chronic bronchitis ; (chron.time+ic.a) / bronch.trachea+itis.inflammation
chronic gastritis ; chron.time+ic.a / gastr.stomach+itis.inflammation
chronic lymphocytic leukemia ; CLL ; ( chron.time+ic.a) / lymph+o+cyt.ball.cell+ic.a / leuk.white+em.blood+ia.n
chronic myelocytic leukemia ; CML ; chron.time+ic.a / myel.marrow+o+cyt.cell+ic.a / leuk.white+em.blood+ia.n
chronic myeloid leukemia ; (chron.time+ic.a) / myel.marrow+oid.similar / leuk.white+em.blood+ia.n
chronic obstructive lung disease ; COLD ; (chron.time+ic.a) / / lung / disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ; COPD ; (chron.time+ic.a) / / pulmon.lung+ary.a / disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema ; COPE ; (chron.time+ic.a) / / pulmon.lung+ary.a / (em.inside+pys.wind+ema.n)swelling
chronic renal failure ; CRF ; (chron.time+ic.a) / ren.kidney+al.a / fail+ure.n
chyle : chyle.porridge
cicatrix ; cicatrix.scar
ciliary body ; cili.eyelid+ary.a / body
ciliary process ; cili.eyelid+ary.a / ( pro.forth+cess.go)
ciliary zonule ; cili.eyelid+ary.a / zon+ul.small+e
cilium ; cilium.eyelid
cineradiography ;
circular folds ; / folds
circular muscle layer ; / mus.mouse+cle.small / lay.lay+er.thing
circulatory system ; / sy.together+stem.stand
circumcision ; circum.around+cis.caedo.cut+ion.n
circumduction ; circum.around+duct.lead+ion.n
circumflex artery ; circum.around+flex.bend / artery
cisterna chyli ; ( / chyli.juice
claudication ; claudic.limp+at+ion.n
claustrophobia ; claustr.closed+o+phob.fear+ia.n
clavicle ; clavi.close.key+cle.small
clavicular notch ; ( clavi.key+cul.small)+ar.a / notch
cleft hand ; cleft.cave.fissure / hand
cleft lip ; cleft.den / lip
cleft palate ; cleft.den / palate
clinodactyly ; clin.lean+o+dactyl.finger.toe+y.n
clitoris ; clit.shut+oris
closed fracture ; closed / fract.break+ure.n
closed reduction ; closed / ( re.again.back+duct.lead+ion.n)restore
coarctation of the aorta ; / of / aorta
coccygeal nerve ; coccyg.cuckoo+eal.a) / nerve
coccygeal vertebra ; coccyg.cuckoo+eal.a) / ( vert.turn+e+bra.tool)backbone
coccygodynia ; coccyg.cuckoo.coccyx+odyn.pain+ia.n
coccyx ; coccyx.cuckoo
cochlea ; cochlea.snail
cochlear duct ; cochlea.snail+ar.a / duct
cochlear nerve ; cochlea.snail+ar.a / nerve
cognitive therapeutic exercise ; ( co.together+gn.know+it+ive.a) / therap.heal+eut+ic.a / ( ex.out+erc.wardoff+ise)
colic ; col.colon+ic.a.n
colitis ; col.colon+itis.inflammation
collateral circulation ; col.con.together+lat.side+er+al.a / circul.cycle+at+ion.n
collateral ligament ; ( col.together+lat.side+er+al.a) / lig.bind+a+ment.n
collecting tubule ; col.together+lect.pick+ing.a /
Colles' fracture ; Colles' / fract.break+ure.n
coloboma ; ( col.punish+ob)mutilate+oma.n
colocolostomy ; col.colon+o+col.colon+o+(stom.mouth+y.n)shunt
colon ; colon.limb
colonic polyposis ; colon+ic.a / poly.many+pos.foot+is.n
colopexy ; col.colon+o+pex.peg+y.n
colorectal cancer ; col.colon+o+rect.rectum+al.a / (cancer.crab)
colostomy ; col.colon+o+( stom.mouth+y.n)shunt
colpitis ; colp.vagina+itis.inflammation
coma ; coma.deepsleep
comedo ;
comminuted fracture ; com.altogether+minute.smallpart+ed.a / fract.break+ure.n
common bile duct ; CBD ; (com.together+mon.share) / bile / duct
common carotid artery ; (com.together+mon.share)general / (caro+tid) / artery
common cold ; com.together+mon.mun.share / cold
common hapatic duct ; (com.together+mon.share) / hepat.liver+ic.a / duct
common iliac artery ; com.together+mon.share / ( ili.wind+ac.a) / artery
common iliac vein ; (com.together+mon.share)general / ili.colon+ac.a / vein