Chereads / Witch Of Wolves / Chapter 55 - Chapter 24

Chapter 55 - Chapter 24

Ambers Pov


I felt a sudden pain in my abdomen. I looked down to see Sarah holding the knife as it sat inside me. I looked back up at her, my eyes teary. her eyes, they were filled with hate and anger the type I had only seen once before.

"Sarah what are you doing" I asked shocked and confused. "I didn't want to have to do this Amber but you forced my hand" she replied as she twisted the knife then slowly pulled it out.

my blood ran cold, as I saw my very own blood dripping from the knife "I trusted you" I said. "all this time you just... this was your plan from the very beginning?" I questioned as tears continued to fill my eyes. "no" she said "not the whole time" she continued. "SHE'S YOUR MATE'S DAUGHTER" I yelled as I fell to my knees. everyone around me was frozen u sure of what to do, Kyra screamed for me but couldn't move due to her shifting.

"it was true" she said "when I told you that I had no idea what my father was doing" she continued "but then you got kidnapped, and he died. Nathan told me what he did and I couldn't believe it" she explained "I was shut down for months over it" she said "and then I saw you again and I told you and you ran, you hated me. and this vampire offered me the chance to bring my father back, and I just missed him so much, and I thought since you hate me I'll bring back someone who loves me" she explained.

"I love you Sarah" Nathan shocked. "What we have isn't love" she said Turning to him for a second then turning back to me.

"you've lost your mind Sarah" I told her "I know" she said lightly nodding her head in agreement "but that's mainly because of you" she continued.

suddenly we teleported I didn't sense any magic at all we were in the room one minute and in the woods the next. the only ones who were teleported were Kyra who was in the middle of her transition and screaming in pain, Sarah and me. I knew of only one witch with this type of power.

"you've done well Sarah even better then your father" a familiar voice said. it was a voice I could never forget. "Ragnar" I said gritting my teeth.

"It has been quite some time hasn't it witch" he said looking down on me."what wanted to finish the job" I spat. he smiled. "in a way" he said. "your going to take your daughter's power and give it to us" Ragnar said. then an idea hit me.

"fine" I said "Ahhh" Kyra yelled. "don't fight it Kyra you just have to let it happen" I said turning to her, then I stood up. I was still bleeding and I was weak from the loss of blood. but if they wanted her power so badly.... I'd give it to them.

I walked over to Kyra who was now partially transitioned "Everything will be ok" I said solemnly. then I began

"removere potestatem volo et scissura in III da III" " I began "removere potestatem volo et scissura in III da III" " I continued "removere potestatem volo et scissura in III da III" " at this point it became a chant.

kyras eyes turned orange as her face now had a snout. a ball of green energy began to form above her. it only took a minute for it to finish completely coming out of her. that was when she finished her shift. she stood tall in her wolf form she was a beautiful Red Wolf with Golden eyes, but only a second later she passed out.

"uh" I said as I looked down at my wound. I was completely covered in blood, but I persevered. I wouldn't let them harm Kyra and this was my chance to stop them once and for all.

"removere potestatem volo et scissura in III da III"" I continued to chant as the ball of green energy split into 4, that wasn't how the spell was supposed to work. suddenly the balls of energy shot into us, not just Ragnar, Adira and Sarah but me as well. thus wasn't part of my plan at all.

"Hahahahaha" Ragnar laughed. "the power... finally after all this time I have a piece of the Goddesses Heart" he said proudly.

"no you don't" I told him as I turned to him. "What" he said annoyed. "I CAN FEEL THE POWER!" he yelled, thinking I was lying. "the power your feeling right now the power were all feeling, it's the dark magic that was In side of her" I said with a smile. "and now I'm gonna get rid of it for good" I said.

"Adira" Ragnar said "cam aperto ore" I said causing adira to be unable to talk. "scutum" I said directing the spell towards Kyra. now she was shielded from what I was about to do. "I love you kyra" I said quietly.

"duratus" I said as Ragnar prepared to charge at me now he couldn't move. "how?" he Questioned as magic shouldn't have worked on him. "I'm surprised you don't know.... vervain when brought close enough to a vampire takes away a vampires slight resistance to magic" I told him with a smug look.

Sarah just stood there unsure of what to do, "move I dare you" I said with a cold glare. now it was time.

I held out my hands and closed my eyes. "goodbye Chris" I said In a whisper. "I had truly grown to love you" I added. "Live well kyra i know you will become amazing" i continued "tolle magicam in nobis interfice nos potestatem nostram in terra reddens animas nostras ad justum Deum nostrum" I said.

first adiras body fell and turned to dust. then ragnars. "no!" Sarah said as if to stop it before she turned to dust. a tear left my eye as I knew what was about to come. then everything went black.


"Ahhhh" both Chris and Nathan yelled as they fell to the ground clenching their chest. "no" Chris said tears filling his eyes. "sarah" Nathan said. as the realization that their mate bond had been broken as they both realized both Sarah and Amber were dead.


To Be Continued