Chapter 39 - OS

"I just don't think the time is the right time," Bumblebee said as he started to walk away, Ultra Magnus was saddened at this, and so was Strongarm. Ultra Magnus spoke to Strongarm with a neutral, "He doesn't know it could put a strain on his relationship with Optimus. Also, I see you have sirens so are you an enforcement officer?"

She nodded as Ultra Magnus asked, "Yes, I was a police cadet under Lieutenant Bumblebee. Also, Sir, is that hammer really the forge of Solas Prime?" Ultra Magnus said yes as she asked to try to carry it. Ultra Magnus dropped the hammer as she tried to lift it but it barely moved.

"Heavy isn't it? Only the toughest of bots could move it. The only guys I've heard move it was Bulkhead, Optimus, Wheeljack and Megatron." She was surprised, and she then asked, "Could you tell me a war story?"

Ultra Magnus thought hard as he spoke, "I'll tell you the story of Omega Supreme. Omega Supreme was an Autobot Guardian who was The Key To The Core Of Cybertron and was only activated until the death of Sentinel Zeta Prime. When he awoke, he was set one goal the termination of Megatron. He fought Megatron and got corrupted by the power of Dark Energon. He got rescued but after the war, he got blacklisted by the high council."