed to go full bore, and it felt like we were being teased. Allowed outside, but only on a mission. Allowed to attack some truly evil fuckers but warned not to kill them all, and accompanied in a squad. Either Andy or I could have done the damn mission alone, let alone with a full team. I could feel his growing aggression, something that mirrored my own, though I will admit he has always been the more violent of us. 'I wonder if it's a result of him, the past memories, or the Fenris accommodation. We've both changed, that was undeniable. I'm just glad we've gotten closer as siblings.'

Unable to relieve the pent-up aggression, I took the girl to her personal room with one of the triplets and Lorna for a bit, hoping that having me there, someone closer to her age might help her open up. It didn't. Five minutes after I returned to my room for a shower though, I felt a growing heat in my body. Knowing Andy had gone off with two of the triplets, I originally thought nothing of it, but it grew. Still in the shower I was soon leaning against the wall weak-kneed and breathing heavily, my hands a tool to help remove the burning craving inside me. A short moment of respite gave me the opportunity to grab my phone and call the man-whore I call a brother. 'I'd only been with my boyfriend a few times after dating him for a year, but he is getting freaky with at least one of the Frosts. They're so much older though. There's nothing they have that I don't, even my figures better.'

I tried calling him, threatening, bargaining, and yet he only pushed me further. Banging Phoebe while on the phone to me. I could feel his lust, the pleasure he was experiencing, and my feelings, which only made the situation more confusing. 'I'm aroused by this. Not even as a result of the empathy, I'm getting off to hearing my brother fuck that snarky bitch. A blonde like me.' I could hear another two voices in the background, which only made me shudder in excitement. I could hear them fucking, the clapping of flesh-on flesh, the moans and gasps that mingled with my own. Eventually, the two of us finished, sharing the sensation through the empathy link and driving us both wild with pleasure.

"ANDI, IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO TELL MOM, OR LORNA, GET BACK HERE NOW!" I yell into the phone, my body again unclean and a hand clenched tight between my thighs.

POV- Andy

Opening the door and peering in, not wanting to get smacked by a shield wall or thrown object, I step inside. Gazing at my sister's beautiful tanned skin, well-endowed far beyond genetically possible, I couldn't take my eyes off her. 'Not that she seems bothered at all.' "I see my guitar is still okay, so I take it you're not too pissed."

"Oh, I'm pissed you slut. TWINS?"

"Technically only banged one. Sophie was all oral so it doesn't really count."

*Well if it doesn't count, why can't we?* I hear, but there's no movement from Lauren. It's her voice, no doubt, but she didn't move. "Lauren, I heard that. The full-link telepathy is coming through finally. And you know why." 'I'm saying this, but I can't pull my eyes off her.' * I never got the opportunity to eat out the twins, but they looked delicious.*

"I'm right here naked, and you're still thinking about them," she fumed.

"Because I can enjoy them without risking losing our family Lauren. Sure, they're older, and it's of questionable morals, but it's just that. Sleeping with you is crossing a line we CAN'T cross." *No matter how much we want to.* Lauren smirked at me, which told me that the thoughts I have are still being transferred. 'No wonder the Fenris twins went crazy. It's bad enough having one voice in your head, let alone two.'

"I know right." My sister sat up, giving me an even more revealing view, her wet box glistening in the light through the window. My throat was dry and I knew it, which means she knew it, and based on the ever-growing smirk and bulge, my sister and I grew respectively, she was definitely aware. Turning to the bathroom to escape the situation, I lock the door, hoping the brief time will at least cool us down. Unfortunately, a cold shower only affected one of us, so temperature wasn't shared though the flirtatious comments I could hear increasingly clearer were still there. As I basked in the high-pressure shower, trying to think of the losses we risked, of the plans I needed to focus on, and prepare for, I received payback. At first, it was just some teasing around the nipples, but a soft groan escaped me as she continued further south, growing more desperate, more needy as she went. By the time she finished, I could barely stand, and though I'd resisted the urge to 'assist,' I'd come damn near close to breaking the shower as I finished.

I dried off and stepped out, but she wasn't where I'd left her, instead, I could hear her panted breaths from my side of the room behind the drawn wall. Walking over to my drawers to grab some clothes, I couldn't help but notice my sister splayed out and soaking on my bed. Covered in sweat and her own juices she lay on my sheets, her face ground into my pillows. "And WHERE am I supposed to sleep?" I groaned, kicking her foot with my own as I changed before her greedy eyes."

"We can always share mine?" 'Okay, too far.' I grab some changes of clothes from the drawers, stuffing them in a bag, mostly training stuff but comfortable enough.' I don't say a word as I pass my sister, ignoring her completely as she asks and begs me to stay. The lounge next to the pool has a really comfy couch, and I'll spend my days there or training. I'd taken the guitar with me so that I wouldn't have to return, and the headphones were helping block out the sound of my sister in my head. 'None of this shit is remotely acceptable, not my feelings or hers. Mom used to joke about Lauren never dating because she was too obsessed with me, but she'd grown out of it, making friends, even getting a boyfriend after a while.'

"Shame that we're both being influenced by the thoughts of blood-purity-obsessed genetically created children of a nazi, but I guess there aren't many powerful mutants that weren't a little nuts. Telepaths especially.'

The next few days, I didn't speak to Lauren, not for her lack of trying, but I thought we needed a break from each other. At least until we could somewhat muffle the other's thoughts and avoid listening to each other's every thought. Even in the dreamscape, I isolated myself in the pool, hovering underwater as I didn't need air. I spent the time training, studying, much to my mother's glee, and sparring with Marcos and Fade, who knew something was up but were manly enough not to ask. Perfect for my needs. My newly directed focus was beneficial, as I found that I could levitate myself around. Not particularly smooth, or fast. But I could, and that's what matters. The triplets came and saw me occasionally, both Phoebes and Sophie smiling and occasionally flirting, but Esme was definitely awkward the first few times after the incident with her sisters. They talked about Ryan and the information they were finding, but decide not to step in until they found proof of Reeva's involvement.

Apparently, she'd been having a conversation with Lorna when it happened, which was pretty funny, though they were more experienced at controlling their minds and emotions, something I took full advantage of. After 6 days of us training in mental control, I tested it briefly, focusing on Lauren and asking her to text me an image, then hiding the second thought. It was weird, but possible. Unlike the Frosts, who had access to each other's thoughts, Lauren and I were like one mind with two voices. But it was an improvement, and another few days brought us mental solitary once again, and the two of us back together, though somewhat awkwardly, as the unresolved elephant in the room bore down on us.



"Has the girl talked yet?" I asked, having almost completely forgotten about her.

"Rebecca? Yeah, but not much," Lorna answered taking the offered cup of coffee.

"And Aurora?"

"Not talking yet much either," she joked, earning her a sugar packet to the cheek. "She's good. Healthy as she can be after the jaundice incident, and with your mom helping take care of her, I'm not as worried about leaving her for training and missions."

"What missions," I scoff. "One mission that any of us could have done alone, just to create a little chaos and steal a girl."

"You disagree?"

"I think the purifiers are becoming louder, and the Sentinels are somehow seeming like the middle ground in all of this." She cringed at the implication.

"As long as we push through, there can be hope."

"You're sounding like a real X-man there Lorna, be careful it doesn't spread." After a period I groaned, waiting alone with the goth mommy in the training room, "Considering I can tear through chunks of bedrock, I'm not entirely sure why we needed the girl."

"Rebecca. At least call her by her name."

"Is she mentally stable enough to take on a mission?" Again, Lorna sighed.

"It's tough to tell. She could be fine, all the way up until she isn't and snaps." Our conversation stops as the girl in question arrives, like in the memories, it was only us three and the triplets, though all three would be present, as Lauren, Fade and Marcos weren't required. 'Neither's twister, or whatever the idiot called herself.' Simulated holograms approached dressed in full tactical gear, and the girl, Lorna and I dealt with each group easily, only the girl taking more than a second or two to kill them. Lorna had gone out with Esme to go canvas the physical target, Creed Financials, who were known to have funded a long series of anti-mutant programs, politicians, and social movements. Unlike me, Lorna was far more concerned with each situation, worried about her child, and leaving Aurora without a mother. For me, tomorrow was a fun day out. Like when crazies or retirement home patients are taken for a day trip. 'My god, I even think like a dog when they hear 'walkies.'

The plan was given to us yet again. Lorna and I were the protection, while Rebecca was to turn the entire bank vault around, while the triplets turned the bankers into puppets and admitted their company's crimes. 'I mean, this is going to be boring as shit, but if I can get photos of Reeva while we're at the bank, particularly some of her talking to Rebecca, and Rebecca killing the normies, that will give me some support as a less…maniacal leader when I replace the shit-stick. I guess I'll be borrowing a hidden video recorder from Sage. Filming with a full phone might be a little obvious.'


Everyone else always dressed up for these things, 'like why on earth would you wear leather pants and 5-inch heels on a mission, regardless of your power?' Meanwhile, I wore jeans, combat boots and a zip-up hoodie, concealing a sidearm, as well as my bulletproof vest and a camera, smaller than the ring in my zip. Far more useful for running, fighting, and blending into crowds. 'Though, I guess my hair kinda limits that last option.'

"We're here." Reeva's car had the poor shmuck she'd been dating to blackmail into removing the mutant detection systems, and looking at his slumped shoulders and cramped gait, I almost pitied him. Minutes later, we hear from our resident computer specialist.

"Systems down, have fun." Unsurprisingly, Sage was a lot more fun without having felt like she betrayed the MU, and having both Marcos and Lorna to talk to helped her stay more upbeat. The team moved towards the building, the triplets puppeteering the guards to enter the building and hold the bankers and customers at gunpoint. Walking straight through the doors, no sirens sound. 'Good start,' I think, as Lorna waves her hand, destroying all digital devices in the lobby. Two other guards, armed only with pistols take aim, but I remove the barrels of their firearms, ripping the metal apart with a twist of my wrist. The sheep inside the bank are now suitably scared, and follow the triplet's orders, locking themselves in the break room/conference room while safe-breakers, myself included, head down.

Unlike in the memories I'd seen, I wasn't in love with the Rebecca girl, hell I barely knew her name, but there was a moment I worried she wouldn't be capable of turning the safe around, and I'd have to risk the safe in order to rip it open. She tried once and grunted, "It's way harder in person. The simulations never had me moving something mounted like this."

"Can you feel the safe? The size? If there're wires and stuff?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter."

Lorna stepped in, explaining to the mental girl, "I think he's saying he will cut it from the rock, so that you can twist it easier."

Rebecca turned to me, reappraising me somewhat. "That…would be really helpful thanks." She told me the dimensions, noting, "Don't worry about wires, the safe runs on its own system apparently, separate from the bank. You can cut freely around it." 'Feeling,' the safe, I separate it from the bedrock, just as I can now separate blood and gunk from my clothes and hair through visualisation. Feel the outside of the safe, create a film over it, then push everything away from the safe, if only by half a foot or so. Just enough to give some moving space.

"Done." Rebecca tried again, and though tough on her, was able to turn the vault around, causing her to celebrate and go to hug me. I accepted the hug, knowing full well that I would be killing her soon enough, ending the hug just before Reeva and her blackmailed boy toy arrive from the elevator.

The poor guy was stunned, believing fully in the impenetrability of the vault itself, which now lay wide open, without a wall or door to stop us. "Ah, the guest of honour," Lorna said mockingly, her spiked metal jacket completing her milf punk rocker look.

"B-but how?"

"It doesn't matter now, Quinn. Just log in, and we'll do the rest." Every time Reeva speaks, I'm forced to consider who the hell styles her hair every day. 'The number of pins and hairspray she must use is wild.' The hesitant guy stepped up, logged into the small computer panel built into the vault's wall, sighing as he did, at least somewhat aware of the effect Creed Financials' bankruptcy would have, and his role in it. 'I'm sure he can use the mind-controlled defence. Lots of people do…even if there aren't mutants around. I wonder if the Frosts are doing their mind-controlled confession upstairs?' We left Reeva with Quinn, the shell of a man too involved and too scared to act out against her.

"Hey Soph, where are Phoebes and Esme?"

"Keeping the guards under control in the conference room. We've got company in just under three minutes." I share the information with Reeva, in case she decides to dawdle, or…enjoy the elevator ride. I watch as Rebecca's face contorts as Reeva arrives and Soph says we need to leave, making sure the camera picks up Reeva holding Rebecca by the shoulders briefly as she tries to quickly explain, as well as the moment Rebecca snaps the necks and inverts the bodies of dozens of workers and a few innocent customers, a small grin on my face, hidden by my hands as I attempt shock.

"We have to go!" Esme called, and I push Lorna and follow the triplets to the cars, yet again allocated next to the latest mass murderer.

The ride was quiet, Esme and Sophie in the front seat in case they needed to incapacitate Rebecca, and me and the twisting lunatic in the backseat. "Turn onto the Benedict Ryan show," I comment, wondering how quickly he will have gotten the news. Amazingly for me, he was already talking about it, mere minutes after the slaughter occurred. "Incredible information gatherers he must have," I note, causing the twins in the front to glance at each other.

"If I go back, Reeva will kill me, won't she?" Rebecca was scared. Or at least pretending to be, "I ruined her plan by killing the bigots and now she's going to kill me." I patted her shoulder, under the careful gaze of Soph, ready to jump in at any time.

"She won't kill you. Reeva thinks you're valuable, and can be taught. If you come quietly to her, apologise, she might not even imprison you."


"Yeah, she's been worried about you flipping out, but it doesn't matter. If you come back, you won't be killed for your stunt at Creed."

"Soph," I call, seeing Rebecca's eyes flash to the door, holding her hands down and still with inverted expansion, compressing her hands flat to the seat. A second later she nods off, head leaning against the glass.

"Why'd you even explain, if you were just going to knock her unconscious?" Esme asked from the driver's seat.

"So that Rebecca fears being imprisoned by Reeva. And I wanted her unconscious so that she's easier to move, and looks like she's dealing with guilt, worn out by her emotions." Whether they believe it or not, I'm more interested in Ryan's speedy talk show on the Creed Financials horror show."

"We'll look into it with Sage," Sophie said quietly. "All these years, and it's seeming more and more likely you were right about them."


POV- Lauren

Sitting in the lounge area on the second highest floor, my family and I are crashed out watching tv, as I anxiously wait for Andy to return. I know he's stronger than almost anything they can throw at him, but I can't help but worry, which I guess is how Mom and Dad feel, cuddled up together. "Interrupting the broadcast comes a special news message. Creed Financials has been the victim of a bank robbery turned violent massacre, as 39 employees and 14 customers were found dead by police and Sentinels on the scene. An anonymous tip led to the call out, as a group of dangerous mutants attacked the bank."

"Oh God," Mom cried out, horrified by the thought of Andy being involved.

*Andy, what the hell happened in there, it's all over the news. * I ask through the link, figuring it would both relieve me of anxiety and give me information.

*Rebecca decided to kill everyone as we were leaving. We hadn't harmed anyone until that point. * 'That fucking psycho.'

*Are you safe? *

*Yeah, we're totally fine, though Rebecca was just knocked out by Soph and Esme. She's dangerous. As unstable as I said. Anyway, we'll be back home in like twenty minutes, see you soon sis.* 'I hate it when he calls me that.' The past few days have somewhat improved the relationship between us again, but there was still an awkward tension after last week, which was entirely my fault. I know he's right about what damage it would do to our family, but it didn't make it easier to ignore. I'm glad we're getting closer to where we were, but I can't help but wish last week never happened. Rescuing Rebecca was a disaster and the incident forced our relationship further apart.

Distracting myself by telling my parents what Andy told me, which led to a discussion I'd forgotten to have with them discussing our empathic and now telepathic link, Andy arrived as he does after every solo mission. Tired, annoyed, and craving a coffee and pastry. He recounted the whole mission, the painless capture, the cutting and twisting of the vault, and finally the butchering. Hugging our parents he left, *sending my body cam to Sage for editing.* 'That scheming bastard. He's now got evidence of Rebecca and Reeva's involvement, and knowing him. They're not going to live for long.'