Chereads / The Intimidating System in the Multverse / Chapter 26 - One Of Blitzo Problems

Chapter 26 - One Of Blitzo Problems

Blaze and I.M.P. are riding to the office, the van that Blitzo had, Blaze fix it and made some improvements to it. Blitzo singing a song terrible and almost everyone in the van is annoying. Blitzo drives like a crazy man, but it was almost over, we were almost at the building and was going to park the van, but out of nowhere a hot pink car came up and park in the spot that we were going to park.

Blitzo sees this and punch the brakes just in time and then Blitzo pull out a speakerphone to let her hear him loud and clear, he was yelling at her, but he noticed that it was Verosika Mayday.

The two insult back and forth, Blaze comes out of the van, he sees this and try to calm everyone down and says " Verosika, I know my grandson has do some terrible thing to you and I already pay the debt he owes you, can you just move your car out of the way, so we can just do a normal day in the office."

" Blaze Hellsing, you are here and protecting your grandson for the problem he can't face by himself, just hide behind his powerful grandpa, I will not move my car, if Blitzo wants this parking spot then he was to do it himself," as Blaze tries to calm thing down, but end up making thing worse, everyone know that Blaze doesn't how his power for stupid things and uses his power to collect money, fighting, and protecting his family, Verosika knows this and take advantage to this, if she doesn't hurt Blitzo she is fine.

She right, Blaze don't uses his power for this situation, but luckily for him Verosika walk away for Blitzo to end the encounter and walk away for Blaze because she doesn't want to press buttons on a family member of a powerful being, Blaze is know for kill enemies brutally if they hurt his family and close friends.

Blitzo was not finished and walk to her to tell her to move her car out of his company's parking spot, but he stop when a lupine hellhound with a monotone gray color scheme similar to Loona, only darker. He is extremely muscular and has a scar on his left eye with slightly ripped ears. He stops Blitzo going even farther and stop him of threatening Verosika, but when I noticed a familiar face, I walk to the hellhound and put a arm around him and says " Vortex, how has it been, sorry if couldn't come to the party man, I had a lot of people trying to kill me and I don't want to bring that in to the party."

" Old man, that fine, the party are still as crazy as ever, but not as crazy when you are around, old man show me what you get if your not getting to old for these," as he brings his arm to do a test of strength, I put my arm out and Blaze and Vortex are arm wrestling, Blaze easily overpowering Vortex, but Vortex doesn't give up easily as he puts all his strength into his arm, Blaze feel the strength and he increased his strength of two decimal and the game is over, Vortex is on the floor breathing heavily and laugh.

" You still got man, I think I dislocated something," as he check his arm and pop his dislocated bone back into place. Vortex walks away with Verosika to the building and when they are out of sight, the group in the van ask Blitzo that he knows Verosika Mayday and that she has brain damage because she dated Blitzo out of all people, but Loona comes to me, ask that do I know the hellhound that I was arm wrestling with, I said yes and tell her that he is always in his girlfriend Beelzebub' parties, bit when Blaze said girlfriend she frown. Blaze noticed this, Blaze says " If he is always taken then just be friend to him because I see that you don't have a lot of friends or any," as I put a hand on her shoulder, she thinks for a while, but she think that Blaze is right, if they are taken already, just be a friend and hangout, but she thinks that will be hard for her.

They go to the building and go to their headquarters, but Blitzo noticed that Verosika is staying in a office across from them, Loona talks with Vortex to become her friend, but she is a bit awkward because she doesn't have a good social skills. Blitzo is mad because of this fact, Moxxie want to go in to talk with them to be reasonable, but he gets fuck by Verosika and her group and come back as a mess, Blitzo gets angry and goes in there. He make a bet that they will have to give up their parking spot back and they get Blaze, he has to work for Verosika and do what ever she want if she wins and he shake on it, a green flame appears and sealing the bet/deal.

We are in the HQ making a plan to beat Verosika, Blitzo tells about his "plan", but Moxxie agured with Blitzo that was not a plan. Loona volunteered to come to the human world, Blitzo regret at first because of all the freaks that will drool at Loona, breaking the fourth wall and look at the readers, but when Loona bring up that the three don't have human disguises and Blitzo was making a new plan that Loon lure the human to them, but Blaze said " Guys, I can use magic to make human disguises for all of us," when Blaze says this, the new new plan is the Blaze makes human disguises for all of them, they all take a human to take and then burn the evidence.

They get a large amount of clients by a poster that says 50% off for kill because of spring break and they go to the human world, Blaze disguises every who don't have a human disguise to a human to lure them to spot to kill them. In few minutes, the group almost killed 2/4 of human in the crowd because the group are all taking a human, they are killing five human at a time.

But it decreased because Verosika sing her song and her group of succubus are in the group, that this rate she will win, but thankfully the bottle of Beelzebub juice she throw in the crowd and into the ocean hit a catfish, it turned into a demon monster catfish.

Before the monster come : Loona is taking with Vortex about her and him becoming friends and maybe go to one of Beelzebub's parties, but Blitzo gets in the way, the two talks with each other, they have a aguring about Vortex and she don't need Blitzo right now, she just want to make a few friends, Blitzo calm down a bit, he thought that she wanted Vortex as a boyfriend, but no she wants him as friend. Blitzo leave without any worries and goes back killing human.

Back to the present: Moxxie and Millie are trying to kill the monster catfish, Millie attack the monster close combat and Moxxie shooting the monster with a sniper rifle form far away, they kill the monster catfish in a short amount of time and Blaze killed all the human that run away and survived the attack.

Blaze and the group win the bet and Blaze ask everyone to keep this quiet and everyone left, but Blitzo keep insulting Verosika and saying to stay away from his parking spot. Verosika and her group gathered around and a bunch of police officers come to the scene, Blaze come to the rescue and killed all the police officers, Blaze opens a portal and wave them to go in, they go in the portal and it take them into the parking lot were Verosika's car is at. Blaze enter the building, but before he does, he says " you all own one favor," as he looks at the group and they all agree that the do own Blaze a favor. Vortex gives a thumbs up and throw Blaze a bottle of Beelzebub juice and Blaze drinks it happily when entering the building.