Chapter 40 - Jetfire

"Ultra Magnus, can you tell me another one?" Ultra Magnus smiled as he put the Forge of Solas Prime back onto his back, "You are persistent alright. I'll tell you about Jetfire. Jetfire was an Autobot Seeker who was a scientist and the fastest Cybertronian. When he heard about Megatron using Dark Energon as power he flew straight to Zeta Prime."

"He was able to get to Zeta before the fall of Iacon but Zeta died fighting Megatron. Then when Starscream decided to infuse Dark Energon into his space station, it transformed into an Orbital Canon. Jetfire along with Air Raid and Sliverbot attacked the gun and forced it into its true mode which was Trypitcon a Decepticon."

"As Trypitcon fell, he tried to slow his descent with a jetpack, however, Jetfire, Air Raid and Sliverbot destroyed the jetpack forcing the Decepticon into the ground at high speeds where he was defeated by Optimus and captured. Sadly Megatron broke Trypitcon out and turned him into the Starship the nemesis. Jerfire then went on to beat the Combiner Bruticus."