Chereads / The Intimidating System in the Multverse / Chapter 23 - Behind the scenes of the first episode

Chapter 23 - Behind the scenes of the first episode

I was killing 500 people for a few clients, I got a few skull from the people that died with a fight and got a good hit in.

I walked through the portal and saw Moxxie holding a crossbow, Millie try to convince Moxxie that it is fine to kill a family if that's what the client wants and Loona holding the family picture and doing her phone. I walked up with a suitcase filled with money that he collected of the clients, 2 million souls to be exactly. I sat it down and say to Moxxie " Everyone has a dark side, that family can be a innocent looking people but the truth is that they are a bunch of cannibal or murderers. So don't hesitate to kill, if you do, you will lose some important in your life. But some people do sometimes do deserve a second chance."

"Sir Blaze, you are right, but I don't think I can do it, my morals and heart are stopping me, so what do I do?"

"You will know when you are ready, and sometimes you have to throw your morals to survive, live, and have sex," as I think about all the things that this body have do to survive and rank up, some of the things that I am thinking about is making this body horny as hell.

Moxxie looks away and was about to shoot the picture of the innocent family but Blitzo open the door with the client, and Moxxie misfires the arrow and it went everywhere, it hit the picture that Loona was holding, the walls, the fish tank, the floor and ceiling.

I just move my head just a bit so it would have hit me and other round of hitting everything, Blitzo catches it and introduces the client. The fishtail was about to fall over but I caught the fish tank. I put it back but I got electricity but I was fine, this body can easily took hits. I got notification, I can put one more character and get one weapon for change a event.

Character: Mask(The Mask): He is a famous comedy entertainer overlord that work with luffy the only goal is to make people laugh in hell, also work with Alastor almost often.

Weapon: Guts's Dragon Slayer is 60 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 2 inches thick. Dragon Slayer weighing a colossal 408 lbs. King looked at the sword, but he thought that it was more a metal club than a sword, but I told him that it was made to slayer dragons, but it was too long, and heavy but it is made out of strong metal and would deal a lot of damage.

Blitzo explains that we are experiencing killer and we will finished the women that she want died in a couple of hours. Blitzo takes her to the exit and explains to come back in like 8 hours or so to see the results.

" That women was angry as fuck, she even told her backstory like a nice or something, thank Satan I got her out of her, so who is in to lick some ass," as Blitzo looked tired about the incounter and Loona opens the book, she create a Portal to the human world.

"The correct phase is kick some ass."

"No mine is better and cooler sounding."

"I will stay back for this one, someone has to keep doing the work around here and you too Loona, you have do your job correctly." She roll her eyes to me but she has no choice.

Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie are okay with that and go in the portal and the portal closes. In rhe office, I teach Loona how to be more social and how to respond on the client, if they become difficult this is what you do.

Loona was pay attention because she has to but she was secretly pay more attention to the social part of the lesson, Blaze was teaching more social thing like how to get a boyfriend/girlfriend, how to make friends, and how to have active communication with people.

Loona takes out notes for this part but the one teach her this, is not Blaze but a clone he made with his power, this clone can use 50% of Blaze's power.

The real Blaze is outside, deal with assassin, snipers, gun masters, sword masters, bomb experts, brawlers, and street thugs. The sniper go first, they are a couple of groups of him, they are far away for the building, like two street away. They are in all directions, they all shoot in the same time, the bullets go to him but unexpectedly he catches every bullet and throw them. He killed almost every sniper, on propose he left one sniper live but they are in critical condition.

The brawlers and street thugs come out of the alleyways, the surround Blaze and they rush at him, at the last minute, he jump up to avoid the punchs, kicks, elbowdrop, knife, and pipe, so they hit each other with their attack. They injured themselves and Blaze is going to finish them, Blaze's fist is surrounded with high concentrated hell fire, he punch them and they just a pile of ash now.

A large amount of bomb come to him but he caught all of the them, but unfortunately he don't throw them away in time, he got blow up and get launches to a building. Blaze get out of the building and take out of his suitcase, a Colt Anaconda, Blaze shoots all 6 bullets to the 6 groups of bomb experts. It don't hit them but it hit the bomb that they have, all the bombs explode, killing all the bomb experts.

The sword masters come out and they slash at him in all directions, Blaze got out his Dragon Slayer Sword, Blaze easily breaks all the sword of the sword master and with one slash he uses his Dragon Slayer as a club and turn the sword master into mush.

Unexpectedly, a bunch of tiny needles hit them, it look it don't do a lot of damage but Blaze does feel dizzy, the needle were cover in a medicine that make people dizzy. The assassin keep on shoot them with the needle, but unfortunately for them, Blaze has a power that can make his body to adapt to the situation. He gets up and rush to the assassin, the assassin got out their dagger, they stab them and they thought the killed them but they are wrong, he let them stab them, he grow two sets of arms, crush four assassin, he shoots 6 more, and set on fire 10 of them. He looks around and eats the corpses, he takes all their weapons and valuable.

When he was loot, he saw the gun masters getting ready to fire but Blaze snaps his fingers and different kind of monster eat them and Blaze goes back to looting.


179x different type of guns

10x Sword

30x Smoke Bombs

20x Explosives

50x Knife

20x Brass knuckles

999x ammo

8x Short Sword

89x drug covered needles

45x 100 Souls

67x 10 Souls

456x 1 souls

45x expensive jewelry

He goes to the one man he left alive but he said one thing " he want the book," he died.

Blaze went back and saw that Loona was ask questions about situations on what to do but Loona got a call to open the portal. " Man what a mission, and what happen to you grandpa!" As Blitzo with a shoot arm saw he somewhat beaten grandpa with needles and blood on him.

"Just a little problem, he don't have to deal with a little bit," Blaze and Blitzo get treated but Blaze regenerated. The whole group cheers for Moxxie for kill a whole family but Moxxie thank Blaze for his words he gave to him and Blaze just smiles and eats some cake.