"So then, Let's start your training.", said Robert as he got excited to show off his powers during the training session. Harley prepares the room by laying a mat on the floor for them to sit on. They all sit on the mat and Daniel asks, "Why are we sitting on it?". "This mat is no ordinary mat, this mat converges the person's concentration into the center of the person's soul.", says Henry as the other three look towards Henry in confusion, Henry smiles nervously. They all sit on the mat and start meditating as the climate around them changes. The air becomes denser and gravity feels heavier, as Daniel concentrates on his breathing and thinks of nothing but meditating.
"Why did you lie about the mat being a 'soul concentrator'?", whispers Robert. To that, Henry replies, "You know, when do Humans actually concentrate? When they are given Hope, that's what I did. I gave him hope that he can concentrate."
As Daniel concentrates, he enters a void filled with things and thoughts. Daniel sees the things and thoughts of his own, Robert comes to Daniel. Daniel thinks Robert as his 'thought' too, but Robert tells, "You're wrong if you think I'm just your 'thought', because I'm not."
Daniel questions in surprise, "W-What? Bu-But how? How could you enter the place I've entered when I meditated? Wait! Is it because of that mat? Oh, if it is, then, where are the others? Are they--" Robert interrupts by saying, "There is no such thing a soul concentrating mat, Henry just said that to make you concentrate. And This void filled with your thoughts and memories is known as the 'Soul Space', when you enter into this void, you can be here as long as you want but when you get out of the void, it would be like a second in the real world. And I can go into one's soul space, that is my power - 'Soul Entry'. That's why others can't enter". As Robert explains this to Daniel, Daniel listens carefully and asks, "Then it'll be like a cheat code to play in this void."
"Yeah, something like that, I guess. Well we are not here to play though, we are here to train. Let's start from the basics, okay?", says Robert. "Ok, but what is meant by basics? Is it something in Martial Arts or Karate or Judo? If you mean that, then I am good at Taekwondo and Karate.", tells Daniel. "I have.... no idea what those are, but if you say you can fight then, let's put it to a test. You are going to fight against me." says Robert and Daniel agrees to it.
As Daniel agrees and nods his head, Robert suddenly sweep kicks Daniel and Dan falls down. He then tells Robert to even tell him before starting the fight. To that, Robert replies, "In a real fight, there will be no person to say that the fight has started before attacking you, So you need to be more careful when you are fighting and always take the chance when your opponent is open to get hit."
By saying these words, Robert tries to attack Daniel by punching into his gut. But to his surprise, Daniel blocks his punch by his hands. Robert with his other hand punches Daniel right in the face and Daniel falls down and blacks out.