Ryon set off to find Edward and it's been a very long time since anybody has seen him but of course if anybody can find me it would easily be Ryon.
Ryon set off on his journey to find Edward it had been such a long time of course since he spoke to him but he journeyed across multiple lands hiding is sneaking around as much as he could as so nobody would see him he spent days on foot trying to find Edward continued to look around chilly mountains at this point 5 days had already passed and again he continued to search and look, he tried his best looking for Edward but he was truly nowhere to be found he felt as if it was impossible but he continued different types of magic different techniques trying his best to study the area until we got onto some kind of scent that felt familiar.
He followed it and continued he kept going he walked for a couple of miles and continued on foot walking again and again further and further pushing past his limits as he had been walking running flying for days now but of course the scent took him to a small village on upon the mountains carved into a cave as they were protected by the caves themselves this unique town structure was unique they believed them something more than just living they wanted to live a comfy life and provide a steady future this was the village carved in the caves.
Ryon continued into the village wearing a cloak as he continued into what seemed to be the village's bar. He smiled as he sat down for a minute thinking about a few things as the scent seemed to be close. Ryon would talk to me if you individuals in the bar trying to find some key information but he got nothing he then left the bar and continue deeper into the cave of a village until he came across a shrine and a burial immediately he knew who this past person was who had died it was Maria a person he wants loved himself and in fact him and Edward faced off for her love, Edward had a truly won her love Ryon accepted that of course once you love somebody you can never stop loving them truly.
Ryon was shocked as he saw a figure there praying.
"Ryon… it has been a very long time my old friend, have you come to pray to Maria, she passed a few years ago I settled down, I did everything right, I swear I did I put my old life behind me after the dawn wars, I gave up fighting yet she was still stolen for me, we have two kids, I just don't understand" Edward said.
"I'm glad you found happiness for the short time you had it it means a lot to me your friend I'm sorry you lost her, but I know she was truly happy with you and in her final moment she smiled I bet" Ryon said
"She never got upset about it, I miss her so much," Edward said.
"Maybe I should just go," Ryon said as he turned away.
"No don't, I need you right now, whatever you're offering I'll take it I'll do whatever it seems to be destiny" Edward said.
"Don't push yourself, look, we're going into a fight to protect Oskan," Ryon said.
"Well already said I'm willing, I don't need any other information I'll get a babysitter for my kids I know if you've come that means this is going to be dangerous so you need me" Edward said
"We do need you, the world needs you, Oskan needs you."
Ryon said.
"Now sit down we're going to pray to Maria, Just sit down and take in the silence it's beautiful almost as beautiful as her truly I know you never stop Loving her as well that's why you cannot face me the tears are crashing down your face I can sense it from over here it's okay to cry and be sad" Edward said as Ryon sat down next to him.
"It's my fault, old friend. I should have been here for you and her. Maybe I could have done just one thing. I could have saved her. I know I could have" Ryon said as he cried.
"You don't know that and it's not your fault I never reached out to you because I was mad I put my own rage and anger over everything, but I'm sorry what happened in the past is the past, do not beat yourself up for not knowing" Edward said As everything went silent for minute they just sat there next to each other not seeing one word but knowing how each other truly felt they just kept looking at the pictures of Maria.
"My sweet Maria, oh I loved you and I like hey moon you shined like the sun a star bright you never stopped and I ain't never did either I admired you for every imperfection to me and you were perfect and I will never forget you my one true love Maria" Edward singed as Ryon just listened.
After they got done praying to Maria and visiting her grave they set off and would return to the kingdom.