Chereads / Witch Of Wolves / Chapter 51 - Chapter 20

Chapter 51 - Chapter 20

Kyras Pov

"come now Kyra, come and give us the piece of the Goddesses heart" the vampire said holding out his hand.

I looked the man up and down for a moment "yeah go fuck yourself" I said as I showed no emotion.

suddenly I sensed a familiar presence behind me. "I can agree with that statement" Chris said. he wasn't alone. but I didn't care. I didn't even turn back to look at him.

"Adira..." the vampire said the women's name. "make a move and I kill you here and now witch" I said interrupting him. "you can't kill us" the woman said with a glare. I smiled. "if that were true I wouldn't be your sacrifice" I replied. "you really think I don't know that, that's your plan" I continued.

my eyes began to glow green as the power inside me began to grow. "I grow tired of this" I said holding up my hand. the witch did the same with something I couldn't see.

"Ianuae illud ubi volo" the woman named Adira said, it was a spell I wasn't familiar with. the object disappeared from her grasp and suddenly my body filled with pain. "Ah" I yelled as I fell to one knee.

*it's mercury* Mikails voice rang in my head. "naturally Infused with magic... I can tell" I said trying to hold it together. Adam and Chris along with the few wolves Chris had brought along had already shifted and surrounded me almost as if to protect me.

"I DONT NEED PROTECTION" I yelled as I stood up "Dis procul" I said throwing my arm up. Adira and the vampire hadn't expected it and went flying. I fell to my knees again, now beginning to breathe heavy. the mercury was beginning to flow throughout my body.

Chris didn't wait as soon as Adira and the vampire were on the ground he charges at them. but before he could get to them they disappeared.

Adam still in his wolf form walked over to me. he tried to help me stand up but I failed. a headache was beginning to form as my eyes became blurry. Chris turned into his human form and somehow already had clothes on. but I wasn't in the state to question.

Chris ran towards me and Adam stood in front of me and growled at him. Chris growled back and it took a minute for Adam to back off. "Kyra" Chris said as he knelt down to my level. "get away from me" I said pushing him away. I could feel the power inside me begin to flicker.

"Ahhhh" I screamed, fire formed around us. I had lost control. "Im going to fucking kill you all of you" i yelled my voice not completely my own Mikail was attempting to take control "im going to destroy everything" i said looking at chris as my eyes continued to flicker back and forth from blue to green.

"What are you doing kiddo?" Chris asked concerned as he slowly moved closer to me. "you really gonna go through with all this" he said calmly. "im... going to find.... and kill.... every last.... one of them...." I said my eyes now completely green.

"Ahhhhh" I screamed again. "get out of my head you mother fucker!" I snapped my eyes turning blue again *sorry kid this is my chance* mikail said. I looked at Chris with pleading eyes. "KILL ME... PLEASE KILL ME" I told him as tears rolled from my eyes. I felt like I had no control. like I was fighting everything, and everyone.

"YOUR ALL GONNA DIE!" my voice mixed with Mikails again and my eyes turning green once more. "I can't do this anymore!" I cried my eyes turning blue. "KILL THEM ALL" I said grabbing my head. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME" I yelled. "it's ok just let the darkness take over" another voice in my head chirped in. "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" I cried hitting my head with my hands.

suddenly I grabbed Chris and looked him in the eyes. "Please make it stop, kill me please Please kill me" I begged him. he wrapped his arms around me hugging me. "it's ok I'm here" was all he said

Chris suddenly pulled a needle out of his pocket at first I hadn't even noticed I was to focused on the pain and fighting off everyone and everything in my own head.


the needle was suddenly in my arm. "ah" I said as my head went quiet and my once blurry vision went black, as the rest of my Body fell, I felt myself being caught in someone's arms.

Chris's Pov

"I got you kid" I said as I caught Kyra before she completely hit the ground. "What happened to her" the kid that was with her asked. he had reverted back to his human form and had found a pair of shorts to put on. "I'm not sure but whatever the witch did made her lose control" I said picking her up.

"Where are you going you cant..." "I'm taking her to the only people that could possibly save her" I said turning my head to him. "save her... but she not dying" the kid said confused. "and how can you tell?" I asked him "She's My mate" he replied. I couldn't help but sigh. "What's your name kid?" I asked him.

"Adam Hunt" he replied plainly. "listen here Adam, you won't know if she's your mate until she shifts meaning you also won't be able to feel her pain until then" I told him honestly. "so I'll give you a choice here and now. you want to stick with kyra fine, but let me teach you how to be a real wolf instead of the weak one you are" I told him. if he was a Hunt, as in Joseph Hunts kid, then he had potential.

"why?" he asked confused. "because I have a feeling you're gonna stick to Kyra Like glue for a while. and if your gonna be near my step daughter, then you gotta grow strong enough to protect her" I told him. "it's either that or you go back to your pack" I continued. "the choice is yours, if your coming then let's go" I added as I turned and walked away carrying Kyra in my arms.

To Be Continued