Samuel Blade, a normal night-shift worker at a normal restaurant, given the responsibility to take care of his dear nephew, Daniel. You know how it feels? It feels like crow taking care of a cuckoo's chick. When My sis and her husband were alive, I often visited him[Daniel] and we spent some time. That was different.
But after they died, well.... I was a young guy in my early 20s without any other relatives, I only had Danny and he only had me. So, I took care of him as if he were my own child from then. I hated the fact that I missed my glory "old" days of talking to beautiful women (As I was called a Lady-Killer in my college days) because of taking care of Dan and looking after him. But, looking after him also felt like looking after myself. I got to know what 'Responsibility' was... It was fun until today when I saw those four guys with Daniel. Their presence kind of felt 'off', well it might've just been my feeling (let's just leave the topic).
Well, As I tell all this to you, I drowsed off in the restaurant. My manager was waking me up and as I came back to conscious after sleeping in the "Staff's Only" room, she said, "I know you're working overtime today but working whole night till morning is no good to your health. Go home get some sleep, Mr. Blade". That's right, my Manager calls me Mr. Blade, that's the respect I've earned since I joined this place 9 years ago by doing hard work... and my charms and body.
I said I would work for a while and just took a power nap but my manager didn't listen to me and was telling me to Go Home and get some sleep. So, I went home thanking my Manager, Dr. Cassandra Lycan. After getting home, I saw those two kids from Dan's cram school sleeping, one on the couch and the other in the guest room. I just went back into the living room and turned on the Television. I laid on the sofa as I binge watched episodes of my favorite show where it was about dragons and politics, and was set in time period like centuries ago.
Speaking of dragons, 8 years ago when my sister and her husband were alive on Danny's birthday, I was thinking, "Which gift should I give to little Daniel, maybe something trending?" as I walked on the sidewalk beside a few stores. There I saw a few kids playing with toy dragons, so I bought a toy dragon and gave it to him as a present. He was happy to see the dragon, but didn't like its reddish-brown color, so he decided to re-color it himself and started coloring the dragon figure. At the end of the day, he finally colored the dragon white with red fiery eyes and with black wings on its back with it's tail retaining the reddish brown color. It felt out of place but ended up good. We played a lot on that day, it was the last time I saw my sister and her husband happy.
While I was dreaming about the whole flashback, the sun has risen up with birds chirping as morning came upon me. Daniel woke me up by saying, "Get up Uncle Sam, it's 10 in the morning. I made breakfast come and eat it.", as I hear the words breakfast, I woke up quickly and got ready to eat and noticed that the two kids I saw at the night were gone.
I asked, "So.. your friends came yesterday, huh?"
"Yeah, they came to do the project cram school gave us to do.", replied Daniel.
"So, where are your new friends? Did they leave too?", I asked.
"Yeah, yeah they left too, early before sunset.", replied Daniel..
"So... How was your day yesterda---", continued Daniel as the scene moved to my manager's house.
The whole wooden house with wooden furniture turned the atmosphere as if it were in the middle of the forest. Cassandra Lycan, my Manager from the restaurant came into the house and was going to her room. She sensed someone in her room and as she entered, she was thrilled and happy to see that her Brother's son has come back to the city after spending 10 years in a town present in the middle of the woods with his whole family.
"Welcome back from the forest, Richard. How was your final test?", asked Cassandra Lycan, as she refers to the place located in the middle of the woods as "The Forest".
"Well, it was hard but I finally grasped what it means to be a Lycan. And from now on, I will fulfill my duty as one of the matured Lycans.", replies Richard Lycan.
"Be prepared. As you are back, you've got school to attend from tomorrow. Be sure to make new friends out there.", tells Cassandra while the atmosphere changes to a little eerie.
"Yeah, aunt Cassie. School, huh? It will be great!", replies Richard with a little smirk on his face.