Chereads / Class of lovers / Chapter 13 - Chapter Thirteen - Really Mexico and France?

Chapter 13 - Chapter Thirteen - Really Mexico and France?

*the next day*

"Harry do you want to go to school today" john asked

"Yeah I'm starting to get better but where is Alec and Mark they were supposed to come over today to help me" mark said

"Alec texted me and told me that Mr. Sudan had them go to Thailand for a semester" john said

"oh that makes sense why they didn't bring the work yesterday, but let's go meet up with Wilbur and Derek for breakfast and then go to school" harry said

"ok" john said

*at school*

"ok so everyone that hasn't been given a place to go for the next semester will be given one today" Mr Sudan said

"ok, but Mr Sudan how it is for the next semester we are in the next semester" wilbur asked

"no we aren't the next semester is in two days, but other than that Mr. Smith and Mr. Scott you two are going to Mexico, and Mr. Miller and and Mr. Hudson you two are going to France" Mr. Sudan said

"ok" john said

"when do we leave and do we need student visas?" wilbur asked

"yes all four of you will need to get student visas but don't worry I already got them for you four" Mr. Sudan said

"thank you Mr. Sudan" derek said

"your welcome, but John and Harry you two leave today in 3 hours go pack you bags, and Wilbur and Derek you two leave tomorrow" Mr. Sudan said

"ok, bye for now Mr. Sudan" harry said

"bye boys" Mr. Sudan said

*thirty minutes before getting on the plane*

"Harry, do you know French by any chance?" john asked

"I do know some I learned it from taking French language classes during elementary school" harry said

"oh good that will help since we have to do a lot of things in France that involve us knowing French" john said

"yeah but let's get snacks and then go to the airport" harry said

"ok baby" john said

*at the airport*

"honey let's go before we're late" john said

"hello before you get on the plane I will like to see your passports and if you have any visas that should be checked" airport security said

"here you are we have passports and student visas" harry said

"thank you I've checked and you boys are good to go" airport security said

"thanks" john said

*in the airplane*

"John I see you're kind of tired lay on my shoulder and try to fall asleep" harry said

"ok thanks" john said

*a couple hours later*

"John wake up we're here" harry said

"bro that was the best sleep I've gotten in a while" john said

"ok good to know but let's go we got to get sim cards and convert our American money into Euros" harry said

"ok" *yawn*

*Derek and Wilbur pov*

"hermano vamos vamos a llegar tarde a nuestro vuelo si no nos damos prisa" wilbur said

"ok vamos" derek said

*in the airport*

"hi boys we are going to need your passports, and student visas" the receptionist said

"here you go" derek said

"ok you boys are good to go" the receptionist said

"thanks" derek said

*after getting off the plane*

hola, necesitamos extender nuestras visas por quince semanas" derek said

ok, ok, de esta manera hay alguien que lo ayudará a hacer su visa para una estadía más larga" the receptionist said

"ok gracias" derek said

*a couple hours later in their dorm laying in bed*

"Derek I'm glad that Mr. Sudan let us go to Mexico because we get to spend time together" wilbur said

*Derek kisses Wilbur*

"yeah I am to but we are going to have to start going to school tomorrow or the next day" derek said

"yeah I know but let's spend the rest of today together just the two of us" wilbur said

"ok honey do you wanna get some food" derek said

"no I don't wanna leave this bed" wilbur said

"ok then honey I'll order some food" derek said

"ok" wilbur said

John and Harry's pov

"Bonjour. J'ai besoin de votre passeport et de votre visa étudiant si vous en avez un." airport security said

"John give me your passport and student visa they want it" harry said

"ok" john said

"Bonjour, passeport et visa étudiant." harry said

"Merci, au revoir." airport security said

"merci, ok John let's go" harry said

"ok where?" john said

"the fuckin dorms, where else?" harry chuckled

*a couple hours later*

"hey honey can you make me some thing to eat" john asked

"sure what do you want" harry asked

"meatballs!" john exclaimed

"ok then I'll be done cooking them in an hour but you need to go out and get us some supplies for school" harry said

"ok like what" john asked

"like notebooks, textbooks, pens and pencils, etc" harry said

"aight I'll be back in thirty minutes" john said

"ok" harry said

*John's pov*

*John calls Harry*

"Hey Harry I got some notebooks, textbooks, and pens do we need anything else" john asked

"we need calculators, rulers, and exacto knives" harry said

"k see you later" john said

"bye Johnny" harry said

"bye" john said

*back at the dorms*

"bro there are so many things here, why did you get seven notebooks?" harry said while confused

"bro I didn't know how quick we might run out of notebooks I had to get a lot" john said

"ok understandable, but really you got way to many textbooks" harry chuckled

"ok bro I did incase our friends lose their textbook and needed an extra" john said

"bro Alec and Mark are in Thailand and Wilbur and Derek are in Mexico we won't see them until the end of this school year" harry said

"yeah I know but it's good to have spare just in case" john said

*harry looks in the bag*

"Jonathan David Miller why on earth do you have condoms in the fuckin bag" harry exclaimed

"well for Incase we fuck" john said

"you horny bastard, I fucked you once and now you can't handle not fuckin me" harry said

"Bro nah if you don't want to fuck then I won't fuck you, if I do it's as long as you consented to it" john said

"good you know not to try to fuck me, if you do i'll kick you in the dick" harry said

"ok then good to know" john said