Chereads / The Intimidating System in the Multverse / Chapter 28 - A Day Off Or Another Day On The Job?

Chapter 28 - A Day Off Or Another Day On The Job?

It has been half a month when Loopty hired I.M.P for a job, Blaze still getting more money , but it is for my life style, Blaze looked in my stats in my system and saw that my stats are multiple, Blaze thought that there was someone trying to kill him, but it was not true. Everyone Blaze looked to had a face of fear and there was one time that one person yelled my name and everyone ran away, his stats multiple x 10000 and it was still increasing.

He also saw a skill called the toon force, it had not level or anything else and the only thing it said " Your limit is you imagination," I understand with it means, but I don't want use it to expose myself too much. I find the cause of it, fame one of his skills makes him like look the demons of demons and other of his skill called support also have a part of it. It multiple his CHR stats by 2 and his CHR is ready now 2,238, but thank to his second effect his clothing and his cigarette get him x4 to his CHR, his CHR is now 8,952.

His second highest is strength and it is 2510. Back to Helluva Boss, Blaze is going around the pride ring and defeat demons or sinners that don't know there place and teaching him a little lesson about manners, Blaze got a call from Blitzo that I.M.P are going to the wrath ring for the harvest moon festival tomorrow and ask him that if he want to come and have a good time.

Blaze thought about it and decided to go and brought his demon dragon in his mansion, he left 100k for the angel if they need something they can get, he went to a clothing to make or buy a cowboy style in red.

The clothing made the suit for him and Blaze give them a good some of money and he rides his demon dragon to the wrath ring where Millie's parents house is at.

He go there a bit late, but he makes it and he greeted Millie's parents, he test their strength and they don't last long. Blaze's dragon was drooling at the demon pig that were in their pin, Millie father said " if you want it then pay 300 souls and fight it in the pin," as Blaze gives Joe the money and he got in the pin. He challenged one of the strongest looking pig there was in the pin, the pig charged head first to Blaze, but unexpectedly Blaze charged the pig head first.

Blaze and the pig headbutt each other and you can heard a skull breaking into little pieces , it was the pig's skull who break and die about of the Shockwave and pieces of its skull going into its brain, thank to his skill called hard bones that make his bones almost impossible to break. Blaze grabbed the pig and went to get some water to clean the mud off, made a quick campfire to roast the pig, the two had to wait for a couple of hours for the pig to be perfectly roasted and have that juice melt in your mouth, before that he got some lemon juice for the shop in the market to cover the pig to get some more flavor.

The festival was going to start, Moxxie was getting hurt every time and when they challengers have a short break, so Moxxie was running to me and said " Mr. Blaze, I am in desperate need for your help, I keep getting hurt and I want to at least get some respect out of Millie's parents," Blaze looked at Moxxie with a honest smile and said " I will get you a bit of power to give you a strength boost, this one is for free, but the next ask is going to cost you and it will end in 5 hours," as Moxxie nodded to Blaze and Blaze put his hand on his back, a large amount of power was going in his body, a red aura was covering him and it faded in his body.

Moxxie ranned to the next challenge and it was tag of war, Moxxie pulled the rope with half of the power that Blaze give him to not hurt anyone seriously, he launched the other challenge in the shark pond, Millie was cheering for him, Moxxie looks at Millie's parents and they give a thumbs up for a bit of respect/acknowledge him. The next one was wrestling, Moxxie was surrounded by another imp, but he charged into them and knock them unconscious, a shark tried to do a sneak attack, but it don't work and he was send in the air to Blaze that was almost done with his roasted pig, with his dragon that was drooling and can't wait to eat the pig and now it can't want to eat a bit of seafood.

Moxxie don't get first place, but he do get third place with his last one challenge, Moxxie and her parents pat him on the back because they don't think he was going to make this far, Millie's parents give a reasonable amount of respect/acknowledge to him and that what made him happy and Blaze offer a bit of pig and seafood to Moxxie, he take it and eat it, it had a somewhat rich flavor with a bit of sour taste to it.

Blaze clap for Blitzo for get first place with Striker, Striker sing a song about myself about winning. 4h 50m later, Moxxie and Millie help Millie's parents in the family, Blaze and Blitzo are still in the festival watching Stolas doing his duties.

Blitzo goes to the farm to fight Striker with Moxxie, but Striker got the shot just in time before Blitzo and Moxxie corner him, the holy bullet was going to hit Stolas between the eyes, but thank to the skill Ultra Instinct, Blaze sense the danger and went in front were Stolas was. He opens his mouth then closes it to caught the holy bullet, he caught with little effort and Stolas was surprised that he was going to be killed when he was doing his duties, Stolas thanks Blaze for protecting him and he own him one in the future.

Half a hour later, Millie was talking about her not catching Striker, but Moxxie defend her and gets a bit more respect/acknowledge on Millie's parents, Blaze sense Striker and he throw the holy bullet back to him, not to kill them, but to warn them of the danger if he messes with I.M.P again and he rides on his dragon with two more pigs when they go back to Blaze's mansion to eat with the angels.

They go back to the mansion and have a grilling on his backyard, the angel are having fun with their new lives and eating new kinds of different kinds of food in hell, but they don't want to rely on Blaze all the time, so the three angels created a resume to get a job, but he give them another option and that was work for I.M.P, they think at it, but they feel a bit annoyed that they will have to work with the people that ruined their lives, but they decided to accept the offer, they sign a contract with reasonable conditions and benefits, that was the day that I.M.P had fallen angel in their business.