"Just follow me, do not touch anything." They walked up a flight of stairs to the second floor when they walked towards a cylindrical machine, "Step in." The mad scientist commanded and Grimlock followed.
The machine revved up and after a minute, Grimlock started to a white and yellow colour, Grimlock screamed as Bumblee boarded the ship and followed the sounds of Grimlock's screams to the machine.
"Shockwave, I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED YOU." Shockwave looked at Bumblebee no emotion in his eye as he spoke, "Grimlock wanted to use a machine I built to become smarter, he feels like he's dragging down the team. And I can't say he's wrong."
After another 30 seconds, Grimlock become his usual colour except his green colour became a yellow replacement. He looked down as Bumblebee stared at Grimlock's new body.
"Grimlock, you're... Yellow." Grimlock looked at his arm to see it was no longer green but yellow, "Shockwave, why is he yellow?" Shockwave walked to the machine and started to read the effects. "Other than a normal permanent cybertronian intelligence. The only effect on the Dinobot is he is yellow."