Rather he kept looking at Venix, measuring every single one of his movements. Eventually Venix got up and headed towards the stage.
Minos watched his movements. Each step was incredibly solid, and the swinging between his arms were uniform, not a single centimeter out of line.
His back was straight and his eyes were sharp. His skin was also a healthy wheat color, completely lacking the sort of palish skin you'd expect on someone injured.
This was a person who clearly had perfect control over their own body, which meant their fighting skills couldn't be bad.
Based on all this, Minos decided to take a gamble. The gains were huge, and even if he lost, with his new skill of talisman making, it wouldn't be too hard to pay off his debt.
"I want to borrow 100 contribution points, and put them all on Venix." Minos said with full faith.
The man seemed a bit shocked by Minos's sudden change in attitude, but he was more than happy to make such easy money, hence he said nothing.
He quickly took Minos's disciple card before scanning it on a strange device. He then jotted down Minos's bet on a slip of paper and gave it to him.
Minos naturally watched the whole thing, curious about the brick sized strange device that he had scanned his card on. He saw this thing before at the outer disciple bazaar, and he had even had it used when he bought his book on talisman foundations.
The principle of this thing was still a mystery to Minos, but it wasn't hard to guess that it recorded and transferred points. Whether it did anything more, Minos didn't know.
As Minos was once again caught up in his own thoughts, a loud bell suddenly went off, signaling the start of the competition. The competition was quite simple, being a 1 on 1 until a champion was left.
People didn't have to register either. Their cards were already in the system, hence the deacon elder and outer disciple's in charge of the competition could easily call on anyone in the handyman area whenever they wanted.
If you missed your name however, you'd be deducted 10 contribution points, which is two weeks worth of work for a handyman disciple. Hence the punishment is quite severe.
"Finof vs Myklo." The outer disciple shouted. Two disciples quickly came out of the crowd and walked up on the large stage.
On the side, sitting in a high chair was Master Lero. His eagle-like eyes were glued on the two disciples so he could catch any problem the second it happened.
On the outer disciples' call, the fight began. The two combatants got quick to punch each other, using the Green Bull Tendon Fist, which was pretty much the only move most handyman disciples knew.
The level between them was about equal, but Finof was a bit larger than Myklo, which eventually gave him the edge he needed to win.
Most handyman disciples are only on the First Life Lock, and only some veterans can be on the second. There were only a handful of Third Life Lock level cultivators, so Minos wasn't too worried he'd have bad luck.
The competition kept going on, under the screams of enthusiasm of the large crowd of disciples. There were even some outer disciples Minos had seen before in the bazaar, who had also come to join the fun.
"Minos vs Ombrum"
Finally hearing his name being called, Minos walked up to the arena as he threw off his robe, revealing the shorts and shirt underneath. He stepped onto the stage under the eyes of hundreds of disciples, yet their eyes didn't make Minos feel nervous at all.
Instead he actually felt some exhilaration, feeling his blood pumping fast at the idea of finally using the skills he had honed for the past two years.
Minos had gotten so used to keeping his head low, he had forgotten this feeling of fire that had once burnt in his heart back when he was a beggar.
During those days, he knew no safety. Everyday was on the edge, and his guard always had to be up, yet strangely enough, it suited his nature far more than the "peace" he had gotten used to in the sect.