Date, 1st of July. Year, unknown. Time, unknown. Location, unknown. People, unknown. It's been over 2 months since the day I died.
It's obvious that I got reincarnated back to Earth. Well, at least I believe it to be. I don't really get to see much of what's outside; but from time to time, a girl would come to my cradle, pick me up and take me outside. Apparently, she's my sister.
It was always at night when we came outside. There was nothing but tall grass, blocked with fences, and a small passage way dividing it, above us was a starry sky shimmering alongside the moon.
My sister, would always look at me as she held me, smiling as her red eyes glittered and her short red hair swept my cheek. Sometimes, she would spin me around other times she would just hold me and stare at the sky.
All the time, whenever she carried me, she was always smiling. That's probably the only reason why I can remember her, her smile always looked so fake.
Aside from my sister, the only other people who had come to meet me were my parents. They were a loving family. Nothing I had ever experienced before and nothing I have ever cared for.
Since I was a baby, I obviously couldn't speak and I could barely even move, but even at that they were still some things that seemed odd to me.
For some reason, no matter how much I tried I wasn't able to let out my voice. It was as if my throat was clogged.
Another thing was what my family were saying. I could hear them but I couldn't understand what they were saying it was like they were speaking a hole other language.
Lastly, the strangest out of all of them were the things they were able to do, but weirdly this was the one I was able to cope with the most.
Once, I saw my mother talking to my sister on the dinner table next to my cradle. There was a cup placed at the center of the table.
My mother said something and the cup began to twist, elongating itself as tiny cubes stretched out of it part of the cup, moving upward in a spiral form before coming to a halt.
"Magic." I concluded and left it at that.
All things considered it was a pretty normal family. One that anyone who had been reincarnated would vae been happy to have. But not me.
Whenever I try to compare this life to my previous one, the only thing that would come to my head are memories of that night, then pain would return as sharp as it was on that day, even though they weren't any physical injuries, I was in pain.
I couldn't let out my voice so I couldn't even cry for help, but at least tears would come out. I hated crying, it was painful but at the same time it comforted me.
Time passed by a few months. I still couldn't tell how fast the time flew. Everyday felt long, everyday I couldn't sleep, I was afraid, afraid of what I would find in my dreams.
One day, a man started coming to my house. He had green eyes long white hair, smoothly dressed back with a peach coloured headband tied to his forehead; the headbands resembled those that ninjas would wear in the movies, with a metal plate attached to it and three diamonds, of different colours, on the plate arranged in the form of a triangle at the center.
He covered his body with a ragged brown cloak reaching reaching to his heel, his inner clothes were actually looked like fashion you would see from my world; a white button shirt, a brown and black trousers.
He was a doctor, he started coming frequently to check on me. I don't know what he told my parents or what he did during the tests but it was through him, little by little, that I started understanding what everyone was saying.
He was even the first to notice it. My parents looked happy after he told them, I was jealous; but the nightmares that struck me that night made me forget how it even looked like.
Time passed, and I turned a year old. I didn't do anything, I couldn't do anything, all I could do was ponder every day and night, endlessly, but of course the doctor kept coming, my parents rested all their faith on him ever since that day.
Turns out the doctor, was actually a home teacher for my sister. She was preparing to attend a boarding school in a far away country to become a mage. This lead to a heated argument between my parents and my sister who was backed by her educator.
They fought for 4 days before my parents agreed, but the atmosphere never calmed down. Suddenly, my sister came to my cradle one night. She knelt beside it, placing her arms on the frame, her eyes watery, she stared at me and started talking to herself.
She asked herself why they didn't understand her intentions, why she wanted to become in the first place, how life would be for me as I grow up and talked about how she couldn't stand to see a future where my parents and I were suffering.
She kept on talking and talking, but no matter how much she did I couldn't even feel the slightest amount of remorse or pity for her, but the face she made as she bent her head down and broke into years, reminded me of how I cried by myself every night.
I wanted to help her, I wanted to comfort her, I wanted to tell her that your not alone, I wanted to say it even if it was only to make myself feel better, I wanted to say these words that I knew I would never be able to say again, but I couldn't say anything.
My voice wouldn't come out. Regardless I wanted to reach out to her. Tears began to flow out of my eyes, before I knew I had grabbed the tip of her finger, my arm hurt and my body was shaking but I squeezed tighter.
She looked at me, tears running down her face, she looked shocked at first but then she removed my arm picked me and hugged me tightly pressing her face against mine, " I love you..." her voice quivering and gentle. That night my nightmares weren't as bad as they used to be.
A week after, my sister left, my parents gave her gifts and sent her off on a carriage with the doctor.
Later, I learned how to walk, talk, eat on my own, read, write and other things.
Life in this world always felt the same, dark and empty, and I liked it that way. I lived a quiet life for 4 years, in a village where nothing ever happened, I never expected or wished for anything I just kept my mind busy and waited for my life to slowly fade away.
I tried killing myself many times, but every time I'd try, I'd hear their voices in my head, not just Kuzumi and Sai-chan but everyone else, everyone that made my old life feel like hell continously ringing in my head.
Suicide wouldn't save me. So I gave up. Now...I'm waiting patiently to die.
In a tavern in the village, it was crowded with men whose cheeks were red due to the alcohol. Two men were seated on a round table at the center of the bar, drinking rum as they to wash down their meal.
One looked like a dwarf, with eyes like an insect but no hair on his face but plenty to show on his arms and legs, while the other, an average heightened man, with orange spiky hair and a muscular physique, wearing only a tank top and green shorts that reached to knee level.
"Hahaha! You old sheep, it's been far too long!" The dwarf man shouted with a croaked voice, as he downed another jug of rum.
"That's because you left the farming business and went to trading instead."
"Haha! True! True!" He belched loudy then both of them laughed.
The two men did a final cheers as they jugged down the last of their drinks. Slamming their jugs on the table then laughing aloud again.
After that they calmed down a little. " Hey, you seen the news yet? About the Kingdom?"
The dwarf man man paused, rubbing his chin as he tried to recall something. "Ish it abowt the banquet?" He said stumbling off his seat then getting back up
"Big news ain't it!"
"Haha! Of course! Afterall, the twilight princess has finally been born."