Chereads / spellborn: age of shadows unleashed / Chapter 14 - 14. Another lesson

Chapter 14 - 14. Another lesson

The sun still sparks high as Tyson and Jack look towards Kenji; they then nod as Kenji walks closer.

"Alright this next technique is pretty simple just watch" Kenji said as he walked towards an old wall that was gray and tall, it was pretty much tore down must have been some old relic of the past it was about 50 feet tall, it had holes in it and seem better days but it was good enough for this lesson.

Kenji smiled as he placed his left foot on it, he then stuck to it like glue with his right foot as he started to Walk up this wall with his magic, for him it was extremely easy to do this is a rather simple technique called magic walk.

"Wow you're walking on the wall!" Tyson said.

"I heard people can do this but I've never seen it before it's really something "

Jack said as he stared at Kenji.

"It's called magic walk it can be used to walk on nearly anything, it's simple, just focus your magic, and your energy, your Ki into staying up as you walk it's a really simple technique Just believe you can walk on the wall and you can do it"

Kenji said as he sat upside down on top of the wall.

"I see, this should be easy" Jack said as he placed his feet into the wall he smiled as he started to focus and then he walked right up the wall he smiled bright as he did so.

"Ok if you can do it I can do it!" Tyson said as he would slam his feet into the wall trying to focus up with his magic he nodded as he started to try to walk up it but then fell right on his face.

"No you're not focused enough" Kenji said as Jack looked down at Tyson.

"Alright I'll just try again" Tyson said as he would sigh slightly, he started to think about how Bryn would fight and all the motions he makes while he fights.

Tyson takes a deep breath and then blows as he starts to run back away from the wall doing a running start, he pushes forward from afar as he slams down and runs as fast as he can, his magic starts to tighten around his legs as he walks right up the wall.

"I did it," Tyson said.

"Good, you can do the basics," Kenji said.

"So what's next?" Jack said.

"Patience we will get there" Kenji said as he jumped down and looked towards small logs that were placed up and lined upwards.

"Hmmm I feel like we are learning pretty fast," Tyson said.

"No not really must can already do this, now I'm going to show you how to do magic bullet, watch closely" Kenji said as he took a deep breath and stuck out his right arm as he started to channel the magic in the air, his right hand would start to glow as he slowly moved his fingers and then flicks the energy at a log blowing it up.

"That's called magic bullet, you channel the magic in the air and allow it to come into your hands and then release it as a neutral magic bass attack you can also infuse it with your own magic and make it stronger, Just take a deep breath stick out your hand and let it come to you but the magic flow within you and let them magic in the air channeling to your hand and then release it."

Kenji said as he would flip his legs down and sit Kris Kross applesauce style.

"I see so it's using the mana in the air" Tyson said as he would stick out his hand as the magic around the air would start to glow Jack would do the same as both their hands would start to glow the magic would spark as they reached out to it.

The magic would shine as both Tyson and Jack would release it shooting their own magic bullets. Towards the logs destroying them.

"Good you guys are learning pretty fast, I mean not as fast as I did but still it's efficient"

Kenji said as he stood up and smiled slightly.

"That's amazing, do you think we can join a squad one day?" Jack asked.

"It's a possibility," Kenji responded.

"Great, what can we do next?" Tyson asked.

"You two are going to learn to reflect magic," Kenji said as he tossed them smaller katanas that were made from steel instead of wood. They had a thin edge to them as well.

"Oh how do we do that?" Tyson asked.

"It's simple, you need to use the magic in the air to reflect your blade and then tilt the blade vertically to the stiff side then you hold it tightly to reflect the coming magic attack. Now Tyson, send a magic bullet my way I'll show you to use magic reflect." Kenji said

"Yes sir" Tyson said as he nods and channels his magic and then uses magic bullet, the attack flies through the air and directly at Kenji, Kenji nods and steps back as he sticks out his katana and then channels the magic in the air as he tilts the blade vertically he holds it tightly as the attack touches his blade you can hear the sound of metal clashing as the attack is sent back and lands into a rock nearby.

"That's pretty much all it is." Kenji said as he sat back down.

"So are you going to be using magic on us as we try to reflect it?" Jack asked.

"Oh Lord no, my magic would probably kill you two, you guys must do it towards each other take turns"

Kenji said as he would place his head on a rock like a pillow.

"I see, ok let's do this Jack" Tyson said.

Jack would nod as he sticks out his blade and Tyson releases a magic bullet, it comes flying though clashing with the air as Jack tries to reflect it with his blade but Instead Jack is hit and thrown back, with a heavy sigh Jack stands back up as he would then use a magic bullet of his own as it crashes through the air, Tyson steps back and sticks out his own blade trying to reflect the attack, but instead the blade crashes out of his hands.

Tyson rushed back over as he grabs his blade and sends out another magic bullet with Jack changing stances with the magic bullet but once again he is hit again and thrown back one more time.

Kenji watches closely as he sighs they go back and forth a few times and then that becomes six times and then ten and then 22 times again and again they go back and forth still not grasping the concept.

Kenji sighs again thinking maybe he should of showed them the different stances first. Kenji thought as it seemed some figure was perched on a tree watching them.

Meanwhile Ryon was getting tired of Kenji not being there since intermission was about to end already, Ryon went over to Chum, David, and Henry.

"They are taking awhile huh"

Ryon said

"Give it time, but let's go check on them maybe bring them some fruit and tea?" Chum said as he had a basket full of fruit that glowed.

"Fine… but Kenji needs to hurry up" Ryon said as David and Chum stood up as they did they all started to head to the woodlands where Kenji took Tyson and Jack. Henry stayed behind to watch the other kids however Leon was able to sneak pass him because Chum allowed it.

"You stay here Henry and watch the kids"

Chum said as Henry would nod and smile.

"It's been a while they are probably tired"

David said as they hurried to check on them.