The dragon race varied the most of the four races. It was the one race where the variety truly seemed endless as that seemed to be no limit to what a dragon could be or look like. Thus they were the second race with the biggest population because of variety. The highest was humans because of their ability to procreate the fastest and most often.
Though they were not actually the strongest race at least not when it came to attacking as they were pretty horrible at that. Sure they had a breathe weapon and were probably the race with the longest natural lifespan. Demons could live longer. These were through either natural means when came to being immortal or very special cases when they did not have a lifespan at all(they just exist even at the end of time and space itself).
Their breath weapon was an elemental attack that could be almost any element of nature. No two dragons could have the same breath weapon as that was their main means of attacking with any real force behind their attacks. Beast could outperform them when it came to the amount of overall damage and Demons when it came to area of effect as well lasting damage too. Burst damage was what Dragons were good at within the range of their breath weapon which was always in a line or could spread to small cones of space in front of them.
They really did not wear armor because their bodies themselves were better than the best armor at times. Those who did wear armor integrated into themselves make it a part of them thus never having to worry about repairs ever again. Their armor being a literal part of them would repair itself over time. They could remove such armor that they have integrated with once then sell for a profit to other races. Making so that dragonic armor was in high demand and really expensive to acquire. Even if a dragon could make themselves through just bond with any set of armor, the quality of the dragonic armor would depend on several factors. Three of them would be the starting quality of the armor, the strength of the dragon, and the time it was integrated with the dragon before they took it off.
These three things would be the factor in just how good dragonic armor was in quality as that is how most dragons that worked as adventurers paid for things themselves. They would buy some armor then integrate with it and once it was time to upgrade. That is when they would sell off their current armor to help pay for a new one.
Although there were Dragons that chose never to wear armor at boost their own bodies were good enough thus they did not need any extra layers of defense. Focusing on raising their own through harsh and constant training to endure more and more in combat. These types of dragons were also the ones who enjoyed fighting directly rather than just being the tanks of their party. Dragon might lean heavily towards defense but they could still be better fighters Beasts could be mages or Demons being fighters though.
As for weapons Dragons mostly did not use the talons on their hands and feet were considered good enough along with their tails. Those that had wings even used them as well when it came to attacking. Even when it came to projectiles it was better for them just to throw their own scales that they could shed on command then depend on arrows, bullets, or even certain forms of magic that used to replace the former two.