Chereads / The Valyrian freehold / Chapter 15 - Desperation: Breathing fire

Chapter 15 - Desperation: Breathing fire

The clouds are no longer swollen, brimming to the tilt with rain. What remains of the downpour are shallow muddy puddles.

"Splash, splash, the pattering sound of children running could be heard as they clashed their wooden swords against their opponent". Their instructor Redworm observed their forms. The man was at an age that surpassed kings, but his eyes could spot a mistake like a hawk, and he would pounce at the slightest hesitation. His star pupil a former slave boy of the name Aerion who mastered his techniques like no other. The boy has taken it upon himself to educate the slackers and correct their mistakes. An improvement for some while others entertains their distractions. Redworm watched Daemond latest distraction enter the courtyard. They resided near the mountains of the morn.

The cold would make them stronger he hoped but their sickly appearance left doubt upon his lips. Some don't even attend training as their stomachs prohibits them from leaving their beds. They would have awful headaches, sores, and bruises, upon their body, but their leader would not send for a healer. And the very next day they were healed as though their cries of pain were nothing of the past. This repetitive nature has made him wary of the valyrians.

Daemond dropped his sword after Aerion struck him on the shoulder. The boy seemed unfazed as his eyes never left his sister. Everyday Vhaera and the elders would come to support their kinsmen as they picked the wild poisonous herbs from the mountains. Their hands would be covered in blisters and frost by the time training was done. Cattle has made it clear to him that his servants must learn the allure of poison, so that when they truly learn to bend a person's life it will be harder for them to get caught.

Redworm is just a soldier, a knight to some, or an old crow to others but in his eyes the valyrians were not to be trusted. Cattle was no friend of his, but he would hate to see the bastard dead. As soon as Daemond left the tide of wavering students he allowed them to take rest. It was better not to push them for the captains at port would be arriving here shortly. All hands would be needed on deck as he's heard reports of a new ship arriving today on the morrow. "They say the fleet has a flag of a seahorse, blue in stride, pointy on each side with hard scales on the surface. A seahorse they said symbolizes good luck, magic, strength, persistence, and peace; for their abundant fertility knows no bounds".

"In those days before his knighthood, he had often bought cargoes from smuggler to trade to bankers, and notorious pirates. When a pirate grows rich enough, they make him a prince... self-styled prince of the narrow sea". (George R.R. Martin quote)

"It reminded him of the Gods being burned. The red priests have many temples. Always they are burning this and burning that, crying out to their lord R'hllor. The old lords were like that; they took their dusty feuds to the grave, forgetting nothing and forgiving less. As a boy, he used to run across the bridges at port, even in the black of night. Boys believe nothing can hurt them; his doubt whispered. Grown men knew better for hard places breed hard men, and hard men rule the world". (G.R.R.M quote)

"It was what he tells the children, "A frightened man is a beaten man". (G.R.R.M quote) These children do not seem to fear us but what's beyond the horizons. The bell rung signifying the arrival of ships. All who were in his care quickly placed their swords away in their haste to get to the ports. Daemond head was still in the clouds as he smiled towards his sister. A boy so young would likely endure many hardships, he figured. Aerion was the only one who walked in slow strides beside him. He said nothing as he watched the children play and run.

The boy had once told him why he did not desire friendship. "He told him that when his mother used to work in the fields, he managed one of the lords many gardens. That lord had a son who would pick trouble with anyone who encouraged him. He said he had made a mistake that day. An older boy from another house bullied the little lord. He had been trimming the edges on the trees when the fight started. He went to the little lord's aide. And soon after he was acknowledged but the little lord still loved to play pranks which led to a misunderstanding on his part as his mother paid for his naivety and foolish beliefs. Her back reminded him every day of his dereliction in duty. She was beaten because of a toy he was given, plated gold they told him. Now he resents the color gold and its riches that follow, no longer does it catch his eye for they never really had any power. They taught him a valuable lesson that day, he said".

The poor lad lived half his youth in slavery even if his shackles are removed, he still feels them. Whenever the language of ghis is spoken the boy would still freeze in his tracts, something he would soon have to remedy himself if he wished to fight his people war.

"Sister, sister, did you notice me?"

"I did, I watched you stare into space", she told him making him laugh.

"I have a lot on my mind these past few days, it concerns you".

"Do tell dear brother", her concern coated in that of a loving mother. He looked away from her feeling too shy to speak wondering if his sister would hate him for his troubles. "I'm sure if mother was here, you would have already prattled about me".

"That's not true", he said feeling offended. "It's true and you know it", his sister said. "Well then will you tell me your troubles and doubts or must I give evidence to my previous statement. "I would like to hear your false accusations", her brother demanded.

"We'll let me think", she placed her thumb between her teeth a gesture only done when she feels anxious, bored, or in deep thought. "Hmm, well there was this time on mother's name day where she went out with the other wives to relax and gossip about who knows what. She left me in charge of you. That day I had overslept and asked you, "what you would like to eat?"

"You ignored me and decided you would rather play with your wooden horse and crafted knight than to answer me. So, I made you toasted bread with eggs and milk. I knew you hated eggs, but I was too tired to make anything else. I tried to cover up my tracks and left quickly to do my chores. When mother returned at dusk you cried and wailed at her demanding for your supper. I was beaten ten times on my buttocks because you claimed I did not feed you. Mother took your side of course blaming me for my lack of caring".

"I remember now, I wanted mother to cook that day".

"Ouch", his sister replied.

"Sorry, but this does have something to do with mother", his sister listened intently. "I can hardly remember my true home after these past two years. The only fond memory I have of you and mother together is when you would be working the fields. Everything else feels blurry and hazy. I miss her so much and I hate myself for forgetting what she looks like. I miss her smile, her warm hugs, and her stories of father. But most of all I really miss the tea she would make for us every morrow. Sometimes you try too hard to fill in the gaps she left behind and what I really wanted half the time was my sister. For most of my life I've been surrounded by powerful woman and in Asshai they seem to be here in the dozens, but none have a motherly touch. I don't mind it much now because I understand. I've come to an understanding".

"Today my opponent was Aerion, he's very good with a sword. He constantly reminds me of myself. He too knows what it is like to lose a mother even if it's only partly... it is even harder than not having a father. We are similar yet so different you can tell. You've grown dear sister, with me only being zero and five and you zero and eight things have started to change between us little by little".

"We no longer share the same bed unless I need comfort after a nightmare. It's always about the wyverns and I always seem to keep adding to your turmoil. The villagers say you have this big destiny and soon it will be my job to protect you. I'm scared of all these changes. Soon you will be a woman grown as I still remain a boy."

"How exactly am I protecting you like this?"

"These thoughts plagued my mind and distract me. The fact I still haven't even given my pet a name is bad enough I just can't bear to lose you. I know you will have to marry someday and I'm afraid of losing my one and only protector". His sister was conflicted her teeth biting hard on her nail as she heard his confession.

"I don't know what to say. I don't know how to fix most of these situations for even I am forgetting her. As for our sleeping arrangements I will ask one of the men to bring your bed to mine. I suggest you give Aerion some more time before you ask for his friendship, knowing one's story doesn't mean you know all. It is true that I can be bit overbearing, but it has come to my attention that I too will lose you soon. I will marry someday and be a woman soon, but I will never leave your side so worry not", she said this as she walked away quickly down the stone path.

Daemond could not tell if his sister was angry or frustrated at her answer or himself.

"The port was as crowded as Redworm had ever known it. Every dock teemed with sailors loading provisions, soldiers looking for a whore... a vain search since the red priests permitted none. Ships lined the strand; war galleys and fishing vessels, stout carracks and fat-bottomed cogs. And before them in plain darkness stood the Velaryons silver-hulled pride of drift-mark and her three sisters, lord Celtigars ornate red claw, the ponderous swordfish with her long iron pow". (G.R.R.M quote)

He did not know the story of the two houses who have similar traits but lacked the physique of the other. Nor how they came about of acquiring these foreign lands. He would soon find out for sailors loved to talk once ale is present. Redworm thought to himself.