A couple of hours passed and it night was still young an alarm screamed as Fixit went to check. A Decepticon had broken into a power station, Fixit using the remains of the Alcamore hacked into the external security systems to see a Decepticon with an upper body that logically should have been supported by his legs.
The Decepticon hit the camera. "Running the appearance of the Decepticon we can figure out who it is." The results came in for a Decepticon called, "Semicord, a Decepticon Scientist armed with two minicons, Axium and Theorum. As smart as he is, is how angry he is. When an experiment when awry, he took out his anger on his labmates."
"Alright," Bumblebee said, "Grimlock, Strongarm lets go." Shockwave walked out from his ship, "Bumblebee, let me come along as there is lots of technology that could get damaged and risk the jeopardy of the entire city." Bumblebee nodded as he transformed into a car and speed off.
Shockwave, Grimlock and Strongarm did the same and headed towards the facility.