Life Is not beautiful without a mother at a tender age. Mother knows when their children are sick or healthy, When are child is happy or unhappy, when the child needs attention, and when their child is hiding something from them. She knows when her child's character or behavior changes or adapts to the environment they are in. Mother tells the father what is happening to their children. Without the mother, the father will not know what is happening because fathers are always busy with work. They don't have time to stay close to their children, mothers do. Only stupid mothers stay far away from their children.
My Dad is trying his best but it's not enough for me. sometimes, he will travel for a week or even weeks. I will be lonely because Mom is not around with me only the maids and security that always keep straight faces that annoyed me.
Three days after my eight years birthday party. My dad came into my room with a look on his face that shows that he want to tell me something important to him but will hurt me
"Are you okay Dad? Your face doesn't look good"
"yes, I'm fine sweetheart. What book are you reading? Daddy wants to know"
"About animals "
"Interesting, so are you going to teach Dad everything you know about animals?"
"That's okay Dad. You know that I love you. what is it?"
"Yes, I know and I love you more. hmm, angel?"
"I'm all ears, Dad"
"I'm traveling out tomorrow"
"dammit. Dad!"
"I will stay four weeks"
"What the shit are you talking about Dad? that's a month"
"No curse word angel"
"I'm sorry but" I was hurt, no, more than hurt. I feel dejected and lonely. Name me it all "
"I'm sorry angel"
"You know what Dad? You have to get married before you leave So that I will have a mum that will take good care of me if you leave"
"Christabel! How can I get married tomorrow? tell me I want to know. You maids and nanny"
I know what I said is impossible. I imagine four weeks without my Dad. Everywhere will be hell for me. I begin to cry
"Please Dad, let me follow you. I can't stay here all alone without you "
"what of school sweetheart?"
"must you go? send one of your managers"
"No sweetheart. This is important. Don't worry, Uncle Jude will stay with you throughout these 28 days".
I was happy when he mentioned Uncle Jude's name. staying with him is fun. He treats me like a queen while my dad treats me like a princess. They treat me special.
" But Dad promise me you will get married when you return"
"if that will make you happy" he answered me but not immediately."