Chapter 24 - The Eastern Front

The journey to the eastern front didn't take as long as I expected. While Ayana may be the largest state, traveling with an airship makes the journey akin to taking a flight up or down California. If I had to make a guess I would say the journey only took about five to six hours. Not a lot happened on the journey unlike the journey to Ayana. Most of us decided to take a nap. Unfortunately, Ryder took one too, while he was piloting the airship. We started to slowly plummet to the Earth but luckily Azura rushed in to prevent us from crashing. She gave him an earful about falling asleep and Ryder's defense was that everyone else was sleeping too. Turns out that's not a good defense in her eyes.

While that may sound like an exciting event, in comparison to everything that happened on the journey here I would say it pales in comparison. After a few hours went by we made it to our destination. It was sundown when we arrived and I got to say it was quite a sight. I looked outside the window to see that from our position all of the land below us was tinged in orange. We could see a walled city below us very similar to the last city we were at but it was smaller, probably because it's not the capital.

The land outside the city looks rough, most of the grass is yellow and the roads leading to the city are quite dry. Coming from California, I can tell that this place is most likely in the middle of a drought. You'd think with magic they could just create rain on a whim. I would ask about that at some point but I'm sure the person I'd ask would act like that's the dumbest question they ever heard. Maybe I'll make Adam ask so that I won't look dumb. I guess it's also worth pointing out we're not getting shot at this time. I guess Nerva's not ending more bloodlines. Also some of the city is on fire, I guess that's pretty important.

Some guards on the city's walls direct Azura to land in a huge park where a group of soldiers await us. After we disembark a knight in all silver armor approaches.

"Aren't we oh-so-grateful to have the powerful heroes grace us with their presence. Greetings, I am Lieutenant General Hume. I am oh-so-happy to have you here," he declares very sardonically and flamboyantly.

I don't like this guy. We're gonna have a problem if he acts this way the entire time.

"Ugh, yeah sure. I'm William, that's my party. The guy who looks like he wants to kill you is Quincy, the second hero, and that's his party," Will introduces, pointing to each of us.

"Ohhh, isn't that nice. You two have your own little parties. I guess you all are going to single handedly change the tide of the conflict," Hume says in mocking praise.

I'm hurting this guy.

"General Zachary said that there is a chance we can change things. He said you guys need all the help you can get," Will points out.

"Hmm yes but Zachary can't tell his left foot from his right sometimes so I wouldn't believe everything the man says. Now, follow me to my office, so we can catch you up to speed and maybe you all will make yourselves useful," Hume orders degradingly, walking off expecting us to follow him.

After exchanging wary looks, we reluctantly follow. I walk abreast with Will.

"I'm kicking this guy's ass." I quietly tell him.

"I know you are but hold off for a bit, we gotta get as much information out of him as we can first," Will argues in a whisper.

"Fine but I'm telling you now--I'm throwing him out a window."

"I'm fine with that. Just make sure he doesn't die, I think if he dies we'll get in trouble."

"Ok, deal," I whisper as we shake hands behind Hume's back.

He leads us to a heavily defended red tower in the middle of the city. As we make our way towards it we see a concourse of people surrounding it protesting with signs and burning effigies in the air. The guards have made a defensive perimeter around the tower while the protesters throw rocks.

"Shouldn't we get involved?" Lilith questions as we push our way past the crowd.

"No no, don't worry about them. They do this everyday. Ungrateful little mendicants. They chant the same things every day 'oh we don't have enough food. Death to Creon. Kill the emperor'. It's the same old, same old," Hume laments.

Someone throws a tomato at Hume's helmet but he doesn't react. We enter the large tower, finding the barracks. If I had to guess, the knights base their operations in this part of Ayana from this tower. Climbing our way up stairs we see things like a cafeteria, a training room, a mailroom, and an armory. That tower the Murphee brood was in must have been an old tower used by the knights. It would explain the similar layouts. Warren appears upset, remembering his time in captivity. We make our way to the top floor where there is a scale model of the state of Ayana, just like the one Zachary had. We gather around it like we're having a war council.

"Heroes, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't think you are going to do much. In fact, I say you're going to die horrible horrible deaths. Long and excruciating deaths," Hume tells us.

I am so close to throwing this guy out the window.

"Geez thanks for the confidence. But would you be so kind as to tell us what you know?" Will says sarcastically.

"Very well, very well. What we do know is that one of the Man of Stone's top soldiers who served under him during the war with the elves is in charge of the contingent of rebels in this area. His name is Bartrem. Though most call him Bartrem The Black because his armor is as black as space. Speaking of second hero, do you need a shower? Is that why your skin is so dark?" he informs, pointing at me.

"Guys, hold me back," I order everyone.

"W-what?" Adam inquires, confused.

"I didn't stutter Adam! Hold me back or else I'm killing this guy!" I shout, getting ready to charge at Hume.

Warren and Ryder hold me back but they're struggling a bit.

"Hey man, he's not worth it," Ryder says.

"No, it's worth it. Just don't do it yet," Warren argues.

Eventually I calm down. The guy doesn't even look phased, like if I was going to try to attack him, he would be able to kick my butt.

"Hmm now that's out the way back to Bartem The Black. From what our military records say he was a lancer. Served well during the war, got rid of many …..undesirables during the conflict. Brought down the undesirable population by quite a bit," He says looking straight at Remi.

"Hey!" Remi yells.

We had to hold Remi back just like what happened with me. I can not wait to be able to kill this guy.

"Get to the point, where is this guy?" Azura questions.

"That's the problem. We're not entirely sure. There is a rumor going around that he's trying to make a parley with some of the ghouls in the area. He may or may not be trying to recruit them to their cause. It's said they want to establish a system in which ghouls and humans can live in peace. What rubbish. The ghouls are rumored to have their latest camp here in the swamps. Don't know when said parley is going to happen but apparently it will be soon," Hume explains.

"That seems like a good place to start. Anything else we should know?" Will asks.

"There are some missions that I say are of a more pressing matter given they aren't based on rumors. We sent some knights to the fishing town of Sonia which is heavily sympathetic to the rebel cause. They were spies but have not reported back for quite some time. I'd say it's more important to go there to see if they're dead or alive. Probably dead, like the others. Finally we have gotten a letter that a rebel has come to his senses. He wishes to leave rebellion, however he cannot turn himself in to us out of fear of being killed. He wants us to meet him in the town of Milan, give him 10,000 gold, a guarantee of amnesty, and he promises to tell us everything he knows. Presumably he'll flee to another state after the transaction is completed. If you heroes really think you can help I'd say do these missions," Hume proposes.

"Hmm we got ourselves some options. What do you guys think?" Will asks everyone.

"If we take out this Bartem guy, wouldn't we end the rebellion a lot sooner?" Ryder questions.

"Ooh yeah I wanna do that. I wanna fuck this guy up. I got this," Nerva claims.

"But that's just a rumor. There's no guarantee the meeting is even happening. Even if it does, it might happen before we get there. Or we'll get there too early and it'll be called off," Azura argues.

"You are correct Azura. However this is our only lead on finding one of the rebellion's lieutenants. This is an opportunity we cannot ignore," Lilith points out.

"What about this guy who wants to turn traitor? He might give us more solid intel. Could blow the lid on the whole operation in this area," Warren suggests.

"The guy could know nothing for all we know. Heck, it could be a trap," I argue.

"Maybe, but unlike the rumor we know this guy will be there. If it does turn out to be a trap we'll capture the guy and make him tell us everything he knows that way," Warren emphasizes.

This is making my brain hurt. I see Will rubbing his temples in deep thought. After some more discussion it breaks down into arguing. Hume is probably smiling under his helmet laughing at us.

"G-guys?" Adam asks but everyone keeps arguing.

"H-hey guys," Adam says again.

"Guys!" Adam yells making everyone stop.

We all look at him with surprised looks.

"What about the knights? No one has mentioned them. I-I thought we were here to help people. In regard to the informant, he is trying to escape right? Maybe he has a family he wants to protect. Should we choose our actions based on helping people?" Adam points out.

Well I'll be darned, for a split second Adam grew some balls. Everyone looks ashamed for not even talking about the knights who could be in real trouble. I also never thought about the informant and his situation. I only thought of him as a means to an end.

"Adam's right. Even if the traitor doesn't know much, we should still help him so the rebels don't end up hurting him," Lilith says.

"I made up my mind. I think we all agree with Adam," Will states.

"No! Fuck you all, I don't. I wanna fight!" Nerva announces.

"Ok, everyone here--excluding Nerva--agrees with Adam. We're going to ignore the rumor for now, we'll split up between finding the knights and meeting up with the informant. Since there's enough of us I'm sure that's agreeable to you all. We'll do each respective mission and we'll meet back here to plan our next move. Only question is, who's doing what?" Will ponders.

"I don't care who comes with me but I'm going to see that informant," Warren tells us.

I have a feeling he's not worried about the well being of the traitor, he has his own intentions and given he's only here to find his friends, I'm willing to bet that's what Warren is going to ask him.

"Finding the knights is going to be the tougher mission, so I say most of us should be assigned to that," Azura states.

"Since my party has more people, we should go find the knights. Quincy, what do you think?" Will asks.

"I'm fine with that. Your mission sounds harder anyway," I admit.

Everyone around nods in agreement on who will do each mission. Except Adam of course.

"Can I go with Will's party? I-I think I'll be of greater use there," Adam says.

"No," I say.

"Nope," Will concurs.

"If you leave we won't have a healer," Warren states.

"Y-yeah but all you gotta do is meet up with a man and give him some money. So I thought that-" Adam was about to argue but is cut off by Nerva.

"Fuck no!" Nerva barks angrily.

Adam looks at Will's party in the hope they'll argue to bring him along. It doesn't happen.

"Oh...ok," Adam relents meekly.

"I don't think it matters because you're all going to die anyway. But I'm glad you all figured it out. For those of you going to meet the traitor; ask one of the soldiers downstairs he'll give you a bag of money. For the others, good luck I guess, you'll need it. Now all of you get out of here," Hume commands.

Before everyone starts to leave I go to Will.

"Now?" is all I ask.

"Yeah, now's good," hereplies.

"Hey guys before we go. I'm curious, do any of you guys know what defenestration means?" I ask in a jovial tone, hinting that I'm starting a bit.

Warren appears to be the first to catch on to what I'm doing.

"No Quincy I have not. What does defenestration mean?" he asks in a similar tone.

"Well you see Warren, it's a noun."

Remi is the next to play along.

"Fascinating, I have never heard that term before," she says, inching closer to Hume.

I also start to inch my way towards Hume.

"It refers to a specific act," I say.

Ryder's face lights up having caught on to what's happening.

"What act may that be? Can you demonstrate for us?" Ryder asks with a smile.

"What are you all doing? Get out here, our business has been concluded," Hume says angrily.

"Hey Quincy, can I help?" Nazuko asks.

"Why sure Nazuko ,just come on over here", I tell her.

Will laughs to himself. We gather next to Hume. Before he could say another word we seize him, hoisting him up into the air. We go to a nearby window and throw him out of it.

"No!" Hume screams as he falls.

"Oh no! Is he going to die?" Lilith asks.

"Nah he's gonna be fine I put a portal where he would have splattered," Will assures.

"Where's he going to go?" Azura asks.

"I dunno."

"Oh well, he sucked."

"Oh, I fucking get it!" Nerva exclaims.

Poor Nerva, she's a bit slow when it comes to reading the room.

"At least he's ok," Adam says as we start to head down the stairs.

"Nah he's probably not. I bet he got mauled by a bear," Nazuko guesses.

"Oooh fuck yeah. Or maybe he's getting eaten by a huge dragon," Nerva says.

They both stop, look at each other, then at the same time say "A dragon bear!"

"That's not a thing, girls," Remi points out.

"How do you know? Maybe they haven't been discovered yet," Nazuko shoots back.

"Yeah, Remi, you don't know shit," Nerva adds.

The elf sighs and walks quicker down the stairs becoming the first one to exit the tower.

We all exit but not before getting a bag of money. We force it upon Adam who struggles under its weight. Maybe Adam will get buff after carrying so much stuff. Outside we decide Will and his party will take the airship while Warren will take his car off the airship and drive us to our location. Thank goodness Warren and Azura have memorized the map because Will and I have already forgotten where we're going. Will looked just as relieved as I was when Warren and Azura told us they knew where to go. We make our way through the crowd once again, back to the airship where Warren offloads his car.

"Bye Will, try not to become known as a menace here will ya?" I tease.

"Bye Quincy, I'll do my best, no promises though. You promise not to make the whole town hate you like your last mission," Will jokes.

"No promises," I respond.

"Nazuko! Before you go, I have something to tell you," Nerva yells.

"What is it?" Nazuko asks.

Nerva puts her hand on the thief's shoulders.

"You my friend," Nerva announces.

Nazuko gasps. With a huge smile she grabs Nerva's shoulders.

"You my friend too!" she says.

Nerva gasps in excitement. For all the bravado she puts on, the small fire woman wants friends.

"Aw that's kinda cute," Adam gushes.

"Bitch shut the fuck up!" Nerva yells, turning from Nazuko to stare down Adam.

"Oh…..ok," Adam cries as he hides behind Warren.

"Let's get going. If we leave now I'm sure we'll get there by sunrise" Will orders.

Warren, Adam, Nerva and I get into Warren's car. As Warren starts to drive down the road I turn around to see the airship take off. I hope Will is not going to go through too much pain on his mission.