Friday, 29 June
Coach Armstrong yelled, "Everyone gather round! Although the team was selected, they are subject to substitution, in the event that they are incompetent."
The players listened intently. "A Team, we are counting on you! This is our chance to turn the tides, and win the battle we have been losing for so long!"
The team agreed by releasing a shout into the air.
As they walked back to the locker room, Aiden was overly excited. "Finally I get to play! I've been waiting for so long!"
Austin said, "Stop disgracing yourself in front of the girls, man! At least do it far from us."
Aiden reluctantly stopped jumping up and down. But the excitement was not dimmed, not even in the slightest.
Head of Police, Gary Chevenix, was debriefing the detectives.
"According to Intel, the Scorpion Gang is planning to abduct teenager Jayden, the firstborn son of Adrian Greystone."
All the detectives were left wondering why the Scorpions would be so foolish as to target a Greystone, considering the power they wield.
"Apparently, the leader was paid a lump sum of cash, enough to make him ignore the danger he put himself in. I want cops positioned at Westlake Institution during tonight's rugby game."
"Yes Chief!" All the detectives filed out of the room, headed to their respective divisions.
Gary sat on his chair. "You Scorpions will be the death of us."
That night, Jayden couldn't sleep, but it wasn't because he was excited. He felt as if he had just woken up, his body full of energy.
Jayden twisted and turned in his bedsheets. He just couldn't sleep, no matter what he did.
He instinctively opened the curtains he had closed,and looked up at the Moon.
As he stared at it, silently admiring its beauty, Jayden became drowsy. Seconds later, he fell asleep.
A slightly thick gas had invaded the room. It was a sleeping gas, the capsule of which had been thrown in through the window while Jayden gazed at the Moon.
Across the road, in the trees, a figure could be seen standing there, its body covered in darkness. "Sleep well, young one," it said. "I want you at full strength."
The figure walked backwards, its body seemingly merging with the darkness. Soon, it was gone.
Saturday, June 30
Jayden woke up, slightly sleepy. His head had a faint headache constantly banging, but it was manageable. He slowly walked down the stairs like a living zombie.
When he got into the living room, he was greeted by a surprise.
"Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you Jayden! Happy birthday to you!"
Erica walked to Jayden and gave him a hug. "Happy 16th birthday, honey." "Thank you, Aunt Erica."
Davina gave him a hug as well. "I'll be joining you soon in three months, so don't get too excited."
Jayden smiled, "Don't worry, I wouldn't dare. Your tongue might slay me if I tried."
Gerald and the rest of the servants spoke in unison," Happy birthday, Young Master. "
Jayden replied, "Thank you very much. Where's the cake?"
His nose did the job for him. He ran to it and was about to sink the knife into it when a cooking spoon whacked his arm.
He jerked his hand back. "What?"
Erica replied, "Aren't you going to invite your friends?" "Is that even allowed?"
Erica replied, "Of course not! But my brother doesn't have to know, does he?"
Jayden smiled. "No, he doesn't."
Adrian didn't trust his sister enough to leave his son with her. He believed she would be a bad influence on him (and she was, is, and will still be). He would rather leave Jayden with a stranger than with Erica.
Jayden immediately called Aiden, Austin and Maya to come over.
Three minutes later, all three were there.
Austin was exuberant. "I can't believe it! We are actually getting into Greystone Castle!"
"Yes, Austin, we are getting into Greystone Castle. What's the big deal?" Maya berated him, yet it was clear she was just as excited as he was, if not more.
The celebration was brief but fun, only lasting three and a half hours. Maya, Aiden and Austin went back to their homes to prepare for the night's event. But they weren't the only ones.
Bill, the leader of the Scorpion Gang, was informing his men about their task.
"Tonight, your goal is to kidnap the Greystone kid. Of course, if anyone sees you, silence them or take them with you. Got it?"
"Yes boss!"
Erica called for Jayden. "Yes Aunt Erica?"
She said," Your father sent this audio and told me to give it to you. Go listen to it in your room."
Jayden walked back to his room, the phone in his hands.
Erica sighed,"Of all days, why did it have to be this one? "
She fell asleep, in order to save energy for that night.
Jayden got into his room and shut the door, then proceeded to lie down on the bed and play the audio.
"Happy birthday Son! Sorry I'm not there to congratulate you in person. Now that you've turned sixteen, there are some things I must tell you. Things related to our family."
Jayden sat up. "I'm sure you have been experiencing strange things happening to you. Like short bursts of speed, strength and the like? Or being able to hear even things far from you? Those were the symptoms of your body starting to change. From the moment your hand was broken and you saw it healed the next morning, you must have had suspicions concerning your humanity."
Adrian continued,"Let me tell you. We are not human. We are Werewolves."
Adrian paused for a moment to let reality set in. He proceeded, " The reason why I didn't let you attend school with everyone else as a child was because you showed signs of awakening at a very young age. There is a period of time in your memory that you can't remember, correct? I removed it. Because that day, you nearly killed Davina in a fit of rage."
Adrian chuckled, "Her words must have really stung, hey?" But Jayden wasn't in the mood for laughing.
Adrian turned serious. "We are not the only Werewolves out there, Jayden. There are others, far stronger than you can imagine. Tonight you will officially become a part of the supernatural. There exist creatures with powers you cannot comprehend. Not yet."
"If you want to stay safe, if you want to protect those you care about, YOU MUST FIGHT BACK!" Adrian's voice grew deeper and more menacing as he reached the end of his sentence.
"I don't know when I will return, but when I do, I hope you will still be alive, and stronger than you are now. Congratulations, my son. You will awaken tonight, when the Full moon is at its apex."
The audio stopped. Jayden didn't move for quite a while, processing what he had just heard.
Frustrated, he let out a scream, which slowly became deeper, eventually morphing into a sound similar to a wolf's howl.