Chereads / The Valyrian freehold / Chapter 21 - Stability and revenge

Chapter 21 - Stability and revenge

"Aerion", his mother whispered under her breath. Her tears brought her son so much pain. Her hands covered his small frame as she pointed to his sister. Valeanna lay a few meters away, she had a woven basket full of fruits all scattered in the snow.

"They've been here for far too long even they're bodies have begun to rot". One of his men spoke out of turn.

Before Aerion arrival they could only cling to the dream of a great nation. Vhaera clanged to it more so than others. For her clothes no longer brought her warmth but pain as she watched her brother lay beside her stricken with fever. He burned her skin to the touch. His cold metal chains constricted his breathing he now looked like one of the mutated fish in the river.

Her father's flask was at her fingertips, but she was too weak to give it to him. She could only close her eyes to the dream.

When one can no longer feel they're limbs but only the cold the pain of hunger no longer really matters. Only the sky and your last breath remain.

When a bird flaps its wings, it could only mean two things freedom or captivity. Their wings are either soft or sharp, their beaks shorter or pointed. And their claws deformed or long. This is how Vhaera describes the two deformed creatures in the forbidden place. It wasn't safe for them anywhere she was afraid they would lose more people the information she received prior to everyone reunion was disheartening.

And she was partly to blame even if they didn't speak it out loud. The only thing they could exchange with each other was power something they could never quite keep it seems. Everyone agreed it was safer in the mountains this was before the storm even hit.

Vaemond wondered if he had failed his people more specifically Vhaera. As they entered Redworm home they found Cattle bleeding from the neck as the elders watched in their cages. Blood dripped from the woman's fingernails, a corpse of another lost soul soon to be forgotten.

On the narrow seas it is said a child is more dependable when it comes to revenge. Vhaera did not have to bloody her hands today but when she does, he will not stand in her way. They gathered the elders in a wagon as Aerion brought forth the last survivor.

One of the elders had a flint and the other a stone. The sparks that flew reached it ways to the cottage burning away at its hold. A fire of this magnitude attracted the shadows as they watched it grew in strength. For the first time in Asshai one could see the whole island in all its glory.

The church began chanting to R'hllor while the priest gave it offerings. No one paid the valyrians any mind as their delusional hysteria took its place among the masses.

As they departed Vaemond could hear the whistling once more this time it came from the east. As they left the port the sun shined upon, they're pale skin soon to be settling down in the west.

Authors note: Remember four years and a couple of months have passed. My timeline is a little bit shaky, but you get the idea. After this chapter the other two will be an update of what was happening in the sarnor kingdom and ghis. Then the last chapter is about the ritual and finally the dragons being born.

The son of Amai sighed as he pushed the last chess piece off the board. The small council gave each other watchful eyes before explaining to the king the importance of the Rhoynar alliance with the Andals.

"The rhoynar has spent four years fighting our battle. Their food, clothes, money, and steel has been depleted. They're dependence on the Andals will cause a problem if they continue to fight our battle".

The second man from the council nodded. "Do not despair they are still willing to aid us. Just a few days ago we received new weapons".

"What good is weapons if we cannot feed our men much less our people", the third man spoke ever so quietly.

The king bowed his head in shame. The sound of horses throughout the palace gates startled the men in the room. All they could hear was wailing and groans of men. So, the third man looked through the terrace for he was the closest.

Golden chariots filled the grounds full to the brim with injured men and women. Soon they're families will come looking for them. "The men from our last unit has returned from the front lines". The king was about to go see them when the third man advised against it.

The men they had sent as a sign of peace betrayed them giving away trade secrets on how they train and use they're battle tactics. Vigar has become somewhat of a nuisance in the small councils' eyes. They could still visualize the man's hideous smile behind all his lies. They were weak in many areas because of the war they're trading routes have all but disappeared. Even the fish no longer swim towards the shivering sea.

The king stood among his men watching the map of ghis with such hostility.

"I have a plan", he said voice raw with untapped emotion.

"May I advise his highness that the last time you had a plan it led to war so whatever this one is I suggest we speak of it like wise men. I should also remind you that I have a friend who sails the narrow seas maybe this new concoction of yours could lead him into our services once more".

The king gave off such an expression, such a gaze that told the council he meant to monopolize on the poor beggars in ghis. Something he has done to his own people when his propagandas don't go his way.

"We must attack slavers Bay it is where they train and sell their warriors".

"May we remind you your majesty that ... that is only partially true".

"Astapor- the red city gets that name since everything there is made with red bricks. They have fighting pits, and most importantly there the ones who created the unsullied". The second man reminded the king.

"But" the third man added. "Yunkai- the yellow city is ruled by the corrupt wise masters, known for selling bed slaves".

"Meereen the largest and most powerful of the three slaver cities ruled by the great masters who also have fighting pits".

The small council bickered in protest to the others idea. The king confidence already struck a blow four years ago when his secret army was nowhere to be found. All they're gold waisted as they're people starve.

"This plan will work, I assure you. I have devised a plan to distract Vigar". The small council could only nod as the king left the room. The sun had already begun to set. The loud chimes of bells could be heard ringing through the castle as the chariots departed back to the front lines probably to bring back more dead men or to add themselves to the list.