Chapter 28 - Smartlock?

"I don't feel differently. Did it not work? Am I still unintelligent?" Bumblebee looked at Grimlock in shock as he used the word 'Unintelligent' correctly. Shockwave walked over to a workstation as he pulled out a tablet and gave it to Grimlock.

"This is a cybertronian, Intelligence test, if you get anything below 90℅, you are below average. There are 10 questions." Grimlock started to tap away then after 30 seconds he handed back the tablet to Shockwave and Shockwave looked over the score surprised.

Bumblebee looked at the score and his jaw dropped, "100℅!" Shockwave looked at the Dinobot and then at Bumblebee, "When I said the average was 90℅, I lied to you to make sure you tried to go for the best you could. The average score is 70℅."

"So does that mean...?" Shockwave spoke to Grimlock, "Not only did you surpass the average score, but you also reached the limit. I do say I am impressed." Grimlock ran and hugged Shockwave, it didn't hurt but the mad scientist did not enjoy it.

Grimlock ran off the ship happy to be normal.