B lymphocyte ; B / lymph+o+cyte.cell.ball
Babinski sign ; Babinski / sign
bacterial endocarditis ; (bacteri.cane)bacteria+al.a / endo.inside+card.heart+itis.inflammation
balanitis ; balan.acorn.glanspenis+itis.inflammation
balanoplasty ; balan.acorn.glanspenis+plast.form+y.n
ball and socket joint ; ball.globe / and / socket / joint.junct.joint
barium ; Ba ; bar.heavy+ium.n
barium contrast medium ; bari.heavy+um.n / contra.against+st.stand / (medi.middle+um.n)means
barium enema ; BaE ; bari.heavy+um.n / en.into+ema.sending
barium sulfate ; bar.heavy+ium.n / sulf.sulphur+ate
barium swallow ; bar.heavy+ium.n / swallow
bartholinitis ; bartholin+itis.inflammation
basal cell carcinoma ; bas.base+al.a / cell / carcin.crab.cancer+oma.tumor
basal layer ; bas.basis+al.a / lay.lay+er.thing
basilic vein ; (basil.king+ic.a) / vein
basophil ; bas.base+o+phil.love
beats per minute ; bpm ; beat+s / per / minute
behavioral therapy ; ( be+hav.hold+ior.n+al.a) / therap.heal+y.n
belching ; (belch.shout)burp+ing.n
Bell's palsy ; Bell's / ( para.beside+ls.loose+y)
belly ; belly.pouch
below elbow ; BE ; below / elbow
below knee ; BK ; below / knee
benign prostatic hypertrophy ; BPH ; beni.bene.good+gn.gen.origin / ( pro.before+stat.stand)+ic.a / ( hyper.over+troph.nourish+y.n)
benign tumor ; beni.good+gn.gen.produce / tumor.swelling
betatron ; beta.betaparticle+tron.cyclotron
biceps brachii muscle ; bi.two+ceps.caput.head / brachi.arm+i / muscle
biceps femoris muscle ; bi.two+ceps.head / femor.femur+is / muscle
bicuspid valve ; bi.two+cusp.point+id / valve.volv.roll
bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy ; BSO ; bi.both+lat.side+er+al.a / salping+o+( oo.egg+phor.fer.bear)+( ec.out+tom.cut+y.n)
biliary stricture ; bil.bile+i+ary.a / strict.stretch.tight+ure.n
bilirubin ; bil.bile+i+rub.red+in.protein
Billroth's operation ; Billroth's / oper.work+at+ion.n
biopsy ; BX, bx ; bio.life+ops.eye.see+y.n
biphasic positive airway pressure ; BiPAP ; bi.two+(pha.shine+s)appearance+ic.a / pos.put+it+ive.a / air+way / (press+ure.n)
biphasic positive airway pressure machine ; bi.two+(pha.shine+s)appearance+ic.a / pos.put+it+ive.a / air+way / (press+ure.n) / (mach.able +ine.n)engine
bipolar disorder ; bi.two+pol.pole+ar.a / ( dis.apart+order.order)
bis in die ; bid, b.i.d. ; bis.twice / in.in / die.day
bladder ; bladder.blister.bladder
blastocyst ; blast.germ+o+cyst.pouch
bleeding time ; BT : bleed+ing.a / time
blepharectomy ; ( bleph.see+aron)eyelid+( ec.out+tom.cut+y.n)
blepharitis ; ( bleph.see+aron)eyelid+itis.inflammation
blepharoplasty ; ( bleph.see+aron)eyelid+o+plast.form+y.n
blepharoptosis ; ( bleph.see+ar)eyelid+o+pt.fall+osis.abnormalstate
blood pressure ; BP ; blood / press+ure.n
blood sugar ; BS ; blood / sugar
blood urea nitrogen ; BUN ; blood / ur.urine+ea / nitro.washingsoda+gen.origin