A dark gloomy environment fills the air, as the Shadowy figures sitting on chairs in a council like place, starts talking.
"So, What's the plan of action, now that the Chosen One is awakened? We leave him be?", asks a shadowy figure. "We just sit back and watch what the Blessed and Cursed beings do to train him and then we absorb the powers of the Chosen One.", replies the one sitting on one of the chairs.
The scene shifts to Daniel's House, "What the heck are you doing Daniel??!", questions Chu with a confused look. "N-nothing, just t-trying to clean the r-room." replies Daniel struggling to close the wardrobe with a nervous look. Chu stands in confusion as Daniel continues, "Damn, don't just stand there, help me close the wardrobe door."
"Yeah right", replies Chu as he goes near Daniel and helps close the door. "Why couldn't he see you guys?", whispers Daniel as the screen shifts revealing the Angel Devil Duos are still in the room. Harley replies, "Told you he can't see us or hear us. Only you can! That's be--"
"That's enough, Harley. Daniel, you have come back and start training, got it?", Interrupts Henry. Daniel replies by whispering, "Got it." and continues by saying "Now that its done lets, go Chu". "Yeah yeah let's go" answers Chu.
They both go downstairs. As Harley starts questioning Henry, "Why did you stop me? He need to know.". "There is no need for him to know anything. The only thing he need to know that his world is in danger. The Other World is in danger. The Netherworld is in danger. The APEX Worlds are in danger! And he is the only guy who can save them. We are assigned only to help him achieve that, ONLY TO HELP ACHIEVE THAT, understand that one thing". Henry's word are interrupted by Daniel opening the door, "Sorry, came back just for a pen, just for a pen. You guys carry on, Bye!", Daniel closes the door and leaves.
"I am going to get some air" tells Robert as he leaves through the open window. "Me too, and don't get too comfy around here we're not gonna stay here forever", tells Ruby as she leaves too. "Uhh, guess we aren't compatible at all with the devils, right Hen--", as Harley tries to talk with Henry, She sees him disappeared as well.
The scene moves to Daniel, Chu and Sofia doing they're cram school activities. "Hand me that pencil over Chu." tells Sofia. "Yeah, here you go.", replies Chu as he hands his pencil over to Sofia.
They continue they're cram school tasks while the scene shifts to the Blessed and Cursed beings meeting at a old abandoned warehouse. As they meet, Ruby starts saying, "Shall I begin..?"
She takes out a device similar to a pocket watch, with some symbols engraved on it, and keeps it in a symbol drawn by Harley and Henry as Robert takes his coat, scarf and shirt off revealing tattoos and ancient symbols on his jacked body and chants, "mishmaret nishma-halel"(TL : Soul-Space Shift).
The whole area around them shifts into a new world, where all they see is destruction. Within a split second of time, the area shifts into a open yard where human-like creatures wandering around, sees them and starts running towards them and within a split second, again the area is changed, but now into a black void where there is nothing but darkness.
"O- The Great One, we have a message for you. About the world you created and destroyed and created several times over.", says Henry as a white bright light emerges from the red air flowing in the dark space. Henry continues by saying, "Now, that very world is in danger. It is going to be destroyed. The Wretched ones have returned, and are much more powerful than before."
The white bright light chimes and the red air slowly turns blue. "And we have found the Chosen One. The One you are seeking... The One they are seeking as well", extends Henry as The air completely turns blue.
"And we couldn't return because the gates were closed and we think that is something related to the Wretched Ones, I reques--", They all are brought back to the old abandoned warehouse as the white light spreads all over the space.
"That's it. That's how much I could keep the circle intact.", tells Harley in an exhausted look.
"It's fine!", tells Henry as Robert gets irritated and grips his palm hard that, the ground around him starts getting dry, breaking the cemented floor. "Enough, Robert", tells Ruby to Robert as he relaxes his palm and the ground becomes normal.
"Let's go to the brat, now!", tells Robert in an arrogant tone as the scene shifts to Daniels house.
"That was.... fun!!", says Daniel as he stretches his arms trying to relax after 2 hours of continuous writing and reading. "Whaa? How come it's fun for you, when it's exhausting for us?! You must be made for this, Dan", tells Sofia as she crumbles down in exhaustion. "Time to sleep then", tells Chu as he falls asleep on the couch he's in.
"This idiot! Arrrh! Taking my place! Get up now Chu!!", shouts Sofia. "It's Ok Sofia let him sleep, you can use the guest room for today", tells Daniel. "Oh but it was supposed to be--", says Sofia as Daniel interrupts, "It's fine. It may be for my parents, but right now you can use it. Go get some sleep. I'm gonna take a quick nap too.".
"Ok, good night Dan!", tells Sofia while shying. "Ok, Sofi. G'night", tells Dan as he walks near the staircase. Sofia goes inside the guestroom and Daniel walks to his room and see that the angel and devil duo are not there.
"So much for 'get back for training' ", thinks Daniel as he jumps on his bed and he, as quick as the light, goes into deep slumber as the Television in his house turns on.