Chereads / The Valyrian freehold / Chapter 18 - Behind closed doors

Chapter 18 - Behind closed doors

Daemond entered there shared dorms trailing inside muddy tracks to the already dusty air. His bed layed cramped to the wall on the upper left cornor. It has a small hatchet that would enable him escape if travesty befalled them. If this issue ever came to fruition money was hidden in different location so they could escape Asshai. It is the last of there copper. The elder woman known as Claire and her sister Teresa have now begun to dress in mourning. Therefore we are all in mourning.

I have no quarrels with this decision for I wish to mourn my mother as she did our late father. I removed my undergarments and placed it in the basket which separated and stood in the middle of our beds. I took a washcloth and began to take off most of the dry mud off my face and neck. Sister will surely kill me. I've already had mud fever once before. I remember the agony in her voice, during those times it was difficult to keep anything down. The door opened with a slight creek.

"Brother", she called out displeased.

Vhaera was dressed in a lovely gown of black and red. She wore the colors of the red priests and the colors of the stones. "Sister". Vhaera took the cloth from me with such aggression and began to scrub the flakes from my body. She then laid out my clothes for me before turning away to face the door. She sighed.

"I have requested for our books to be brought to us. I hear you wanted me to read a story for you. "Can you tell me about it?" I am quite intrigued by the notion of it. These past few moons have left me unhinged. Sometimes even I forget I am still a child. So times like these are refreshing". Her brother was dressed and cleaned she had no need to tell him that the room needed to be swept. The books were brought forth and he was now seated on her bed.

She sat down in the chair across from him the small table could barely hold the books but stayed in place even by the weight. "Um-hmm-mm", he immersed himself into his immagination as he began to summarize the books content. "A black stone took the place of the Gods, a sinister church of starry wisdom took to the olden methods. The books states the coming of dragons and how they couldn't stop the enemies of the Church. He informed her of it's name. "Azcobar". She opened the book seeming bewlidered enough with a huge smile on her face.

"On the horrizon when the sun is at it's lowest a blood moon will take it's place, and on that day a massacre will occur. Rain will fall as the blood is mxed into the six structured runes. Those who will be binded will usher a new". Vhaear grew anxious at the idea of such a ritual. A blood moon has not been seen in over a century. She wondered why it was done when the empire already had dragons. Then it occured to her that maybe it wasn't for them. These runes looked familiar like the ones in mount morn. "Brother have you seen these runes before?"

He looked at it closely, "I am unsure of it's origins".

Origins, she thought. "That's it the answer we have been seeking".

He grabbed her wrist as tightly as humanly possible. "We can figure this out on the morrow, today I just want my sister", he said in a pleading tone. She looked at him as though she was fighting an internal battle. "Yes, yes, your quite right". I shall continue the story maybe I jumped to conclusions to quickly the answers we seek could not be that easy."

She looked defeated. "We can go", he reminded her once more before grabbing both her hands. She turned around back to her little chair and began to read once more; this time she is no longer smiling.

"A creature of flight and a creature of land will attack so we sang a song to mend the two and they soon became one. This is a most gracious day for man and wife may reign, a union created after a loss. Without it the spell is lost!"

The underlying tones in this story reflected back to the messages they recieved before in their search in the catacombs. "Brother why did you choose this book?"

"How long have you known?"

"Known, what sister?"

"You can't possibly tell me that this was a coincidence. Do not pretend it is unbecoming of you". "Earlier today at the port the children talked and they said somethings that made me question everyone's actions around here".

"Do you hate me now?"

To simple a question to answer. "No, sister". I have always worshipped the very ground you walked on and even now I can only think of your happiness. You may not like our situation but to know that we will accompany each other one day means we shall reign and I no longer have to be afraid. I can make you happy even if you think otherwise".

"Do you not see how insane this is?" Brother, you are only seeing this with the eyes of a child, I am your sister and I will be nothing more". Her outcry did not move him for he began to recite the story again.

"Out of the flames their womb will quicken out of the song their blood will be one with the earth and the sky. Both creatures will be broth forth as a gift to our Gods when the sky is crimson red. And he who stands alone shall perish. I am not asking for your permission since you did not ask for mine, I was left in confusion. You will not admit it, but we have no other choice. At least I am happy, and the others are already contented if it means they can go home. I would ask for us to stay but vengeance still rules your heart. And all I wish for is your happiness, safety, and my beloved protector. I cannot and I will not lose you ever again".

Vhaera was overcome with emotions. She could only nod her head in disagreement. "It is your choice sister but if we go back now that it will be as husband and wife. If we stay, we and all who stand with us will be in jeopardy". Her brother left the room reminding her once more that they will go where every it is she insisted prior to their conversation.

Her right eye began to ache as flashes of her dead mother began to resurface, soldiers of ghis, flashes of the moon intertwined itself into the memory. The Gods truly have forsaken them. She bowed her head clasping her hands together as she prayed. "Forgive us for our treatchpasses and deliver us from our sin. For we must watch our thoughts, for they become words. Watch our words, for they become actions. Watch our actions, for they become habits. Watch our habits, for they become character. Watch our character, for they become our destiny. (M.R.R.G quote) This I pray amen". She tried to listen for the wind but only recieved a whistle from the distance. A whistle from the west, a symbol she did not understand.

The only thing that lay west is pillage and in that chaos stood the children of the forest. The real power was in the east. Her tears flowed like the ocean she was truly in mourning not for the dead but for herself.

Daemond stood outside the door. He finally had the courage to say what laid buried in his heart. He knew he was twisted from the inside out. knew he was made wrong for wanting and understanding. But it all made sense finally he understood the meaning of Aerion words. The lectures he recieved in secret the underlaying messages from the adults. He would be by his sister side, to accompany her when in doubt. They would remain brother and sister. Who are able to share two beds in the same room. Laugh and talk as usual that is what he believed being husband and wife meant.

Nothing would really change so he didn't understand his sisters fear. He would be able to protect her from all harm. "Why couldn't she see that?"

"Muna", Valeanna shouted. Aerion mother looked at her in a loving manner. "My dearest daughter". The two were not related by blood but due to their circumstances they found each other in there time of need. "It is getting late and the stones grow more warmer. Let me take over Cattle's watch". Her mother agreed yawning as the two departed Cattle was moving like a lurking snake. She placed her hood over her head discreetly and kept a far distance. Men were an obstacle that caused her great anxiety but she had learned to compose herself, if one was ever in the same room as her, yet the act of touching was another thing.

Cattle moved from person to person until he finally stopped at Ash river. The water was beautiful it lite up the path. She hid behind one of the old buildings. He was speaking to someone new. The stranger maybe from the very same division Cattle despises. "Hmm", she thought leaving the scene shortly after as her teacher headed back to the inn. This was her only chance, she needed to secure a place in the divisions for her people by tonight.