Hulkling and Wiccan set out to research the Blue skull-and crossbones insignia on the commander's uniforms. Nobody on base knew anything about the strange insignia, and neither was it found by searching using the base's computers.
By opening a portal to the Albuquerque Public Library wide enough to grab a few books from a shelf, Wiccan had obtained a plethora of information on World War 2 regalia. Inside of a book titled: 'World War 2 inside out - All of the people, places, and events', written by Hamilton Crans, The two Avengers discover the insignia belonged to the German Blautot ("Blue Death") Commandos, an elite fighting unit. The Blautot mysteriously dissapeared in 1943 and there are no records of what happened to their men.
Iron Lad, Vision, and Stature were outside patrolling the perimeter, which appeared normal. There were no perceived signs of forced entry or a breakthrough. Obviously, the intruders were professionals. Vision neutrally linked with the security monitors to determine that they had not been tampered with and were functioning normally. Iron Lad then postulated that the Commandos had used their micro-scanner to cause the video motion-detectors to temporarily echo and display a false image back in the security room. This meant that the Commandos had to have the micro-scanner before entering the base, and not stolen them once inside. Since the Micro-Scanners originated from within the base, the Commandos had to have an insider who was an accomplice.