It had been some time sent the group Rotune that was created of all four races had completed its goal on the fifth landmass on their planet. It was the one where none of the four races claimed as their own just shared it as neutral grounds between them. It was apparently something that was considered important enough to create a part where each member was one of the four races with a human actually being the leader of Rotune. At least that is how it was on paper and is always reported to have been in the past at least.
Though in reality the human was being hard carried by the other three races that were doing all the work while they were just the leader in name only. When they returned from their mission it was only the three of them as they never revealed what happened to the human member of their party. Although no one even asked what happened to them not even other humans were curious about their fate. Those few that were well were just left to wonder what happened and assume what did on their own
Arca, the beast member of their party was living the high life after her role in Rotune was completed. She was treated with the respect, acknowledgment, and love that she had always wanted. She was never miss treated nor was she ever bullied before her time in Rotune though. If anything she was just treated as if she was just there as she was not given attention or focus that was too positive but at the same time none that was too negative either. It was slightly indifferent treatment where she was just treated, by a random stranger. No one ever really got that close to her not even those in her own family which she barely spoke to after she was able to get around on her own. Her family mostly left Arca to her own devices thus never caring where she went or if she even came back at all.
Arca never saw this as strange until she met the human member of Rotune as everyone just treated her like that. So when the position to join Rotune as the beast representative was offered she jumped at the chance to take it. Seeing this as her means to get the things she realized that she was lacking all this time. Of course, she was in on what would be the ultimate fate of their human leader but kept them in the dark about it as they were the only one that was not aware of the true purpose of Rotune and thus kept in the dark about it.
"Funny how you think that you have gained the respect, acknowledgment, and love that you desire," a voice said to her as she walked by them heading towards her reserved inn on the edge of the town she was passing through
"What" Arca replied somewhat annoyed at here this.
"Seriously you are being isolated as they do not want to deal with you thus are making you think one thing when the reality is something completely different," the person said coming out of a near by ally.
"Listen here you I am...." Arca started before being interrupted
"...part of the walking duo of Rotune" the figure told her
"Weakling!? I am one of the strongest beasts around and that is why I was chosen for Rotune. They needed me out of all the other beasts that could have been chosen. I was picked because...." she started to say before she was interrupted again
" are weak and they did not want to risk sending one of the actual strong members at the time on the mission. Sure you might be able to hang with the strongest beast around now but there is no way you can compete with them in raw power though. Your attack power is lower than the dragon member who was suppose to be the tank of the group" the figure said
"I am skilled as I do not need raw power as I am good enough with any weapon I get my hands on after all. I can outclass my foes with those skills" she claimed
"Really you sound like a human that has never come across a true grandmaster as sure you are skilled but those skills are nothing before someone that your equal in them and stronger than you," the figure said
Arca was then about to say something else when she was grabbed and pulled into the alleyway. Her strength was not enough to break their hold on her as she kept pressing up again the wall in the alley for some time where the figure did not move. They also did not allow her to move either as they just stood there seemingly awaiting something.
"Sorry about having to have you close down your inn for a while all because they are in town," a beast town guard said
"It is all good as the town is paying me for it after all since my inn is the furthest away after all. I built that far away for a reason as you know some do not like others being around them after all" beast inn owner said
"Interesting how your inn which normally for the upper class that does not like mixing with those they considered under them. Is being used by something that foolish think they are anywhere near that level" the guard said
"I know right as that failure might be strong in their own right but that is strength is too human like as they might be skilled but they are too weak. How is a beast that old still that weak when it comes to raw power as I am stronger than them in that regard" the inn owner said
"Tell me about as we always are laughing at her once she is out of range every time she tried showing off or talking about all the effort she put in while a part of Rotune. Seriously she was part of the weakling duo after all" the guard said as they laughed
Once the two were out of range when the figure let go of Arca as she stumbled out of the alleyway.
"That can not be true as those two must not be telling the truth or this is just how it is in this town only" she tried reasoning
"Denial. That's what I expected you to do when confronted with the truth as we really are a duo in that sense" the figure said removing the hood that was covering their face.
As they did so the moon that was shinning above them both then started to reveal who this figure was as the moonlight illuminated them for Arca which allowed her to see just who they were as her jaw then dropped upon doing so
"It's been awhile has not it as it seemed that I was not the only one that was lied to about Rotune and what purpose it had either," the human member of the group said as they stood before Arca seemingly a different person than they were when they last saw each other.