Chapter 37 - Cortical

Strongarm whispered to Bumblebee as Toolbox spoke to the crew about Decepticon Island and how to infiltrate the island. "Sir, what's the weapon that Ultra Magnus has?" Bumblebee turned to look at her as Fixit tended to toolbox.

"It's the Forge of Solas Prime," Bumblebee replied as her jaw dropped in awe. Sideswipe started to fanboy over Ultra Magnus, Optimus then announced to the team, "We should interrogate Clampdown and get everything we know about Decepticon Island."

Bumblebee then spoke, "As team leader, I agree." Shockwave, Soundwave, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Windblade, Drift, Grimlock and Strongarm looked at Bumblebee blankly and awkwardly. They start to separate to do their things and Strongarm hauled Clampdown's stasis pod onto the Cyclops.

Strongarm put the stasis pod down as Clampdown fell out still in cryostasis as Shockwave put him on his dissection table. Strongarm looked over as Shockwave strapped Clampdown to his table, "Doesn't the prisoner have to be unconscious to use the cortical psychic patch?"

Shockwave was infuriated at her question, "I INVENTED THE PSYCHIC CORTICAL PATCH, I am aware of its uses."