Chereads / Medical Terms [Intermediate] / Chapter 5 - Apathy

Chapter 5 - Apathy

apathy ; a.without+path.feel+y.n

apex of heart ; apex.summit / of / heart

apex of lung ; apex.tip / of / lung

aphagia ;

aphakia ; a.without+phak.lens+ia.n

aphasia ; a.without+phas.speech+ia.n

aphonia ; a.without+phon.sound+ia.n

aphthous stomatitis ; aphtha.mouthulcer+ous.a / stoma.mouth+at+itis.inflammation

aplastic anemia ; (a.without+plast.form+ic.a) / an.without+em.blood+ia.n

apnea ; a.without+pn.blow.breathe+ea.n

apocrine sweat gland ; apo.away+crin.separate+e / sweat / gland

aponeurosis ; apo.away+neur.tendon+osis.n

apoplexy ;

appendectomy ; (

appendicitis ; (

appendicular skeleton ; ( appendic+ul.small+ar.a) / ( skel.dry+eton)mummy.bones

apraxia ; a.without+prax.practice+ia.n

aqueous humor ; aqua.water+e+ous.a / humor.fluid

arachnoid granulation ; / gran.grain+ul.small+at+ion.n

arachnoid membrane ; / membr.limbs.covering+ane

arch of aorta : arch.bow / of / aorta

arcuate artery ; arc.arch+uate.a / artery

arcuate line ; arcu.bowshaped+ate.a / line

arcuate vessel ; arcu.bow+ate.a / ves.vas.pipe+sel.small

arcus senilis ; arc.arch+us / sen.old+il+is.a

areola ; area.region+ol.small+a.n

arm ; arm.join

arrector muscle of hair ; ar.toward+rect.straight+or.thing / muscle / of / hair

arrector pili muscle ; / / muscle

arrhythmia ; a.not+(rrhy.flow+thm)rhythm

arteriography ; arteri.artery+o+graphy.picture

arteriole ; arteri+ole.small

arteriolitis ; arteri.artery+ol.small+itis.inflammation

arteriolosclerosis ; arteri.artery+ol.small+o+scler.harden+osis.abnormalstate

arteriosclerosis ; arteri+o+scler.hard+osis.abnormalstate

arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease ; ASCVD ; arteri+o+scler.hard+ot+ic.a / cardi.heart+o+vascul.vessel+ar.a / dis.not+ease.easy

arteriosclerotic heart disease ; ASHD ; arteri+o+scler.hard+ot+ic.a / heart.heart / dis.not+ease.easy

arteriostenosis ; arteri+o+sten.narrow+osis.abnormalstate

arteriotomy ; arteri+o+tom.cut+y.n

arteritis ; arter.artery+itis.inflammation

arthralgia ; arthr.joint+alg.pain+ia.n

arthrectomy ; arthr.joint+( ec.out+tom.cut)+y.n

arthritis ; arthr.joint+itis.inflammation

arthrocentesis ; arthr.joint+o+cent.prick+esis.n

arthrodesis ; arthr.joint+o+des.bind+is.n

arthrodynia ; arthr.joint+odyn.pain+ia.n

arthrography ; arthr.joint+o+graphy.picture

arthrogryposis ; arthr.joint+gryp.curve+osis.abnormalstate

arthrolithiasis : arthr.joint+o+lith.stone+iasis.disorder

arthropathy ; arthr.joint+o+path.feel.suffer.disease

arthroplasty ; arthr.joint+o+plast.form+y.n

arthrosclerosis ; arthr.joint+o+scler.hard+osis.abnormalstate

arthroscope ; arthr.joint+o+scop.observe+e

arthroscopy ; arthr.joint+o+scop.observe+y.n

arthrotomy ; arthr.joint+o+tom.cut+y.n

articular capsule ; art.tie+i+cul.small+ar.a / ( cap.take+sa)box+ul.small+e

articular cartilage ; ( art.joint+i+cul.small)joint+ar.a / ( cart.weave+il+age.n)

articular cavity ; art.tie+i+cul.small+ar.a / cav.hollow+ity.n

articular disc ; art.tie+i+cul.small+ar.a / disc