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Chapter 2 - Chapter One: Parties And Dramas

A/N: This is the actual first chapter of PIAB, well I haven't got so much to say other than; fan, vote, comment and follow, okay.



Present Day

Xavier's POV:

"What!? No way." I exclaimed with a muffled voice as I chewed hastily on my corn bread.

Her ecstatic laughter filled the dinning table and I knew at once that we were indeed very happy, away from all the trauma and drama.

"Really, though I made a complaint," she pattered her cutlery against the silverware and clicked her tongue, "but not very much would change." She shrugged her shoulders and stretched her lips into a wide smile as she locked her gaze with mine, I gazed deeply into her sky-blue eyes which were a bit wrinkled at the sides and had somewhere creases around them,  but she still looked as charming and stunning, making me stare at her in admiration.

I watched her cheeks blush then I reconcentrated on my breakfast of corn bread and hot sauce, which I didn't really enjoy, I never loved this combo since forever and the devastating news my mother passed to me was making it very easy to lose my appetite.

I opened my mouth to lay another complaint and my mother seemed to notice for she quickly interjected,

"Where's Diane and the rest, thought you have camp?" She asked, digressing from our initial conversation, which right now seemed like the best thing to do because I remembered...

"Holy crap!" I jerked from my seat and raked over the dinning room in frustration as I kept mouthing curse words, "where is it, where is it, where is– got it!" I shouted, and leaned my hand towards the sideboard; grabbing my car key.

"What's the matter babe?" My mother asked, with a voice laced with utter confusion as she kept throwing her head to every direction I ran towards.

"I've got to go." I gibbered and planted a haste kiss on her lips before scampering away from the room.

"Where!?" Her voice rang out.

"Noah's." I yelled back as I rushed apace to the garage.

They would sure kill me today!

I reached my car and yanked its door wide open as I delved in and thrusted the key into its hole as it sputtered and the engine began running.

About camp, it's seems somewhat a weird routine but Redwood High organizes camping for the senior students from the 10th grade to the 12th every first weekend of three months and today is just one of those days where we all gather at a fixed venue to wait for the bus, and coincidentally Noah's house was chosen.

Camping is totally voluntary in Redwood High yet I don't see anyone missing it, I mean, who would deliberately miss the fun in the woods, the fireworks, the extreme coziness around campfire, the insistent chatting, the unrestricted leeway and lastly the frequent sex activities?

Well, no one would be that daft.

But again I got stung by the painful memory of my mother and I in the dinning that replayed in my head, anger began to overwhelm me as I drove silently towards Noah's place.

Maybe if you had guessed you might not have thought that I was getting all worked up because of a delayed delivery, but it wasn't just a random delivery but something that had to do with my clothing and believe me I'm very particular about my clothes, I fumed again and ran a trembling hand through my curly do.

I ordered a box of clothes last week, specific clothing such as hoodies and numerous tracksuits with two Gucci™ sneakers and a couple of dark sunshades that I would wear specifically throughout camp and I precisely made my choices only for my mother to tell me that the delivery had been postponed.

Don't look at me like that, I've got bigger things to worry about than the mail...

My thoughts were scuttled by the loud noise coming out from Noah's magnificent edifice, I was confused and a bit startled at the booming of ear piercing music that echoed from two blocks away so I only assumed one thing– PARTY!!

I stepped harder on the pedal of my BMW as I speedily forwarded to the house emitting such loud, dance-inducing music and in no time I had swerved into the big, black gate of Noah's house, clouded with excitement I didn't see the couple of girls that were walking sluggishly in front of me; giggling and chattering as they slurped on their small plastic cups, I had nearly bumped onto them if I had inched a little bit more away from concentration, but then stopped in an abrupt halt as they shrieked loudly.

"Hey! Watch it you ass-" she stopped herself from continuing as she squinted her eyes and peered closely at me.

"Oh, here it comes." I muttered to myself and sighed deeply, waiting assuredly for Cassandra to start the Drama.

"Xavier!" She boomed out and I forced a weak smile, getting fed up already with her nags, "Xavier you bastard," her voice began to crack from emotions, "I h-h-hate y-you," she stuttered and I smirked.

I was slowly getting overcome by impatience as I watched her stomp towards me with a clenched face,

"You left me for that worthless whore!" She raged, "after everything t-thing we d-did together." She continued.

A small smile crept its way up to my face as I watched her create a scene.

Honestly I don't understand the way with girls anymore, are they naturally dumb or do they work at it? I don't fathom why one should expect a long lasting relationship with nobody but me, Xavier Marshall is a notorious Playboy for crying out loud, what's so difficult to understand...

"Manwhore! Bitch." She yelled.

A small sigh of boredom escaped my lips and I clutched the steering wheel and raised a hand to her before steering away to the lot which was heaving with so much cars that I had to get space some place away from the lot.

I couldn't believe Noah threw a party, of all days, toady and all these people showed up, a lot of them so unfamiliar and so much foreign to me but I couldn't blame Noah, knowing he had always fancied parties his whole life, he was bubbling under in my hierarchy of rich kids and that was the only reason I let him speak a few words to me, yes I'm very particular about status, it's how I was raised and I love it that way, *winks.

I parked my car and jogged towards the youthful crowd, nudging a few Redwood students to gain attention, and guess what, it frickin worked!

My name erupted in the crowd and I smirked usually, it was the usual, I show up for any party and I get lauded, that's the culture.

I raised my two middle fingers to the crowd and nodded my head in acknowledgement as they screamed and cheered, boy was this amazing.

I was already enjoying the party, trying to start one thing or the other when a hand slapped my butt and I gritted my teeth, knowing immediately who it was, the snicker was familiar and I turned around to stupid Will Kirkman.

"Dude!" I yelled, casting the glass of wine to the floor as I scowled at him, "don't ever try that again." I warned through clenched teeth but then smiled at him before putting an arm over his shoulders as we started walking away from the crowd, "so where are the rest?" I asked Will who was already pouting like a baby.

He rolled his eyes over me and hissed, "Wh-why you so b-bossy?" He spat and crossed his arms over his chest, still pouting and I knew he was aware that he looked tad cute with a pout.

"Bossy?" I rhetorically repeated and chuckled at the question.

"Yes, you love being king don't you?" He asked and frowned childishly and I smirked at the statement that I regarded as a compliment.

I shrugged, "Because I deserve it." I said bluntly and watched how Will squeezed his face and clicked his nose.

"H-how?" He asked, looking at me with a curious expression, which was the regular because he doesn't seem to know so much.

My left hand left my pocket and fell on my chin; rubbing it as I pretended to think for an answer and almost immediately, I smirked cockily before replying,

"Well I'm the hottest dude in Redwood and the richest for Pete's sake, no one's close." I stated simply and truthfully.

Will gasped sharply and tightened his arms around his chest, "W-wait, so you don't think that w-we, Diane and Clarke and me are ri-rich, and h-hot?" He gibbered and left his mouth agape.

And carelessly I responded, "Wouldn't be friends with y'all if y'all weren't." I declared without giving a care in the world, and as hurtful as I sounded it was the truth, the real truth, I was brought up that way, trained to be proud of myself, groomed to be cocky like my father.

"Wow." Will furthered his alit eyes into void space as he tightened his arms around his chest before pulling away from me and turning to my face with disgust smeared on his features.

"You are a real prick." He announced through gritted teeth and it took me more than everything in me not to laugh and slap his head for being such a man child, but however, I didn't, I knew how to loosen him a bit, I mean, it would be a shame if I didn't know my childhood friend's convivals.

"Whatever you say, Amby." I said, emphasising on the "Amby" for I knew it was the second thing to fruit bars that soothed Will's bad moods.

About moods, a small smile stretched on his tight lips as he cast down his head, obviously trying to hide the blush that made its way to his cheeks.

"Come here." He said ecstatically, taking my hand in his as he ran, dragging me along to God knows where.

"Xavier!" A group of girls, standing in the doorway of Noah's house ogled hardly at me as I walked towards them and boy were they pretty.

I merely nodded at their direction as I entered the house, enjoying the slow singing of Ed Sheeran's Perfect and the warmth of the living room.

"There they are." Will announced, pointing his finger to where Clarke and Diane sat, holding game consoles in their shaky hands as they laughed at the television screen.

I shook my head in embarrassment as Diane aggressively pressed the button of the game console and laughed hysterically.

"What are they playing, Oh, let me guess- Nintendo™?" I said in my best sarcastic way and snickered at my scorn, but Will as smart as he is, didn't seem to get my humor.

"Dude! Who in the 21st century still plays Nintendo™, that's crazy." He said and burst into a paroxymal laughter as he stomped his feet in hysteria.

I was getting embarrassed already, of course I knew Nintendo was old fashioned, who doesn't know that, but as idiotic as Will is, he surmised that I was being serious, therefore characterizing me as dumb.

"I was just kid–" when I noticed Will wasn't listening, but rather was still splitting his sides with laughter, I did nothing but let it pass, he can create assumptions in his head for all I care because for him, nothing about his stupidity was assumptions but fact,

"Well, nevermind." I sighed and hastened my steps towards my reasonable friends.

"Sup bitches!" I shouted joyfully and smacked the back of their heads, feeling somehow better and relieved.

"Dude!" Clarke shouted, not even boomeranging me the quickest glance, "where the heck have you been at?" He asked, his gaze still on the television screen.

I pursed my lips and began to explain, "My mother and–"

"No, don't do th- arrgh." Clarke cried in frustration as he obviously lost to Diane, her eyes glistening with excitement as she did a small victory dance with her head and hands.

"That's 5-1 baby, but can I have my dough now, though?" She snickered and stuck out a small hand towards Clarke who was wriggling on the sofa in the pain of loss.

I sighed deeply, "Okay, I'm alone in a crowd." I clicked my tongue, feeling so lonely and bored at the moment and hurt by the fact that I was being recognized by strangers and not even my own best friends.

"Fine, but have it in mind that I let you win," Clarke laughed and handed a wad of cash to Diane.

"Yeah right, you really let me win, you know, one, two, three, four, five, five times you let me win and you say it's deliberate," she sniggered hardly, withdrawing her money from him.

"Yeah, because you're a girl." Clarke said, folding his arms over his chest.

"Ahem." I coughed loudly, trying to get their attention.

"Dude, sup with you." Diane said, her gaze pinned on the money she was flipping through her fingers, her lips mouthing words like "a thousand" "a thousand and one".

I got exhausted from being disregarded and overlooked so I jerked out from the sofa and looked down at my friends in irritation.

"When you need me, you kn– well don't!" I barked and stormed away, hoping they would call me back at my annoyed demeanor and just then a voice sprang up from my back, it was from Diane,

"Hey!" She shouted and I smiled wickedly, almost putting on a smirk untill she spoke again, "this is short by a thousand." She shouted with a laugh.

"That's all I've got." Clarke admitted in a baby-cry manner.

"Fuck y'all." I whispered under my breath and continued walking, as fast as I could, my mind was fixated on my friends and I hurt badly knowing how irrelevant I'm being treat...

My shoulder nudged against something as I walked, a figure staggered in front of me and my heart fluttered at the recognition of the person I had just hit, though I couldn't place the exact person as the make-up somehow camouflaged her face.

"Are you blind mister?!" Her voice thundered as she slapped my cheek painfully, making it flush red as I gazed at her in stupefaction.

"Ugh." She grunted and held her shoulder, making my pulse palpitate,"

Beverly hissed and stomped towards me, hitting my shoulder hardly against hers as I stumbled and staggered till I hit the wall, shielding me from falling which would have been a big goof.

But, why is she here?


A/N: Hey peeps, if you made it to this note then I want to say a special, huge thanks to you for reading and I would love to be updating on a daily basis, just for you and pwease keep your comments rolling in and the votes and if you haven't followed me yet, what's holding you back?

Again, your honest opinions about this chapter, please do inform me in the comments and I'd do well to reply or possibly make some changes 💪❤️

I know this might seem a lot boring and stressful to read but believe me, it gets better in every next chapter 🙃

So, till we meet again...