Chereads / Gifted with Destruction / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8- Hotties in Threes and FENRIS

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8- Hotties in Threes and FENRIS

POV- Andy

Returning with arms full of boxes, the car still seemingly full of supplies, I walked into the HQ, being immediately helped by others to help carry them. 'What a shock, the pets are clambering to be fed.' "We can get into Trask, free the mutants inside, all of the people inside. All of the ones being experimented on. Please my family is in there."

While the HQ leader minus Marcos and me, who had become a sort of pseudo-member of the council, discussed the risks of attacking the facility, I pose the question, walking up to the table. "What if we get Sentinel Service to take all of Trask's mutants, and then hit the transport?"

Sage looked at me astounded, knowing I wouldn't suggest anything I couldn't achieve. "And how would we do that huh?" Clarisse asked in quite possibly the sassiest tone ever heard, something unappreciated as she was a whiny brat.

"Well, we have the decrypted information on the Hound Program yes, that details the drug-addled state of them, the fact they are being used as weapons?" Seeing the snarky green-eyed bitch silent, I pressed on, "And I happen to know someone who has access to a media source. If we release it, talking about the ILLEGAL and OFF the book experiments Trask is performing, Sentinel Services won't have a choice."

Sage continued from my argument, "He's right. They'll be forced to side with the illegal and unethical practises, which would nosedive their public support and funding, or be seen taking actions against them, removing the mutants from Trask's possession. It should work, and by that, I mean over 84% chance of complete success. Either way, we deal a big blow to Trask and Sentinel Services." Esme was stumped, never imagining such a plan herself, but grateful for my assistance, demonstrated by a shared look and a nod. A short call and a delivered USB later, and the plan was in action, and within hours was national news.

"Trask Industries Kidnap and Drugging Children?" "Trask, The Modern-Day Concentration Camp." "How Will Trask Recover From This?"

Looking at the live news report of a Sentinel Services Board member claiming his disdain for the project and Trask's illegal activity, we knew. "Get ready. They'll move soon." John calls out, with a bright smile and a clear voice.

Grabbing my sister's arm, I pull her close. "This might get bloody, and I need you to accept that, the darkness and the light." Using the words of Andreas, she seemed to immediately accept it, perhaps she was learning. "Once the mutants are out, I want to try using Fenris." I feel her hesitation, so I insist, "Everyone in there is a researcher or supporter of genocide, there is no one innocent in that building, none. Not once the imprisoned mutants are out. This is the perfect place to test if we can do it, as no one innocent will get hurt, right?" She didn't say anything, but she accepted the proposal. The power we both craved to feel was now less than two hours away. The two of us shared a knowing smile, feeling each other's excitement.

'Time to meet the Cuckoos.'

While waiting for the Sentinel Service team to finish their exploration of Trask labs, moving the mutants into the back of a prisoner bus, under heavy guard, I approach Esme. "Hey, I was wondering, would you mind introducing me to your sisters? Same rules apply to them as you of course, but I think I'd quite enjoy being friends with you and your sisters if they're anything like you."

She laughed, probably at the triplet joke, "Sure, though I've already talked to them about you."

I nod, unsurprised, "I'd be surprised if you hadn't. Me and my sister are planning a…display of sorts. So do put in a good word to your sisters, okay?"

Almost 15 minutes pass as we wait for the now loaded bus to reach the security gate, where I see Esme knock Marcos unconscious, which I'm sure he will whine about later, and begin her telepathic massacre, Crushing the electronic devices within sight, Lauren calls me over, her growth having been incredibly rapid due to her extended time using and manipulating her powers.

Jogging past the Sentinel Agents and up to the wall of Trask Industries, we join hands, the two of us already wanting to use the ability as our hands glow like a miniature sun was between them. Time slowed as our two perspectives became one, as if we were looking through one set of eyes. Feeling out with our power we target the building itself, feeling the makeup of the building, and as we pull on the energy of Fenris, our arms raise simultaneously, and push out with a scream, as an indescribable amount of energy blasts from our hands, not simply ripping apart or crushing the building, but vaporising it, everything that was, was no longer there. All that remained were the marks left on the ground and in the air, the ground blasted flat before us, and the air feeling…different.

Returning triumphant, both me and Lauren feeling proud and glad. Proud that we'd been able to perform it, and glad that the Hound Program being run out of this facility, could no longer be operated without significant setbacks. "That was excellent Andy, Lauren. You have delivered a massive blow to Trask Industries both in political and social power, but also in stopping this facility. Though, you should know that Dr Campbell wasn't inside. Avoiding the Sentinels probably." While the Cuckoos were gorgeous, the way they talked, alternating between shared simultaneous speech and a routine of bouncing between each other was definitely distracting. 'Is there a way I can convince them to wear markers of some kind?'

Lorna was watching us carefully, something she herself realised when I smiled and waved. Striding up to us in the steel-toe punk boots she wears, she immediately questions our intention in using Fenris, "You've just revealed yourselves to everyone here. Kid, I thought you wanted to keep it hidden?"

"Momentarily. And the lab really needed to go. Though would you mind grabbing the shipping container-looking thing over there? It's adamantium."


"That's the only reason we didn't destroy it. Though it might be a little bent out of shape," Lauren comments. Both Polaris and the Cuckoos were staring incredulously at the comment, and after Polaris brought it over, were looking at us like monsters, having actually caused a tear in one side of the container, the other surfaces bent and stretched. 'Obviously, the absorbed power from the DNA of the former Fenris has had a larger effect than I imagined. I'll have to work on control again or I could cause a disaster, quite literally as the memories showed that Andy creating an earthquake.' Taking a selfie with Lauren and the destroyed foundations of Trask, I send it to Dad, telling him we'd be home soon.

Borrowing the bus, after removing the GPS and the second tracking device built into the underside of the bus, we move the prisoners, who looked to us in awe, and the adamantium, knowing just how valuable and useful it could be.

Marcos woke on the drive back, and as I'd imagined, immediately began to whine about being hit, then about the killing, which I silenced by showing him the selfie I'd taken.

"What about it?"

"Those fragments of concrete and steel foundations, are what's left of that Trask building."

"What do you mean that's all that's left? What happened to it?"

"I meant, Fenris happened to it. Completely erased it from existence, all research data, reports, and researchers gone." He looked like he wanted to break down, but I wasn't going to let him, not while I'm stuck in a car with him. "Should I have waited and then killed the victims they would have drugged and turned into puppets? Had the researchers and board members arrested only to escape justice as the evidence goes missing suddenly?" He sagged into his chair. "Get your shit together Marcos, you're being utterly pathetic, spitting on the graves of those they've ruined, whom they've killed. The mutants forced to kill those they loved, revealing communities of children to Sentinels and Purifiers." I stop, breathing heavy as I control my anger, having felt the roof of the car stretch slightly like a bubble had formed beneath the paint. "Until they stop attacking us I will defend my family. Until they are too scared to raise a weapon against us. Just as ANY mutant should. Family is everything, right? Protect Lorna, your child, and your future together." Looking at the resolve gracing his roguish features, I pray that it lingers permanently, that he steps up to make long-term change.

Grabbing the attention of the Frost sisters, I finally greet them formally, "I apologise if I accidentally misname you, but it's a pleasure to meet you Phoebe and Sophie."

The two girls' heads tilted simultaneously, "A pleasure to meet you as well, Andrew."

"Andy is fine. Esme was sooo worried about you. The way she kept trying to convince them to attack Trask was sweet. Have you ever considered wearing identifying items, like earrings or a bracelet, just so that regular conversations can be more personal? Just something to consider." They looked at Esme with a smirk but didn't say anything, probably understanding her anyway, or having the conversation mentally, either or.

"No, we don't see much point in wearing identifiers when we are three in one."

"And yet, you aren't identical and are separate individuals. Also, if you were one person in three bodies, wouldn't it be one in three? Or is it based on the hive mind, and thus three people in one mind?"

They looked a little confused but shrugged, "We will consider it."

"Would you mind telling me where Campbell went, and if he plans on attending that hate summit that's happening in a few days?"

"The Humanity Today Summit?"

"Yeah, he's a guest speaker, and I'd like to know whether he plans on gathering support from someone there. Because if he does, we can remove him. He'll feel safe, but both me and Lauren can kill silently and without the light show. Give us a makeover and a drive, and we're sorted."

"And how would we know?"

"Are you still pretending not to be part of a secret group?"

"Not now."

"I haven't told anyone but they'll figure it out soon. Sonya almost discovered Esme wasn't a refugee on day 2 of her being here. Esme, please tell your sisters my rules, and here's my number," I add passing one of the newly rescued triplets a note. Walking back to my room exhausted mentally, Marcos having worn me down, I wonder how much my interference has influenced those around me. Lauren was more violent, Marcos was more determined, and my parents were more accepting of their new reality. The only one that was annoying the crap out of me was Clarisse, who was so used to running away from her problems, that she never even considers fighting.

Thinking on the Frost sisters bring up the issue of Reeva, who I plan to kill and replace, having earnt the respect of Sage, and I'll work on Lorna and the Frosts. Using their resources and connections, in addition to those of the Cartel, whom I would dominate and possess, I could make the MU strong again, rebuild the mutant community and remove the key threats against us. Unlike Reeva, who is interested in providing a better world for her to rule, I just want a safer world for myself and my family, which unfortunately, will require some effort.

'Some effort and a little time.'

Having destroyed the Trask building, the outside world had seemingly paused, unsure of who or how it had occurred. The negative public viewpoint of Trask helped prevent a violent response, but Sentinel Services blamed the attack on mutants who were returning to the ideals of the Brotherhood. Which was pretty funny considering we were the remains of the X-men. With almost a week until the Humanity Today event, Lauren and I trained obsessively, stopping only for meals and a mandated 'rest' time that John and our parents forced on us.

"You're much better at starting fires now. Before you had to be able to see the target, but now you can do it through objects. I'd come up with the idea when thinking about the petrol tanks of cars, 'If I can just start a fire INSIDE the tank, I could create explosions with far less effort than if I had to use molecular combustion.' Working on the skill by burning things inside a can, that I then placed in a box, I had to imagine the space, and target only the content within the can, because if I miss, I wouldn't light the petrol in a real scenario. Now being able to create sudden bursts of flame the size of a basketball, simply increasing the number of molecules I target and push with extreme speed, having trained to also limit the amount of gesturing required to do it. 'While it helps with the image and intent, being able to do this with my hands bound, or hidden is a necessary skill, especially if I plan to catch someone unaware.'

"Yeah, but your air blades are coming along nicely," Lauren had already begun to use the air blades, months ahead of where she was originally meant to, and the blades could pierce steel, cutting through the scrap car doors and flying another 3 feet before collapsing on themselves.

"Well, crushing things like Vader is fun, but sometimes, I might need to cut something, like rope or rubber, which would resist crushing."

"Fair point. Can I borrow that tennis ball?" seeing as she'd destroyed 4 of them in order to practise hitting moving targets, I figured I'd use one to see if I could pop one. Taking the worn-down ball, with barely any fur left on it. 'Increase the movement. Increase the vibration. Increase the pressure.' I toss it up lightly and a loud pop sound marks my success. "Fucking Yes! Finally." The scene had always been kind of cool, and I'd been unable to do it even 3 days ago, but my work on vibrations, and controlling movement of molecules had clearly had an effect.


"Work or Frosts? Lauren inquired, glad for the interruption to her own training. Three hours of consistent power manipulation took its toll.

"Frosts. They've sent Campbell's confirmation that he signed last night, and his private security, probably all mutants he'd squirrelled away somewhere else just in case. They want us to be ready to be picked up tomorrow morning at 6, which I think is ridiculous. How far away are they that we need to wake up BEFORE 6."

"Yes Andy, truly the greatest of sacrifices in this fight." She smiled, rolling her eyes as she threw a tennis ball at my head, something I popped in mid-air, and then launched back at her softly.

"Git. Just for that, YOU can tell the Council where we're going."

"Fine, John owes me a favour anyway. I'll tell him and Lorna first, so she can convince Marcos."

"Do you always have to try and manipulate everyone to your side? It seems exhausting."

"So is arguing with people who have no idea what they're talking about." Spotting John, I hug Lauren and race off after him, knowing she hates it when I'm sweaty. 'One day I'll be able to remove sweat and dirt from my body with a flick of my wrist, but until then, buckets of water and a cloth will have to do.' "John, hey. I need to tell you something before the Council meeting tonight," something that had become a regular occurrence as situations kept happening. "Me and Lauren will be going with the Frost sisters tomorrow morning, but we should be back tomorrow afternoon/ evening I don't know for sure."

"Are you planning on hitting the Humanity Today event? Because if you plan on killing everyone there-"

"Nope, no Fenris, just us, assassinating Campbell, and potentially kidnapping the mutants he has with him. Subtle as we can be, and no one else get injured unless they try and attack us."

"You know I can't support this. Even if he is evil you can't-"

"This is the man who forced Pulse into an addiction, to turn on his friends, who almost killed him. Who's done the same to others, and who wanted me and Lauren according to the hard drive we took. Imagine if he had access to Fenris John, the devastation he would cause."

"I want him dead too but"

"Then someone has to kill him. John, you're a soldier, I expected you of all people to have a spine, even Marcos is now more in check with reality. Regardless, I'm calling in the favour." His jaw clenches, teeth obviously held tight to stop him from refusing. "Not to help," I explain and he relaxes significantly, "Just to help convince the Council tonight that Campbell is a threat that needs to be removed, and if you could help convince Lorna that would be great. I need her to shut down the devices in the building."

"With this, the favour is done?"

"Sure, all I did was take down a wall, and all you have to do is be charismatic for 10 minutes. Seems fair."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go inform Lorna of tomorrow, just in case she's totally up for it."

Leaving John on the stairs, I walk up to Lorna and Marcos' room, almost an apartment made out of an old private office on the second floor, similar to our own.

*knock knock*

"Housekeeping." I could practically hear Lorna roll her eyes through the door as she got up and opened the door.

"You're lucky I wasn't asleep or I'd have killed you."

"Lauren and I, are assassinating Campbell tomorrow with the Frosts, and I'd like you to come and destroy all forms of recording or communication," I state, understanding that being upfront and honest with her was often the best move, as she despised liars.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. How?"

"Not using Fenris, simply our individual powers in order to prevent innocent people being injured or even involved." Seeing her nod, I knew I'd said the right thing.

"Wait what innocent people?"

"The other people at the Humanity Today summit, a completely anti-mutant meeting of researchers, politicians, supporters of the anti-mutant movement and purifiers."

"A whole building filled with hate, and you're worried about innocents?"

Remembering the hostages Campbell took in the memories I groan, "Some schools or youth groups often attend, making the event seem more…palatable for those with a more neutral stance. And I don't plan on killing scores of small children." She winced at my explanation.

"They use kids to make their hate palatable? I'm coming with you tomorrow, but I'm not just going to destroy cameras and communication devices. Besides, you can't stop bullets yet can you?"

"Not without Lauren no. Admittedly, I would greatly appreciate it," I wrap her in a hug, confusing her slightly, but she reciprocates. "We are getting picked up at 6 in the morning so they can give me a haircut or something, and the meeting is about to start in 10 minutes, so maybe put some pants on." Smacking me for pointing out she'd been wearing a pair of Marcos' shorts as pyjamas; she shuts the door with a smile. 'This is going surprisingly well.'